Part II of my Series “The VERY Hard Work of Lasting Change” You can read Part I here. This is me, going on a Facebook foray: The world is my oyster! Or rather, in this case, my PB & J. Mmmm....I start to sample the goods in my feed. This is also known as “scrolling,” whereupon I roll my cursor down down … [Read more...]
Through Him and With Him in the Kitchen
How's your Lent going? Personally, I am really clinging to the February issue of Magnificat magazine--an emotional "clinging" rather than physical, mind you, as I am forever misplacing my copy! It's a Messy Maggie thing. The cover, especially, touches my heart. Jesus, alone and lonely in the desert, bows His head in the presence … [Read more...]
I’ve got that joy joy joy joy down in my…where, exactly?
Here's something so funny you'll forget to laugh: I failed to take my own advice on Valentine's Day and ended up having a truly rotten day. (Read: NO quality time between husband & wife. Tears. Self pity. Lots of comparing my life to the people on Facebook.) Note to self? Stop writing notes if you're going to ignore them! Well, in any … [Read more...]
Who’s YOUR superhero?
:: A Valentine's Day Meditation (& Netflix Review) :: See those two little men in the photo above? I can tell you who their superhero is, no joking. It's me, Minnesota Mom. I'm the woman that rocks their world. Yes, seriously. (But don't tell them I told you.) * * * That said, I have to be very … [Read more...]
The VERY Hard Work of Lasting Change
Part I I met my friend Jen for coffee last night, and she looked a little concerned as we slid into our chairs. "How are you?" she asked. "I read your blog..." "Oh dear," I thought, with a small inward grin, "It really is time to write an update so that 'Depression?!' isn't at the top." The truth is, I am here and you are there and I wish we … [Read more...]
The best resolution? No more resolutions!
Instead, my friend, I'm building habits. There's so much that I could talk about--so much I'd love to talk to about!--but I need to keep today's post rather brief. We're leaving tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with John's family, because (speaking of working on strong new habits) who says that you have to celebrate on December 25th? Not … [Read more...]
A Peace that Seeps and then Surpasses: Part II
"Mommy?" My six-year-old's eyes are large and brown. He stands at my desk waiting patiently, then as I turn and say, "Yes?" he poses his question. "Which are the good ones, murderers or martyrs? I forget." "Martyrs are the good ones, honey. They go straight to heaven." "That's what I want to be, then! I want to be a martyr." * * … [Read more...]
Maggie’s Quick Picks: Our Sabbath Scripture Book by Family Formation
Lots to talk about this week! Before I get to my thoughts on some of the more horrific world events, I wanted to do a shout-out to God's thoughts in the form of this book. I've said it before. I'll say it again. My family really loves this book. We read it on the way to Mass, which means I have to speak VERY LOUDLY to reach all of the … [Read more...]
Friday the 13th
(Sorry! Didn't mean to remind you. :-) ) I don't want to talk about myself today. I would rather talk about Him. Crucifixion by Peter Paul Rubens I wouldn't be me if it weren't for Him. My life and its joys...its trials...its suffering... Raising a family. Letting go. Dying to pride. Everyday I move … [Read more...]
On Leading a Horse Stubborn Mule to Water
Alternately Titled: When Family Fun Comes Undone You might think, judging from the photo, that this post is about my Naughty Nicky, who is two-going-on-21 and whose activity of choice is pitching heavy objects and whose favorite words are "Smash!" and "Bang!" Not even kidding. He uses them frequently. And then add to the (very chaotic) … [Read more...]