Part II of my Series “The VERY Hard Work of Lasting Change”
You can read Part I here.
This is me, going on a Facebook foray:
The world is my oyster!
Or rather, in this case, my PB & J.
Mmmm….I start to sample the goods in my feed. This is also known as “scrolling,” whereupon I roll my cursor down down down, looking for the perfect—nay, intoxicating image that will feed my heart.
Inevitably things start to fall apart.
There is so much—too much—for my mind to take in. A dozen people posting recipes here; another dozen posting travel pix there.
Leonardo DiCaprio looking smug. Donald Trump’s hair and his jeering mug.
(That mug. That mug!)
(That jeering mug is everywhere.)
On a good day, I stop right there with the scrolling.
I cut to the chase and ask, “What am I doing?”
Because my thoughts are getting messy…
They’re becoming sticky, overwhelmed, and anxious….
I do what I know is best at that moment: I push away from the screen.
I look instead at my kids, who are sweet & funny & little stinkers. They FILL my world, which is God’s plan for me.
I listen, instead, to something beautiful on YouTube. Pachelbel’s Canon? Can’t go wrong there!
And I turn, instead, to my messy kitchen, and set a timer to keep my ADHD brain on track.
(Remember this post? I’m still setting a timer!)
I scroll towards truth and focus my eyes on beauty.
This fills my heart with peace and what’s more, isn’t fattening. 😉
* * *
Love to you on this Lenten Friday, friend!
I hope you know that I type these words in love, and that I’m not judging you for the time you spend on Facebook. On the contrary, I’m judging myself, and my goal—one goal—is to deal with clutter both within and without.
It’s a slow upward climb but I’m seeing progress. ♥
You know what I did? I “unfollowed” every single person who showed up in my feed but didn’t make me happy. We’re still “friends” (except for the people I actually did not know and who never commented anyway), so they can see my posts, and I can go over to their pages if I want to see what they’ve been up to, but it’s not on my daily radar that so-and-so is pro-abortion, or voting for Bernie Sanders, or posting all those anti-men memes. Also, I took FB off my iPod, so I have to be at the computer to check in.
I kept instagram, though. Instagram is a happy place. 🙂
Have a great weekend!
I have heard it said that IG’s a happier place, Jennie. I’m just not in the habit of hanging out there!
Good advice, in any case. Thanks, hon, and God’s blessings, ♥
You’d like it, I think. The friends are so much more cheerful and supportive. And you can link it to FB so your friends there don’t miss out. Two birds with one stone! You tend toward photos anyway, so IG is right up your alley. 🙂
Come time for the election I’ll write in another name than whats on the ballot. Be lieve me I’ve been doing for for this election than had to for many years. prayers.
LOVE this! Thank you!
Even with some severe problems, Jesus’s Ressurection makes my Lent joyful. For all who may read my words enjoy the blessings and love of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
I’m sorry to hear about those severe problems, Joseph! You’re in my prayers. ♥
Love my PB & J with a cup of tea topped off with a cinnamon roll.