"Sharpening the Saw" is Stephen Covey's 7th Habit. You can see ALL of his Habits of Highly Effective People HERE. So here's the hard question: How do I go from feeling low low down (as in: last night I hit a wall) to feeling like Yes! I got this?! In a word, my weekly holy hour. (Okay so math is NOT my strong … [Read more...]
Habits, Hope and Classroom Help: Part II
Or: How to Choose When You Feel Buried Prologue: I had the best of intentions for this 3-part series, as in, posting more frequently than every three weeks! Hopefully you'll forgive me after reading this post, and understand that while I really love to blog, sometimes I must choose other things. Because... "How to Choose" is a big theme … [Read more...]
On Finding and Facing the Lies in our Life
In other words: This isn't the post I was planning to write. I have all sorts of resources that I want to share, most of which I discussed in yesterday's post, but then YESTERDAY unfolded and my focus shifted. I didn't expect the day to wear me out as it did, and I certainly didn't expect to nearly hit a woman and her children with our … [Read more...]
In the Summertime, when the Weather is Fine
Has it really been over a month since I posted? You're probably thinking I'm all like: When in truth it's been more like: With a little bit of... ...thrown in for good measure. In short, these active kids are keeping me BUSY, but it's all good (truly) and even when it's not … [Read more...]