"Sharpening the Saw" is Stephen Covey's 7th Habit. You can see ALL of his Habits of Highly Effective People HERE. So here's the hard question: How do I go from feeling low low down (as in: last night I hit a wall) to feeling like Yes! I got this?! In a word, my weekly holy hour. (Okay so math is NOT my strong … [Read more...]
On Having (or not Having) an Addiction-Filled 4th
In a nutshell: The food & the booze are meant to give glory to God but can become an addiction when used as a means to an end. How's that for a happy 4th of July blog post? :-) This morning I went to confession face-to-face. "My mom died two months ago," I began. "My dad is dying and my son leaves for the Marines in two weeks. … [Read more...]