:: A Valentine’s Day Meditation (& Netflix Review) ::
See those two little men in the photo above? I can tell you who their superhero is, no joking.
It’s me, Minnesota Mom.
I’m the woman that rocks their world.
Yes, seriously.
(But don’t tell them I told you.)
* * *
That said, I have to be very careful heading into this Valentine’s Day weekend, because I have a lofty opinion of my superhero status. As in, does my husband know how cool I am? Does he appreciate my super powers and better yet, will he show me??
I have to be very careful, you know?
Lest I become the Hulk and then, Black Widow.
* * *
As far as streaming Netflix is concerned, we have been watching a ton of Ultimate Spider-Man. Can you tell? My two little men (ages 3 and 6) request nothing but Spider-Man, day in and day out, which is fine. I like his humor.
Also? I like contemplating the theme of good vs. evil.
Yesterday they were watching the episode Nightmare on Christmas (Season 3, Episode 11). Spider-Man was fighting off the fears and demons in his mind when one of them, an especially creepy and villainous type, sneered, “Fear is the strongest force and fear rules supreme!”
Certainly those words got my attention, but then George looked up and said, “That’s bad teaching, Mom!”
I smiled to myself and thought, “He gets it.”
The question is: Do I?
* * *
And so, dear friend, as we navigate this over-advertised weekend, I want to ask you to talk down your fears. You know you have them, same as me! Those thoughts that your spouse doesn’t love you properly and that you’re not as appreciated as you should be.
Because if we were appreciated, they’d buy us flowers, right? And chocolate & candles & maybe some Bath & Body Works lotion.
I’ll be honest: my husband is not, by nature, the romantic type. He’s fun and funny and a great provider, but when it comes to surprising me with sweet little gestures? Well, he doesn’t get it…
…and I’m fine with that, except when I’m not.
(Last night, for example? My jealousy got the best of me last night and we had a really crappy evening.)
(Crappy evenings are no fun, let me tell you!)
(I’m guessing that you know that already.)
So when I sat down to my morning prayer today, I knew that I needed help from God to be the kind of wife I know I should be. All at once, the flash was there–the inspiration to grab a prayer book off the shelf and open it at random to see what I’d find. Grace in action! Thank you, God.
I ran my fingers over the spines of my favorites until they landed on the leather-bound title, The Love Dare. Have you read it? Highly recommended! I opened it “randomly” to Day 8 and read the words “Love is not jealous.”
Determine to become your spouse’s biggest fan and reject any thoughts of jealousy. To help you set your heart on your spouse and focus on their achievements, take [your] list of [their] negative attributes and discreetly burn it.
Yes, burn it.
Cast out the fears, the envy and resentment, and then you’ll have the best Valentine’s Day ever. I have a foolproof method. You must trust me on this!
One, give him the gift of sex, which is all he wants, and then ask sweetly (sweetly!) for what you need, be it chocolate or cuddles or a movie or all three.
After the heaviness of last night, I’m thinking we’ll watch something light.
There’s lots to pick from at Netflix, however! Here’s a great list to get you started: 120 Movies to Watch on Netflix RIGHT NOW.
Now go forth in love, dear online friend, and have the Valentine’s Day ever!
Find your superhero; find your fun. ♥
Love, love, LOVE this post! I so agree with you on all counts. Andy and I rarely exchange gifts (read never) for Valentine’s Day. We used to but then, well, kids, life, tuition…I have become more intentional about making sure he knows he’s my hero (ahem).
I miss you on FB, but my fast is going well. BTW-I am blogging again! Nothing of import yet, but I though you should know!
Love this post too, because of 1. your humility and 2. my husband is the same way. And you are right, all men want is sex. Mine’s getting it tonite. (a little pre-valentine gift!) 😉
I don’t get jealous of other people and their hubby’s because I don’t like all that gushy stuff….I think it’s all for kids!! Valentine’s day is really for kids!! It’s just the media and stores and the world that makes this day for adults.
Love that your reading was perfect and meant for you for this day!
Love you!