Nothing is sweeter than the calm of conscience, nothing safer than purity of soul - yet no one can bestow this on himself because it is properly the gift of God's grace. -- St. Columbanus Cate made her first confession last evening! (Story to follow.)Ad Jesum per Mariam, … [Read more...]
Name that Photo
a. Momma’s Little Darlingb. Angela at Restc. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon For Momma’s pick, check the com-box! … [Read more...]
It’s time to switch to decaf…
...when your readers start sending you things like this! Thank you, Nicole, for the laugh. (I think?)Seriously, if there are any public speakers out there who are reading this, I’ve got a question for you: on the days that you speak, do you drink coffee? I will be giving my first talk ever to a group of homeschooling moms in about a month, and then … [Read more...]
Thought for the Day
“There is no task that could be presented to me, no matter how hard, that I would hesitate to undertake. For I have already experienced in many ways that if I strive at the outset with determination to do it, even in this life His Majesty pays the soul in such ways that only he who has this joy understands it.”St. Teresa of Avila *The above was … [Read more...]
Scared Straight
Subtitled: What’s up with all the eyeliner?I recently purchased one of these and—for the first time ever in my naturally curly life—I straightened my hair.It’s weird. It’s funky. I look like this.I’m not sure how or even if this information is relevant to your life, but somehow I felt compelled to share it with all the blogosphere.I’m afraid. I … [Read more...]
Feels like a Monday
…but I’m hoping that a quart or two of coffee will help. We’ve got a lot of snorty, sniffly people in this house at present and I am no exception. I’m wondering: Just how long can a single, silly cold last? Is this some sort of divine justice thing?We had a wonderful weekend despite the heaps of Kleenex. My daughter attended a 3-hour retreat for … [Read more...]
Brother, can you lend a hand?
Subtitled: And then there were none. Here is what we homeschoolers do in Minnesota when the days are short, the weather’s cold and the rigors of math are not quite cutting it. We turn our attention to a little engineering!Inspired by a visit from their former (but still just as pretty) babysitters who were home on college break, my sons thought … [Read more...]
Thought for the Day
“Among the wonders worked by Jesus Christ, can any match the compassion he showed to the lepers? Somehow the wretchedness and horror of their condition represent everything about our lives that we consider impossible. Yet, when the leper approaches Christ filled with expectation, his entire life changes.” (Magnificat magazine, January 2008)Happy … [Read more...]
I have heard through the blog vine that our Elizabeth is having a birthday! (Aren’t I presumptuous, calling her “ours” like that?) Happy Birthday to you, Mrs. Foss! You’re like, what? All of 28 now?Also on this date in history, we have a one-year blogiversary! Please stop by the wonderful Waltzing Matilda’s to wish her well. Do you not just feel … [Read more...]
I think I need a stronger prescription.
Me: I don’t know why I’m so tired today. I took my vitamins.Felicity: Did you take your coffee? … [Read more...]
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