The Catholic Vacation Bible School Edition
One of the downsides of having this new baby, (as if anything is ever really a downside), was that we couldn’t do Catholic Vacation Bible School at our parish. It was just too soon after Anthony’s birth and when I wondered out loud if we could do it…
My husband offered a flat-out “No.”
We love doing CVBS at our parish, my girls especially.
Imagine, then, my surprise and delight when my neighbor stopped by this past Sunday and asked if Cate & Felicity would like to do CVBS at their parish this week. She could pick them up and take them back home each day since she’s taking her daughter anyway…
Would that be okay? she’s wondering.
Would that be okay?
I’d guess so!
Felicity and Cate are just delighted, and can be found waiting on our steps each morning. (Well, not the first morning. The first morning found them racing through the house madly madly as the neighbor waited “patiently” in the driveway. “They’re here!” I said, in what was decidedly not my inside voice. “Get your shoes! Here, grab some breakfast!”)
Today is Day 3 and we’ve gotten into the rhythm.
It’s a rhythm of classroom time and crafts for the kiddos…of faith-filled stories and recess. Neither my girls nor myself expected this blessing, yet here it is and there they go
God is good.
Of course He is.
Ed. Note: You may have noticed the plate in my daughter Cate’s hands. It contains two slices of Oatmeal Stout Cake with Chewy Oat Topping—a thank you gift for my neighbor’s husband, who brought 4-year-old Angela home in his arms last night.
But that’s another post for another day.
Was there ever any doubt? (That God is good?)
Loved St. Patrick and the Holy Trinity. My girls still love to sing those songs and our parish did that program 2 years ago…
VBS is always one of our favorite summer activities. Hopefully next year I will be strong enough to say no, too soon after baby 🙂
God is amazingly good.
My son loves Vacation Bible School! He has kept the bible buddies from each year and still plays with them.