(Because yes, this awesome man’s my “daddy.”)
(I am 46 and he is 88 and he will always be my daddy.)
I would like to thank you, dear readers, again & again & with all my heart, for the prayers you are offering for my father. Certainly “cancer” is not the most upbeat of topics, but hey, what’s the point of my writing it all down if I can’t speak to the things that matter most?
This in addition to those Angela stories.
When I called my dad on Thursday night—the same day he received the prognosis—he was as cheerful as always. He had gone for a walk and was having a beer; he was watching the news; he was starting supper. That’s my daddy. He’s 88 and still going strong—still cooking up meals for my mom & my brother; still taking tireless care of the home I grew up in.
Though granted, he’s slowing down a bit.
Dad told me that his first appointment is not until May 30th. From the sounds of it, all four of my beautiful sisters will all be accompanying him! This gives me, the youngest chick and farthest daughter, great comfort. We will know more then about the lump that was taken from his chest; will know more then about how to proceed.
(Speaking in medical terms, that is.)
(Because spiritually, we have begun.)
Oh Margaret, I am praying for your dad. You are lucky to have so many siblings to help out since you are the one far away. I am the "close" one and I live an hour away – the others being 800 and 1500 miles away. Being supportive of your closer siblings is so very important to them. My brothers are very supportive of me and I so appreciate it.
And I know how your are feeling, my mom (84 years young) is having open heart surgery this Thursday to have her aortic valve replaced and a double by-pass. Add to that she is diabetic, has high blood pressure and compromised kidney function. This will be her 8th surgery in the past 18 years, and the most serious.
Hang in there and we'll pray for each other and each other's parents.
Praying for you both and for your parents! May God guide the doctors, surgeons, nurses and other caregivers, and may your family members be blessed with a return to good health.
Ellen, what is your mother's name, please? I will be praying for her!
It's….wait for it……wait for it…… Margaret! Margaret Novak.
My car goest to my parents on auto-pilot. My dad, at 90, is having a difficult time with all this. Add to this that one of her sisters passed away the beginning of April, then she went into the hospital and got her not so good diagnosis, and two days later, her brother passed away. And because her only other sister, who will be 94 next weekend, has dementia and she's the executor of her bachelor brother's estate. When it rains it pours. I've been wearing out my rosary as I am sure you are too.
Hang in there.
Got my rosary in hand this morning, Ellen! Praying for your dear mother. She has a beautiful name. ; )
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Will continue to pray for your sweet daddy!
Thank you, Sarah! Thank you thank you THANK you.
We're still praying! This morning, Liam was working on his Pray the Rosary Cub Scout patch. He did an entire rosary for your dad. He's working on the separate mysteries next and we will have him pray each one for your dad. (I pray them with him, so double!)
Love to you…sorry I had to fly on Saturday!
Cathie, that is beyond sweet. Please thank your little man for Mrs. Berns & her Daddy. Tell him that one of my boys' favorite memories is going to the playground with their grandpa. He would stand at the top of the jungle gym and when they ran by, he would grab them and–whoosh!–throw them down the slide. Not surprisingly, they loved this.
Ongoing prayers for your family.
Thank you, dear faraway friend of the heart. ♥
Your dad is in my prayers. You, your mom, your siblings, your children. ALL of you are in my prayers. I just love your photos of your dad. His smile. I can tell how wonderful he is by your words and his smile.
Love ya, sister in Christ!
P.S. Heard our husbands were on retreat together this weekend! 😉
P.P.S. Let's grab a coffee together soon, OK?!
Coffee! Yes! Bring your knitting, please. : )
Continued prayers for your Dad and family. My siblings (5) and I attended my father's first appointment after his Lymphoma diagnosis. When the nurse called his name to take him back to meet with the doctor we all stood up to go with him. Someone in the waiting room explained, "Wow, he must be someone important."