I know you know about Faith & Family’s website, but did you know that they have a magazine?
Of course you did.
Well then, do you subscribe to this gorgeous, Catholic publication?
Of course you do.
Okay, last question. Were you aware that my little family is featured on pages 64 & 65 of the current issue?
You weren’t?! I’m shocked and scandalized and disappointed and…
…not serious. That is we, though—and “that is we” sounds really strange, but that’s what my computer is telling me to say—in a beautiful article on miscarriage & loss written by the Catholic mom blogosphere’s very own Kate Wicker.
(I got to talk to her on the phone for the article.)
(She has a very darling accent.)
Also in the issue is Kimberlee (Hi, Kimberlee!) of Pondered in my Heart and Janet (Hi, Janet!) of House of Brungardt. It’s Faith & Family’s first issue since they switched publishers and it’s gorgeous—it really is.
But I’ve said that already.
So I’ll stop for now.
Go read it!
i just got mine yesterday and was all – look! its margaret!
my husband: who? we know someone named margaret?
me: um. this blog i read.
oh how he humors me talking about people i never met like i know them :-p
I read it! It was a beautiful testimony.
Thank you, Christine!
And Mrs. 2nd Lieutenant, I have that conversation with my husband ALL the time. 🙂
I wanted to say something sooner, but then thought you were maybe too modest and didn't want to embarass you…ha! No really, I just haven't had the time to stop over to call you out on it yet.
I received my issue last week and as I did my first run-through I found our beloved Margaret. 'Margaret's in here!' I exclaimed to my family in the van. 'Margaret? In Minnesota?' my husband replied.
(He's all up and up on all of the greatest bloggers. Well, at least the bloggers I read).
Loved seeing and reading from you in F&F! Well done.
Thanks for the F&F shout out, Margaret.
You really think I have an accent? That's funny because everyone down South teases me for sounding like Midwesterner (I'm from Illinois!). I think I'm a hybrid! 🙂
I haven't gotten my hands on the issue yet, but I always look forward to having a new F&F to read!
Thanks again for sharing your story. I know your words will minister to others.
God bless!
Thank you, Sarah, and thank you, Kate! I hope that what you say is true, Kate, because ultimately they are not my words but God's.
That sounds like false humility but I pray it's not. I do know that there is no way that I could have gotten through the pain of four miscarriages without His grace.
And yes, I do think you have an accent! It's lovely.
Oooh, I can't wait for mine to come…I hope I still have the subscription. Congrats Margaret! They couldn't have picked a better family 🙂
Hi Margaret!
Thanks for the mention on your blog! I didn't know you were going to be featured in the article, so it was exciting to see your family and my family in there together. Thanks for your loving testimony. I will always remember how comforting you were when I went through my miscarriage.
May God bless you and grant you and your girls your special intention!
It's a beautiful article, Margaret. Kate, what a lovely job you did with it.
I just read it last night! And I cried. (And I was just a little bit jealous of both you and Kate but that's another story!) And I loved the sidebar too; your graciousness radiates even there, incidentally.
(BTW I have been meaning to say hi and thanks for dropping by my blog last week for QT…)
Wow,,,you are famous ;o)
Hi Margaret, I have not heard of this website or magazine. I must be out of the loop… thanks for the tip! And congratulations on your family being featured.
Well that did it! I just ordered my subscription. Both Margaret and Kate in the same issue! I'm a longtime fan of both you guys' blogs, so this is great.
But will I get the current issue? Is there a way to buy it separately? The icing on the cake was that adorable little face on the cover and the article about special needs. I am hoping and praying my heart out to be able to adopt a little girl with Down Syndrome from Eastern Europe, through Reece's Rainbow Adoption Ministry. I wish more Catholics could find out about this amazing pro-life cause. If anyone could spare a few prayers for my intentions today, it would be greatly appreciated!
Robin, if you email me directly I can get you a copy of the magazine. My email address is mom4life[at]comcast[dot]net.
Oh yay! Thank you, Margaret, so much!
In my excited, hasty scanning of that post, I didn't register the other two bloggers featured, Kimberlee and Janet. Can't wait to check them out too!
What a wonderful article. As I think of Jordan, Tonie, and Taylor (My babes in Heaven), I just so relate to your testimony! God bless!