Instead, my friend, I’m building habits.
There’s so much that I could talk about–so much I’d love to talk to about!–but I need to keep today’s post rather brief. We’re leaving tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with John’s family, because (speaking of working on strong new habits) who says that you have to celebrate on December 25th?
Not our extended family, thankfully.
They know that we love them just as much one week later.
So I’m busy today with packing and prep, but I wanted to share with you my biggest game-changer of 2015 and what I’ve set as my “push goal” for 2016. I changed a lot in 2015, and I say this not to brag or boast, (because my house is still a mess and my to-do list, still crammed), but I’ve changed in the way that I see the world.
I owe a ton to Gretchen Rubin’s Better than Before, and then I owe the rest to Essentialism.
Again, I don’t have time to unpack their messages, but I have already written about Gretchen Rubin here and here. As far as Greg McKeown’s Essentialism goes, he’s one of the reasons why I’m blogging a bit less. I’m discerning where and how and when I should write, and I’m trying to establish the good habits that I ignored before.
The old habits were plenty bad, my friend.
I’m not kidding when I say my eyes have been opened.
And so, as you make your plans to usher in the New Year, I just want you to be as realistic as possible. Michael Hyatt’s a good one to help folks discern, as well as Our Good God when we rest with Him in prayer.
(Hint: My push goal for 2016 is the Mass.)
(And okay, that’s not that small a hint.)
Happiest of New Year’s, everyone! I hope to make the time to spend time here with you, because I love love LOVE this space…to the detriment of my kitchen floor and counters. ; )
Baby steps to a clean, uncluttered home…
Baby steps, baby steps, to a better me.
Thank you Margaret, I hear you loud, clear and especially the word Mass. from which all resolutions should be made.. Please do a post now and then so I can comment as I can’t do instagram, twitter. etc.
We are celebrating Christmas tomorrow here with Tom’s family! 🙂
(trying not to stress out)
Tom always has said that New Year’s resolutions are bad because we should make changes when we think of them, not on a certain date and then be disappointed when we don’t make all our goals….
I’m pushing for more for the new year….More Mass, more prayers, more reading the bible, more more more!
I have always been a big proponent of New Years Resolutions or really good resolutions in general. I read Rubin’s book after you had recommended it and really liked it. I do need to re-read it however as somehow my new habits have not “stuck”. Wish I could get to Mass more this year. I need to figure out how to make that happen. Happy New Year Margaret!
Happy New Year, Maggie! Thank you for your beautiful posts. I’ve learned much from your humility and your ability to find humor even when you feel down.
Please know you have a “friend” along the MS Gulf Coast!
Love, Rachel