“Sharpening the Saw” is Stephen Covey’s 7th Habit. You can see ALL of his Habits of Highly Effective People HERE.
So here’s the hard question: How do I go from feeling low low down (as in: last night I hit a wall) to feeling like Yes! I got this?!
In a word, my weekly holy hour.
(Okay so math is NOT my strong suit.)
Take a moment, please, to look–REALLY look–at the illustration above. Isn’t it lovely? My 8th grade daughter drew that! (And for reasons completely unbeknownst to this mama, she told me she does not like it.) I was moved when I saw this picture for the first time yesterday, moved for a myriad of reasons like:
- I feel like that woman in the tower, waiting for my ship to come in.
- Except…are those ships going out to sea? In which case, have I missed my chance?!
- My daughter drew that!
- I need to be doing more art lessons with my boys.
- I need to be making more art myself.
- Slowing down feels really good. I need to make some time for that.
- My daughter drew that!
Me thinks the mama pride runs strong in us all.
* * *
So about my feeling low low down last night? As in, eating off-plan pieces of frozen pizza (I did cook it first, at the very least) and wasting most of the night on idle activities?
Well, I might blame the stress of our family calendar, as shown in this picture I posted on Social Media:
…or I might just blame my giving into self-doubt and letting those bad habits take the wheel.
I looked like this:
…minus the super cute little smile.
In a word, I was MISERABLE.
* * *
My holy hour turned me around, thank goodness, and as a result, I highly recommend you find time to make one. Especially if you “don’t have the time for prayer”, because ha! See my calendar? Do you think *I* do?! ; )
But mostly because God gives me back my peace in a way I can’t possibly explain away. It’s Him, not me. It’s His divine light.
* * *
Also though, I’ve made some resolutions, and they include not eating frozen food that comes in a box. I’m not ready to talk about the plan that I’m following, mostly because I’ve been so SO inconsistent, but I will say that I’m leaning toward Trim Healthy Mama and/or Keto.
I know that high blood sugar makes me poofy and poofy is not a productive state.
I know the WOE (Way of Eating) that gives me life…
I just I just I just need to do it.
Finally, friend, let’s talk alcohol. I’m gonna just throw this out there in case (you?) need help, but some of us dance around those glasses of wine and they don’t really do our mind/heart/and/soul any favors. Again, I hesitate to bring this up again (because I’ve talked about it before and obviously I’m very inconsistent when it comes to staying the course), but I WILL say this: I would like to be a person who did not drink period because that would vastly lighten my decision-making load. Gretchen Rubin talks about the freedom that comes from being a total abstainer and I think my personality lends itself quite well to abstinence. I have noticed that even after a glass and a half of wine, I wake up with a racing heart. I wake up feeling…I don’t know. Like I would have rather had water and gone for a walk.
Plus I have friends who have family members that have hit rock bottom.
My heart breaks to see these chains that bind.
* * *
Which brings me back to that ol’ rusty saw! What can we do to best fuel our mood and feed our spirit? Take some time today to think about it and then, make a plan!
For me, I’m going back to my daughters’ school to see the student art show:
…I’m browsing about at Deep Space Sparkle for some fun art lessons to do with my boys;
…I’m scheduling some school days at local libraries so that we can get out and have a change of scenery (much needed!)
…and I’m planning a weekly menu that excludes frozen food.
(Not that my children will thank me!)
What can you do today to sharpen your saw? Do you dare ask some hard questions?
Thank you for your recent blog posts. They have been helpful.
For me, “sharpening the saw” is all about watching my phone consumption. I’ve let go of certain social media apps. My time and my mind are both freer.
I really enjoy reading your thoughts on life and all that it entails. Your daughters art was beautiful❤️As far as alcohol consumption goes, well,’I’m an abstainer! I never had a problem with over drinking. In my 20’s I drank occasionally but decided after a rough patch of dealing with anxiety/depression I would need to stay away from the temptation to become dependent on it. Alcoholism runs rampant on both sides of my family! My dad is a recovered alcoholic and although a lot of healing has happened within the family, I know firsthand the disfunction it causes. I needed to do all I could do to prevent that from entering into my little family. I thank God that he gave me the grace to stop the cycle of alcoholism. I know my experience isn’t the norm, and know there are people who drink and know how to practice temperance, but I didn’t want to take the chance! God bless you and your family❤️