In a nutshell: The food & the booze are meant to give glory to God but can become an addiction when used as a means to an end. How’s that for a happy 4th of July blog post? 🙂
This morning I went to confession face-to-face. “My mom died two months ago,” I began. “My dad is dying and my son leaves for the Marines in two weeks. Basically I’m a mess!” I laughed.
And with that hope-filled intro, I commenced my confession.
It was a very good confession, by the way! More on this in the weeks to come…

My kitchen table while hangin’ with dear friends last week! Do your get-togethers look similar? : )
…after I’ve spent some time doing what the priest recommended.
As in all things in life, I’ve been striving for balance…
Once upon a time, when I was blogging consistently, I prided myself on being honest. I need to be careful in what I reveal, of course, especially given my disordered need for attention and/or when it concerns sharing stories about my family.
As in all things in life, I’ve been striving for balance…and what better time to discuss my disordered affections than when we’re heading into a big holiday weekend?
I absolutely love the 4th!

Jello Jigglers make me happy! Clearly.
I love having an excuse to celebrate. I love decorating my house in red, white and blue and making Jello Jigglers that look like cheese.
As an extroverted sanguine sensualist, however—Yo, try saying that one five times fast!—I need to be extremely careful about overindulging. I eat too much; I drink too much; I wake up feeling fat and regretful.
On Letting Go & Letting Him
In short, the food and the booze are meant to give glory to God but are addictive when used as a means to an end. My priests have been telling me this for years but somehow, my triggers still seem to involve food and booze.
Or rather, my triggers result in too much food and booze.
What are some of my very worst triggers? Well, look at the opening of my confession this morning. I do not cope well with emotional stress but I am learning…slowly…to turn to God rather than created things (i.e. addiction).
God is my Higher Power, you see. 🙂
And so, I hope to unpack some of these addiction dangers with you, insofar as you feel you need to share them. I’m also thinking about changing this blog’s tagline, from “Lots of coffee, Lots of kids” to “A Little Prozac and a Lot of Kids” to better reflect my…um…unique perspective.
I’m thinking about changing this blog’s tagline, from “Lots of coffee, Lots of kids” to “A Little Prozac & a Lot of Kids” to better reflect my…um…unique perspective.
What do you think?
Because the blog gurus keep telling my to “find my niche”, and heck if I don’t want to be…
Happy Holiday Weekend, friends! Have fun, stay safe, and know you’re loved. ♥
I like it!
My addiction was coffee for 65 years. Finally switched to tea with a touch of lemon juice. Amen.
I haven’t had a drink in over three years. Not really a choice — because it interacts with the blood thinners I have to be on and I get dangerously thin (blood). I miss is sometimes, but mostly I’m ok not drinking. Life is no less fun without it.