Eating cookies, eating cookies, we go KOOKY eating cookies!
It’s simple, really. For the past month, give or take a day here and there, I have focused on success in the following areas:
1. Overeating;
2. Overspending;
3. Under-exercising;
4. Under-cleaning; and
5. Dealing with a mental health issue that’s not my own.

This picture is a metaphor for me and my life. The kid is me; the hen is my life.
And THAT’S why I haven’t been blogging at all, because I’m pretty sure you’ve got problems too and for heaven’s sake, what’s up with Target?
And Prince died, which was weird and unexpected.
Bottom line? There is no bottom life. There is life and there is death and we don’t really know what this day holds, which sounds depressing (and sometimes is) but I’ve found that by reaching out (which is HARD and humbling) we open up our hearts to the gifts of the Spirit.
Speaking of which? My Cate got confirmed!

Where is Waldo? Where is Cate?

There’s no Waldo but here is Cate.
It was an absolutely beautiful liturgy and God is good, all the time.

Missed the focus on Cate but I don’t care! Aren’t they lovely? This is she and my bestie Sarah, who came all the way from Anchorage to be her sponsor.

About to be Sealed with Gifts of the Holy Spirit (An illicit photo, thus the disapproving look)

Portrait of a 3-year-old after a Very Long Ceremony

How do you like my “family photo”? I know, right? We were rushing to lunch.


Cake AND Kiddos! What more does one need?
So gosh, in hindsight I have been doing well because if nothing else, there’s been GRACE. On the hardest of days, there is always grace, in the form of a friend who stops by unannounced (I was a mess, she didn’t care) or a colleague who leans into my face with a look of concern and says “This spirit of fear is not from God.”
There have been little people that run me ragged, but it’s worth it–SO worth it!–because their innocence sustains me.
“If Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned,” he wondered, “Would balloons still pop?”
It’s good, it’s all good, even when it’s hard.
And sometimes it can be very hard.
How do I know this? Well, I’ve read the last page, and I know that despite the overeating and under-exercising…the depression (mine and others’) and dying (we all will, eventually…) I have a God who is good and Who wipes EVERY tear.
Does that make sense? I hope it does, because it’s taken me one long month to say it.
I am studying Revelation this year and I vote no. No, balloons would not pop, and they will not pop in heaven.
I’ve been thinking about you, Margaret, so this check in post was good to see pop up on Facebook. Grace. Yes, grace. These seasons and days are something crazy and that water tries to drown me some days. Hidden within those less than wonderful moments and all the times I am failing at any successes, however small, are glimpses of really amazing things and grade-filled moments. I usually blame end-of-school-year ‘I wanna rip my hair out’ drama this time of year. In another month, I’ll see things differently and there will be sunshine and rainbows. 😉 Sending a hug across the miles and the hope that our paths cross again very soon.
Love it, and the Photo of the dog is a winner!
If Adam had not sinned would we be greedy with grace? No. Want. more. need. more. grace. Praying for you and yours, too.
Margaret, You are so real. I can always find something about your life with which I can identify. God is so good, even if we sometimes are struggling with life.
Good to hear from you!!
Love you, praying for you! Thanks for always keeping it real and brightening my days with your humble, hard-earned wisdom. xoxo