Vol. XXII: The Husband, Wife & Kids Edition
My husband had an authentic Mediterranean meal the other day.
Mediterranean is very hard to spell the first time around.
Try it sometime.
You’ll see.
He left on Monday (right after we took the four-wheeler photos) and flew all night. He left after dark on Monday and got into Israel after dark on Tuesday (they are eight hours ahead of us) which means that he basically lost all of Tuesday.
He said this was very weird.
His first day there was spent in Haifa.
(I think.)
In any case, at one point he called home (which is so cool if you think about it, because you’re like, talking to a person across the world!) and he said that he was one town over from the city of Carmel.
“Carmel?!” I shrieked. “As in, ‘Mount Carmel?’ As in, from the Bible?!!”
“Maggie,” he replied, with infinite and infuriating patience, “this is Israel. Everything is from the Bible.”
He sent back this photo of a church.
I could be wrong, but I think this is probably a very important church.
Do you know?
(Yes, I am lazy. Yes, I could pause in the typing of these Quick Takes and do a Google Search. However, my time is limited! George is sleeping and as such, is a ticking time bomb.)
(A cute little time bomb but still, a time bomb.)
So this “Husband, Wife & Kids Edition” Quick Takes is turning out to be very heavy on the husband side. Clearly I miss him and can’t wait until he gets home tonight.
Here’s your proof, in the form a Tweet that I posted yesterday.
I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, too. What can I say? I love my husband.
Speaking of the joy of sex…
One of the things that I love about my husband is that the fruits of our union—aka the rugrats—are endlessly entertaining and make me laugh (almost) hourly.
(Right now, however, they are fighting over the breakfast cereal. This is not so entertaining.)
Most days, though, I wish I had a court reporter on hand to transcribe the quirky descriptions and dialogues. I catch some of them—I’m a writer, after all—but they’re best when they’re fresh from the mouths of these babes.
Angela is six. Her view on the world is nothing if not quirky.
“Mommy, guess what?” she said to me this morning. “I woke up early and I saw the…what is that thing called again…I saw the dawn! And I said to myself, ‘Is this the dawn? It can’t be.’ But then it got light and light and light and I said, ‘Oh my goodness, it is the dawn.’”
End of quote.
End of Quick Takes.
Have a very fabulous day.
Here is the link to all of today’s Quick Takes.
Take Seven really needed to start with "Speaking of the joy of sex….."
That'll be $.50 for my freelance humor editing services.
I love your Quick Takes and must admit that I snapped a picture of the embarrassment definition to share with the husband.
There! I added it, Erin, and that makes you my new copy editor.
Your $.50 check is in the mail.
Margaret, you are too funny. And Erin is right, that was the perfect beginning for take #7. Can I hire you for my humor copy editor too? I'm not so good at funny.
uff da!
Thanks for the belly laugh this morning! Aloha!!!!
Oh, that quote from Angela is the best ever!
Count me as another read who will be sharing your tweet with her husband. 🙂
Homecomings are lovely!!
Have a very fabulous weekend, my dear Maggie!!
{{hugs}} and prayers to you.
You are hilarious! Certainly had me laughing – out loud even.
OK, I think the church is Stella Maris near Haifa. Here is what one website said: * Stella Maris, a French Carmelite church, monastery and hospice. This is the founding place of the Carmelite Order, a religious order of the Roman Catholic Church. Located atop Mount Carmel, there is a hiking trail connecting it to the Cave of Elijah below.
Since you said that Haifa was near Carmel, and the statue in the church was of Our Lady of Carmel, I used that as a starting place. Of course, the best thing to do would just be to ask your husband when he gets home, because he knows and I am only guessing.
Hélène, that’s it! Do you have a degree in investigative reporting?
Oh so funny…..
Haha…ok, I'm a new reader of your blog…so I'm very nosey…what dose your husband do??? (If it's not top-secret.)
Ok. I read your blog all the time, it's in my Google reader. I almost never comment because your fan following is overwhelming and I'm sure you don't need a lame comment from me.
But anyway, you always make me laugh but this post made me laugh so hard that I don't know how I didn't awaken all my sleeping children!
#6 is classic! At least your daughter can feel secure in her parents' marriage…right? lol
Oh, that I should remember each day to delight in the dawn (and, the joy of, well, you know).
thanks Maragaret. Have a great weekend!
I happen to think that Angela is one who will keep her quirkiness into adulthood … and that's a very good thing becuase the world wouldn't be the same otherwise!