Did you notice that I changed my settings back to full view?
It was fun while it lasted, having it on “partial view.” I saw my stats triple and that was titillating! Still, in the end I just felt…greedy, and so I am switching it back to the way it was.
You’re welcome.
As a Google Reader without a lot of time in my day, bless you! 🙂
To which I say, heartily, THANK YOU!
Yes, thank you, Margaret!
I am one of those "tech challanged" ladies, so I will just say "huh, eh"? 🙂
I have you linked in my favourites…….
Theresa in Alberta
I am so very thankful you switched back!!!
I have to admit it bugs me when people do that and oh, so many times, I just skip their blogs because of that!
We're all busy moms here right?
Thank you, thank you!!!
Yes, thank you. I hate partial view.
And yes, that is a mighty hint dropped to anyone who keeps their blog on partial view.
Thank you so much! You were the third blogger this week who did that and I was getting both annoyed and disappointed. When bloggers do that, I only click through if the little snippet looks really interesting. However, if I don't have to then I read the whole thing and often the post is really good despite the first couple lines. Because of that, I think I comment more on blogs that I can read in Reader, since I read all the posts easily.
Thanks, Margaret, you're the best!!
Yes, thank you Margaret. I'm with Jamie. I frequently skip over partial feeds.
This has showed that you actually want more readers than numbers or comments, way to go Mags!!!!!
See how much more humble you've become?
I'd NEVER do it to YOU, of course, but I unsubscribe to blogs that don't show their whole feed through the readers. They obviously don't care about their readers too much. 🙂
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Oh thank you, Margaret! It's sad to say, but I usually don't click through my reader for a partial view unless it is one of my favorite blogs. Time is of the essence sometimes 🙂
Yes, thank you! It truly does save time to read in Reader. I'll still comment … promise.
I'm commenting twice today just to show you how much I appreciate a full post in my Google Reader. Hugs and happy weekend friend! 🙂
I'm so daft I've not a clue what you are talking about . . . so, if everyone else is thrilled about this so am I . . . I guess?