We’ve been putting out some fires lately, in ways many and diverse.
Take our most recent family meal as an example.
Dinner was fairly late last night—around 8:00 p.m., I guess. (We strive to be like the Europeans in this house.) I was as busy as a mother always is this time of day—passing the fussy baby from sibling to sibling and trying desperately to cook & clean & quell the masses…all at the same time.
My beloved husband got home at 7:30, and heck if that man didn’t step up to the plate with graciousness and zeal. He started bouncing that baby like nobody’s business and it wasn’t long before Anthony was asleep in his arms.
(And then awake…and then asleep…)
I finished the bolognaise sauce and put a pot of water on to boil for the noodles. Then I joined my husband on the couch. The rest of the kids sat rapt in front of this classic production and it was a very sweet, very peaceful moment…
…until I saw the smoke billowing above the stove.
And I do mean billowing.
I had turned on the wrong burner for the pot of water. The pot was on the large back burner but I had turned on the front burner—as is my habit when I (ahem) make coffee—which wouldn’t have been a problem (probably) if I hadn’t left a potholder lying on that burner.
A nasty habit, that. I often use the unheated portion of the stovetop as a workstation. Do you do this? Don’t.
Thus we enjoyed our meal of pasta to the lingering smells of burnt fabric. No one ribbed the Momma too much about this mishap, thankfully, not even my husband who has been so patient with me.*
This is good. I have a lot on my plate these days…
…and apparently a lot on my stove.
All for the greater glory of God,
*He did, however, suggest that if ever he die ahead of me, I should keep our homeowner’s insurance up-to-date. This was tongue-in-cheek, I’m sure.
Oh, my dear Margaret… I understand Mommy-brain all too well. And usually have to triple-check my burners when I turn them on. Glad to know I'm in GREAT-humored company!
My dh is always getting on me for using the cooktop as extra counter space. Especially since I did the same thing you did with a crockpot. We had to leave the house due to the toxicish smell of the melting plastic. Then, I spent a couple weeks chipping it off the glass stove top and there are forever dings where that burner is. Do I still use the space. Yes. Do I still put my crockpot there? Yes.
Thanks for this one, Margaret. I've done this too many times to admit, and I'm so glad to know I'm not alone.
Oh No!!
I SO do that – the workstation bit. And even moreso now that we have a smooth-top stove. Yikes!
Glad to hear there was some mild mannered humor surrounding your, um, blunder. 🙂
I did the same thing years ago and have kept the cooktop for cooking only since!! Glad to hear it was only the potholder. At first, I thought it might have been the sauce left too long on the burner … I've done that too many times, as well.
I have very little counter space, so this is a bad habit of mine, too. I check and double check what is where when I turn the knobs, but I still correct myself regularly! It might make you feel a bit better to hear that *my* darling husband recently toasted a box of tea bags! We have an electric range, at least, so no actual flames… He set the box down and turned on that 'eye' instead of the one under the kettle.
I'm notorious for that!
When my first born was first born and we went to bottles (was having issues with my milk) I boiled the caps and bottle nipples. I forgot about them once . . . the second time I had to air the house out and replace a pan (the bottom disc on the revere ware pan fell off when my husband lifted the pan from the burner later). Ahem. I'd take a burnt pot holder (and the smell) any old day.
Thanks for sharing stories like these. Made my day! Especially DH's comment.
I do use our stove in that way so NOW I will always think of you and keep it clear! Thanks for the safety tip!
All part of the joys of having a newborn…
The memory of my own close encounter with fire is still vivid. I took my 3 children + small baby out to the museum, patting myself on the back that I'd managed it. Came home to find the house filled with smoke… I'd left dummies boiling on the stove all the while I was out…
We all love these wonderful stories, because we can see it happening to us!! Thanks for always keeping it real and funny at the same time!! Hey! At least supper wasn't ruined!! So glad to hear someone else eats as late as us, if we eat before 7, it's early. I'm terrible at starting supper early and getting it done by 6…6 would be more normal, wouldn't it? Oh, well….
Thanks for the b-day wishes, yes, I'm so glad you are older and always will be! 🙂