The sun is shining and the meteorologist has promised us temps that are almost balmy. We Minnesotans get very excited about 30-degree weather in February. It’s pretty sad, really.
Consequently we will be spending a large portion of our day outside, soaking up some vitamin D and breathing in great big gulps of fresh (not frozen) air.
We will also be attending a Saturday Musicale (i.e. piano recital) as a family. On the program will be:
- Joe: March in F and March in G by We don’t know/My son can’t find his book/Good thing it’s memorized.
- Jem: Country Ride by Louis Köhler
- Cate: Sweetly Swings the Donkey (traditional; composer unknown but I’m sure s/he’ll be very proud of Cate’s rendition.)
Other than that, my day is a wide-open slate. I would like to bake something but given that we are out of flour, sugar & eggs…
(I’m not kidding. This is also a very sad reality which nonetheless worked to my kids’ advantage, as they were served leftover cake and ice cream for breakfast.)
…I’m thinking a trip to the grocer’s is in order. I really dislike visiting the grocery store on Saturday, but perhaps with a slight tweaking of my attitude I can view it as a study in human nature. (And as a chance to grow in patience…and love…and pure endurance.)
So tell me, friend and friendly visitor. What’s on your planner page for today?
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
I can relate to you as a fellow MN. I am even further up north! I will be doing something even more insane. JCPenny Easter pics at 1:30pm. Will 4 kids say Cheese!
Finally take all of the attic stuff we cleaned out two weekends ago to be donated and get ready to do some home improvement projects like new flooring in the master bedroom and main living area! Whoo hoo!!!!
Strange how 30 feels so “warm” isn’t it? Even here (and our temps have no been nearly as low as yours!) it feels that way today!
The plan for the day:
– Mother’s Bible study (done – just got back)
– Saturday cleaning (I’m on dusting duty)
– Sewing (the girls need skirts)
– Cooking up something delicious for dinner(better figure that one out now and thaw something).
Have a great day love!
Our plan today? Head to St. Cloud around 10:30. R has her 8th Kyu (yellow belt) rank exam today. Drive home in sunshine!
Well, since it did snow here finally on Staten Island, I am going out in the SLOP first to the Christmas Tree Shop to look for something for my daughter, then I’m taking hubby our for a birthday lunch. Then I’m taking my girls to IKEA to look for furniture, then going out at 6:30 to a 60th birthday party for my husband’s cousin. Gee I’m tired already.
My 9 year old son wants to know if you are having cake and ice cream for breakfast tomorrow… and are you willing to feed him! It might be a little cold for him as he is Atlanta born and raised.
HI Margaret!
Yes, we had a First Communion orientation meeting this morning and this heat wave is wonderful!! We did not even wear hats or mittens!
We are off to the library this afternoon for state testing. We do the Peabody testing.
Then hopefully to Confession.
Enjoy the warm temps!
The stores can be crazy, but isn’t it fun when it is warm like this, to get out of the car and not freeze? People are happier too.
I’ll try blowing our warm weather to you (although I’d rather keep it), you all really deserve it.
-ballet for my dd2
-commissary (military grocery store) where the biggest battle is with the slow retirees (great way to learn patience)
-autism support group meeting (aka mother’s day out 😉 )
-dinosaur movie at an IMAX like theater
Have a great weekend, Margaret.
Hmm. Make grocery list, send husband and younger kids to store, make older kid catch up on the schoolwork he dawdled over early in the week instead of going to store with dad. Fill up leftover space in trash can with junk from the attic. Make beef stock for Monday’s soup.
Clean out schoolroom cabinets (*snort*).
Oh my goodness – reading everyone’s plans has me tired already! 🙂 kc – I envy you that autism support group meeting – I’ve never been able to attend one in my area…
Today I need to clean bathrooms and the fridge – ick
and my hubby will be spending the day in our downstairs office working
Then we get to go to the Vigil Mass this evening before we drive out to my mother’s house for a late family dinner… 🙂
Margaret – I can completely relate to the lack of options for breakfast! 🙂 We are in desperate need of a grocery store outing here as well – but it will have to wait until payday — at least my boys don’t get tired of “beans and cheese and chips” (though the chips are only crumbs at this point)… 🙂
So far, at almost 3 pm, I am still in my pj’s along with my 9-year old, who is home with the flu. We have been reviewing her states and capitals and her Laura Ingalls Wilder essay. Daddy has the 5-year old out at her ice skating lesson. Am feeling like I should be a little more ambitious after reading everyone else’s plans! But don’t think I will be 🙂
Carol in Atlanta
Attend half day retreat with Archbishop Flynn
Take girls for haircuts
Set up for PreK parent party we are cohosting
Attend said party once done commenting on blog
Be grateful for husband who ran kids through cleaning chores and did the laundry (he even power vacuumed!)
I spent the day marathon shopping for all the birthdays coming in March. I did pretty good, too!
Hi Margaret,
We had lovely weather today 70’s I think. Gotta love Fl.
My hubby and I love to visit snow though. My kids age 5 though 7 months have never seen snow…
Sadly we did not get to enjoy the nice weather outside, due to colds.
By the way I just love your Blog. I will be a newbie to Catholic Homeschooling starting in the fall. You are a great example for me. Thanks!
If you can believe it, it was finally putting away the boxes of Christmas decorations, books, music and – yes – the artificial tree.
You mean Vitamin D, right?!
No, Anonymous, I actually meant Vitamin E when I said it.
I was just wrong!
Corrections have been made. 🙂
I don’t remember now what I did Saturday…
…oh yeah!! Let’s see…fiancé and I finished up his immigration packet, we went to marriage prep counseling session, then went out to nice dinner, then drove downtown to the 24-hour post office and MAILED THAT SUCKER! It should be in the government’s hot little bureaucratic hands today, or tomorrow at the latest!
…which means that they’ll be able to go through it in, oh, August or September… 🙂