*The title of this post has been shamelessly borrowed from Marjorie, herself a Thinking Blogger and a far more clever title writer than yours truly.
So. Maria and Dawn have very generously nominated me for a Thinking Blogger award. I would consider myself to be more a candidate for the Highly Distracted Blogger award, but I thank them both for their kindness.
Maria nominated me because of my post about depression, which makes me happy, which is ironic. I put a link to it on my sidebar: see? And am I the only one who has slapped the little Thinking Blogger icon onto my sidebar? Have I no shame?
Well, I worked hard on that post and so I will link to it for the time being.
I am now required to list the rules for the award and get to nominate five other “thinking” bloggers, which will be easy. However, because I am not only “thinking” but also, in certain cases, rule-breaking, I am not nominating five but ten. What are they going to do? Fire me?
I am so obnoxious. Anyway, according to Ilker, (the creator of the Thinking Blogger award), it’s fine for me to nominate ten other bloggers because I myself was nominated twice.
So there.
Here are the rules for the award:
1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. Done!
2. Link to The Thinking Blog so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme. Done!
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote. Done!
And here are my nominees:
Jennie C. at Far beyond Pearls Truth be told, I don’t always agree with Jennie C., but she is bold and opinionated and for that I admire her. Here is but one example of her brave bloggery.
Jennifer F. of Et tu, Jen always makes me think. Her Evidence of the Soul post is as good a place as any to start, though you can’t go wrong with anything that she’s written. What a writer! What a soul!
Diane at Journey of a Mother’s Heart Diane is cheeky and leaves some of the best comments ever. She is also kind, sincere, and very smart, and will be forever loved throughout the blogosphere for her awesome posts on adoption.
Jane at Blackberry Brambles Sweet Jane, she really got me thinking with this post.
Waltzing Matilda Matilda won my admiration and affection with her beautiful photographs; she captured my heart with her spirit, as found in this post.
Nutmeg at Life in a Nutshell Nutmeg is as full of spice as her nickname. She is also the daughter of an English teacher and therefore, near & dear to my snobbish grammarian’s heart. Her latest post on television viewing is a good example of how she can get a good discussion going.
Laura at …and if not… Laura is one of the smartest and most spiritual young writers that I know. Indeed, I go to her for advice! Need some tweaking done on your template? Go to Laura. Need prayers? Go to Laura. Need to know the difference between a male squirrel and a female? Again, Laura’s your girl.
Jen G. M. Where would I be without Jennifer Gregory Miller? Did you know she writes for Catholic Culture.org? Of course you did. Her blog is Family in Feast and Feria and I always come away from it feeling “smarter.”
Michelle at Rosetta Stone Michelle is one of those cyber-friends I’m aching to meet. She is smart and funny and will give you her frank opinion if you ask it. These are good qualities in a blogger and a friend.
Karen Edmisten Karen is one of the first bloggers with whose writing I fell head-over-heels in love. I remain smitten to this day.
So there’s my list. Given that some of you gals have already been nominated, you can now go out and nominate another five if you want to!
And certainly there’s no shortage of smart moms out there to choose from.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Be holy; be happy; be kind.
Oh, Margaret! Thanks for the mention…
And for taking all my own nominations! 🙂
And my debut post?
How ’bout some potty talk?
Love ya!
If we all agreed on everything, or liked the same things, our thought the same way, well, how boring would that be? Thank you for thinking of me.
Thank you for your kind words, but the last thing I ever expected to be called was a Thinking Blog. You are so sweet!
You are so sweet! I’m reciprocally smitten, and you KNOW you were part of my disclaimer, right?
It’s me, jumping into the conversation to say: Jennie C., I so agree with you!:) My husband swears by the necessity of having good friends with whom one can respectfully disagree, and in fact–on our first date–said to me, “Pick a subject and let’s debate it!”
You are so sweet. Thanks.
Oh my goodness, Margaret. Thank you! I believe that post is one of only two or three I’ve written that required any thinking! But I am honored. Now to think about what other thinking moms have made me think…What fun!
too bad MN Mom has already been nominated…
Thanks so much for the kind words! And I’m excited to have discovered your site. I’ll definitely be back!