1. ONE BOOK THAT CHANGED YOUR LIFE:A little spiritual tome called In Love with the Divine Outcast. I spent a lot of time with it the summer before my conversion.2. ONE BOOK THAT YOU'VE READ MORE THAN ONCE:The Forge by St. Josemaria Escriva3. ONE BOOK YOU'D WANT ON A DESERT ISLAND:As in, you could only have one book? Well, certainly then I would … [Read more...]
Family Fun Night: A Recipe
Really Good Caramel Corn1 C. brown sugar1/2 C. butter (1 stick)1/4 C. corn syrup1/2 tsp. salt1/2 tsp. vanilla1/2 tsp. baking soda3 quarts popcorn, poppedMicrowave the first five ingredients on high for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the soda. Put your popcorn in a brown paper bag and pour the caramel over everything. Microwave the popcorn … [Read more...]
A Question
Which came first: the blog or the life worth blogging? … [Read more...]
Spiritual Exercises
January 25-27, 2008Friday 4:00 p.m. Arrival4:30 Holy Mass5:30 Dinner6:45 Holy Rosary7:15 Conference/ Meditation8:30 Conference/ MeditationSaturday 6:50 a.m. Rise.7:30 Morning Prayer; Conference/Meditation8:30 Breakfast9:30 Conference/Meditation11:30 Holy Mass12:30 Lunch/Visit to the Blessed Sacrament/Free time2:30 Holy Rosary (Our Lady of … [Read more...]
Best of…
Why Do I Write? Because I like to.Any more questions? : )Writing also helps me through the odd bit of melancholia that comes my way every so often.It can also make it worse, as any would-be author knows.But mostly I just really like to write.Here are some of my more "defining" posts--the ones close to my heart, anyway!A Garden Fit for a … [Read more...]
Anecdotal Angela Blogging Carnivals Cate Cultural Commentary Current Affairs Cute Kid Stories Depression Easter Family Fun Felicity Field Days Food and Drink Gratitude Growing Up Health and Fitness Hearth and Home Homeschooling Humor In the Garden Lent Liturgical Year Loveliness … [Read more...]
I have a cooking blog. Do you?(That was not a rhetorical question. I’m really wondering if you have a cooking blog! If you do, leave a comment and I’ll link to you below.)Anyway, yes, I have a cooking blog and it’s called Come for Coffee. You are welcome to stop by anytime, though I would prefer it if you really came for coffee. Real coffee beats … [Read more...]