Back when I was 98 months pregnant with Francis—at least, that’s how my 46-year-old body felt—there were only a couple things I could effectively do. One was to lay there and two, to lay there.
Seriously. I was just that big.
A good night’s sleep was laughable and so my husband and I came up with Plan B. Every night, after the kids were in bed, we’d watch another episode (or two) of Foyle’s War on my iPad. We watched via the “streaming” option on Netflix; we watched with the iPad propped up on my gut.
And so, as I lay there, bloated and waiting, I was vastly entertained. This was a good thing! The icing on the cake pregnant belly! One month later, I watched with my baby in my arms…and when the Foyle’s War theme song began to play, he turned his head to the hauntingly beautiful music.
Two weeks old, and I had him hooked on Netflix!
That was a joke, but we are huge fans. Why? I’ll tell you, ’cause Netflix asked me to!*
As a Catholic homeschooling family, we’re pretty selective about what we watch. We don’t do network television at all, (because of the advertising, mostly), but we love a good series when we find one. That makes Netflix a great fit for us. The kids will happily blaze their way through Star Wars: the Clone Wars, while my husband and I {ahem} binge-watch Breaking Bad.
(You either love that show or you…don’t, but I fell hard for this modern morality tale.)
We use both the streaming and in-the-mail DVD options, but honestly, we use the streaming option far more. This is probably because I tend to lose the Netflix mailer (what? I’m a busy mom with a very full plate!) but also because they’ve got a HUGE selection and we can always find something we like.
Like Curious George: A Halloween Boo-Fest. (They’re watching right now so I can get this written. ; )
Like Lost (with my big boys) and Psych (with my daughters).
Like The Prince of Egypt and Jesus of Nazareth.
“Like” in general! What’s not to like?
*This post will be the first in a monthly series. I was asked to be on the Netflix “Stream Team”, and because I truly do love Netflix (and am also as poor as the proverbial church mouse), I agreed. In exchange, we get our Netflix membership free for one year and another surprise that I’ll blog about at Christmas.
The opinions expressed are all truly mine. I ♥ Netflix.
Tell me the truth. Don’t you?
I love Netflix too. I'm personally more likely to watch DVRed episodes of Seinfeld or Big Bang Theory in bed at night, but I have a mental list of Netflix shows I plan to watch "someday". My kids are huge Netflix streamers though. The 12 year old loves Star Wars the Clone Wars, all superhero shows, and Once Upon a Time. The teenagers are currently hooked on Psych.
They have Seinfeld??!?!?! Oh, I'm going back for that. 🙂
I do love my Netflix. They have a ton of great movies and I have Lost in my list of things to watch, since I missed that whole thing when it was actually on. 🙂 I also just finished watching Jem and the Holograms, to get in touch with my 80s child self. 🙂
Sorry, I meant Seinfeld DVRed from regular TV, it's not on Netflix.
Love Netflix for so many reasons! Glad you are able to do this posting for a free membership! That is wonderful, Margaret!
I watch "Once Upon a Time" a season behind, and Greg and I are enjoying a new-to-us series called "Arrow."
Thanks for understanding, Sarah! ♥
Sarah, we caught up Once Upon a Time via Netflix and are now watching it a week behind via the ABC website…The girls and I are.
We do the exact same thing! We do not get Television anymore but stream Netflix through and also get the DVD's!! Tom watched the Breaking Bad series and loved it, however, told me I would not have liked it…too violent for me…I don't like dark things.
I want to be on that Stream team, you know my love for reviewing movies, how can I get onto it?
Loved this!!
Agree totally!
I love Netflix! I only do the DVD option but it works for me. Their library is extensive so I am able to watch TV series (old and new), new movies, old movies, hard to find movies, Masterpiece Mystery shows, Poirot, Midsomer Murder. I too really enjoy the option of watching a network series without commercial interruption (watched first couple of seasons of Army Wives this way). I will look forward to your future installments 🙂
We don't have netflix here and it's a little hard to get my head around what it actually is. Like a library for tv shows?? I don't know that I would want it because although I'm not anti-tv I don't want to be watching too much of it, and netflix the way people describe it certainly seems enticing. As for Breaking Bad – not touching that one with a barge pole! Way too violent for me. 🙂
Big Netflix fans here and Amazon Prime Instant Video. We don't watch TV… we watch computer, I guess. Right now, I'm previewing episodes of Warehouse 13 to show the kids (not all are family friendly) and catching up on the last season of Inspector George Gently. BTW… Foyle's War is a favorite too. Have you tried Midsomer Murders?
I am currently binge-watching Foyle's War! It's so hard not to start a new episode after finishing one, mainly because I want to hear that theme song. 🙂
I love Netflix, too! I would exercise less frequently and much more slowly if I couldn't distract myself by streaming Burn Notice or Psych. Also, my husband and I really love foreign movies, and they have a great selection. I really like that I can set up a separate viewing list for the kids so that what they watch doesn't ruin my grown-up viewing suggestions.
Ah netflix, i do miss it. But the computer and netflix!, left with my adult son … So we are making do with DVDs from the library and that works out pretty well.
Our library has a wonderful DVD collection, too! We could get by that way if we had to. ; )
Hmm, we don't watch much TV here, especially the kids, but when we do it is usually Fox news. I just cannot get used to only getting my news online (our paper is pathetic about worldwide/national news). What you do for news??
In truth, Betsy, I avoid the news as much as possible. I get the major headlines from my Facebook feed (and then pray for the most important intentions) but that's it. My temperament is such that I have to take a Philippians 4:8 approach: "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things."
I'm much more at peace that way.
Haha, my comment sounds like the kids watch the news as well. Not quite. 🙂
We dumped our cable 4 years ago and use Netflix. We love it! My husband said he wished he had done it years ago.