Still draining the summer to its very dregs over here. How about you? Are you making room in the schedule for lots of Quadrant Two activies? (aka important but not urgent) Are you fitting in quiet time? Moments of grace, joy and peace?
We’re trying, and I don’t think it’s a contradiction to say that we have to actively seek those moments of peace.
That said…
One of the highlights for my girls is going to camp with the Schoenstatt sisters.
Schoenstatt on the Lake. It’s lovely.
Angela went for the first time this year and her eyes were shining when I picked her up. “Schoenstatt changed me, Momma,” she said.
Judging from the looks on their faces, I would say Schoenstatt changed all the girls. I mean, look at those beautiful, radiant smiles!
Here’s a narrative from the week as shared by my 9-year-old:
It started when my friend was showing me her dorm. Suddenly, she found her shoes and exclaimed: “I’ve found my shoes! It’s a SIGN. Father Kentenich is my spiritual father!!!” I was confused, then she told me that she prayed to Father Kentenich asking him if he would be her spiritual father, and if he wanted to he could send a sign. Still confused, I asked, “How can you just ask him like that and POOF! He’s your spiritual father?”
She told me and I understood. Then I decided that if she could ask, then I could too. So I found a quiet corner and prayed: “Father Kentenich, do you want to be my spiritual father? If you are willing to, just send a sign.” Then I waited. When I started to pack I stared out the window and jumped. There was a cloud in the form of Mary’s crown!
Now, I thought that if finding shoes was a good enough sign, then seeing Mary’s crown was definitely a good enough sign.
All three girls had a fabulous week, and I got to appreciate the graces when they returned! (Hint: “getting changed for the better” = trying harder to behave. ; ) Plus, I’m hoping for at least one religious vocation among my girls, and spending time with these sisters is one of the best ways I know.
Do you have any upcoming events put on by sisters? Run, don’t walk, to the nearest sign-up.
Well, like I said on Facebook, I have 2 girls there right now….and this post made me tear up a little, as I'm missing them. (I am enjoying the quiet though a little)
I know they are having a wonderful time….and I know that the angels are keeping my sleep walking new to camp daughter safe!! SOMEDAY maybe they will all be at the same camp!!
They are there with 19 girls from our area! Fun times. I'm driving home 9 girls tomorrow. Can't wait to see them!!
So, this has me wondering all morning….Fr K is dead, right? How can he be your spiritual director? How does that work? I tried, but got no sign. Maybe because I don't get it…
Spiritual FATHER, not director. That said, I'm not sure how it works, either. Ask the sisters tomorrow and let me know!
Also, I would have LOVED to meet you there tomorrow night, just to get a hug and make another visit to the shrine. I don't think we can afford the time/gas money though.
Ha! Yeah, it takes us a little over 2 hours to get there. I'm so excited to see them! I will break down and cry a little when I see them and get to hug them.
I hope my girls (riding in my van) pose for me like your girls did! I'll have to bring some bribing candy….
So, on fb, I said I wish there was something like this. Well, the original shrine is one and a half hours from our home here in Germany! I think we may have to make a trip!
Yes, yes, yes! DO go!!
Oh, jenny, that would be awesome!! We have a group of 4 teens (older teens) that went on pilgrimage to Germany, it is the 100 year jubilee this year!! There must be special things going on right now! In fact they had all different sisters working the camp this summer because the other sisters were in Germany…at least that's what I understood. (I could be wrong about the sisters)
What an incredible opportunity!
Next year, you have to tell me early enough so my girls can go, Margaret. Anna has wanted to go for years, and I always miss the deadline 🙁 We are blessed to have 3 sisters teaching at St. Agnes. They are Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of the Church (out of CT) … I LOVE that my children have them in their daily lives. It is such a blessing!
So I would love to send my daughters to something like this. So hard to find good summer camps for kids these days, I think. We are from Iowa though, about 4 hours away. Can anyone go, or do you have to be from the diocese? _ Jennifer
We are not in that diocese…we live 2 hours away, my friend and several other families drive their daughters from the Fargo area, like 5 hours away!! Anyone can go!