Wow! I went a whole week without sharing my thoughts! Didn’t think I had it in me, did you?
Well, what can I say, it’s almost winter.
I’ve been taking in autumn in great gobbling gulps.
Also, we’re in the midst of some serious discernment over here.You know the expression “It’s all good” ? Well, it’s not all good at the moment, but I have the feeling–the wonderful, peaceful, “This must be from God” feeling–that it’s going to be.
(Fingers crossed; hands folded in prayer.)
Please know I’m not trying to be infuriatingly vague. I’m just not “at liberty” to say anything yet, although I bet if you thought about it, you could guess.
For now, could you spare a prayer, please?
On a lighter note: Pumpkin seeds roasted with lots of butter and Adobo.
Is there anything better?
Yes. This appetizer. It’s called Cranberries Gone Wild and you will, too, when you taste it. My friend Mary in Fargo sent me the link to this Fargo Forum article and I was like, “Hey! I know this woman!”
Jean and I taught Religious Ed. together–this was 20 years ago–and I was her daughter Sarah’s confirmation sponsor. They were a wonderful family with a beautiful faith; an inspiration to the young teacher I was.
Well, hooray for Jean for winning this contest!
Hooray for you when you try this recipe.
Francis is teething; can you tell?
Indeed, he has been such the little crankpot that I hand him off to his siblings as much as possible.
Or I bury him in leaves to try & distract him.
So last weekend, we spent the day visiting friends in northern Wisconsin. I love Wisconsin; it’s almost as good as Minnesota.
(Okay, you know what? When it comes to football, Wisconsin is much MUCH better.)
I didn’t bring my camera but wish I had. My friend Meghan is a beautiful young mom with a beautiful big family. She’s fourteen years younger than me but is catching up! Go, Meghan.
Our kids got on smashingly and were incredibly sad when it was time to leave. I was too. They live on four wooded acres, which was great for the kids, and they love their faith, which was great for me.
Good friends take my mind off of teething babies…and other things I can’t speak of. ; )
We like it here in WI š come on over, move here!
The recipe! Yay!
Prayers for you all!
It was a lovely time and we must do it again!
Ah, what a cute, teething, cranky Francis he is.
Every single time I gotta say your babe is cute cute cute.
Praying for you..but but..I hate this "guessing"..Looking at the picture I cannot tell if you are dealing with teen-angst or you or what! I am snoopy like that I guess. ANYHOO, Margaret, you are smiling and as pretty as evah so I am thinking the world is going to continue spinning and all will be well.
Thanks for sharing the recipe! I can't wait to give it a try. And prayers for you and your family.
Oh dear, I'm never good at guessing so I have to patiently wait – which I'm also never good at. I'm enjoying the excitement though! Things are brewing here as well, and a lot of discernment going on but everything will be put on hold for implementation until the Summer. Did I mention I'm not good at patience???
Praying, praying, and praying (and taking time to comment!). Love you!
PS Doing a lot of discerning myself now that it's on my mind! Thanks. š
I WILL say this, ladies. I'm not pregnant. : )
(Not to my 40-something knowledge, anyway.)
I wonder if my guess will turn out to be accurate. In any case, blessings to your family and prayers as you gather the strength and wisdom to make any decisions.
You really do have the most gorgeous children.
I've got a guess that is perhaps more accurately labeled as as hope for you and yours. My parents live in western WI and I went to high school in St. Paul. Such a pretty area of WI. A little time out of town and in the country does the soul a whole lot of good. Can't wait to head to my parent in two weeks for some early Thanksgiving/family time. Prayers for you!
=( Internet totally lost my comment. It was something like…PRAYING!!! your leaf pic! And….I love the snow. =)
Well IF you are discerning a move, then do it and come live in Spokane! I mean, just an idea. š
Praying for you and yours. Remember: pray, hope, and don't worry!
I'm guessing, (you said we could guess) you are contemplating moving somewhere because of hubby finding work? Up north? Wisconsin? Someplace warm(er)?
Prayers coming your way.
But if you move, out of state, what will your blog name be?
I might be jumping the gun here, it's my mamaADHD kicking in….
Prayers for you!
And that picture of Francis with the leaf is too, too sweet! You and your girl are super cute together too!
Hi Margaret and family!
My first thought was "new baby" but then when you said, "not to my 40-something knowledge" so I am praying *job* ! Donna L.
Sowing Seeds are a Christian Charity which is commited to sharing the love and hope given in knowing Jesus Christ. alfalfa sprouts