I know I still owe you a birth story, and I’m looking forward to posting it, but we’ve had a very busy week and are in the middle of a very busy weekend.
(Not so busy that I can’t blog, you’ll note.)
(Oh hush.)
Let me just say that having a baby at Christmastime is a crazy, wonderful, crazy thing. Let me just also say that if you’re going to be sitting in the hospital for a couple days anyway, you should just go ahead and make those first few doctors’ appointments because if you don’t…
Said doctors will be away on vacation when eventually you try to see them.
Just saying.
Anyway, I’m happy to report that we have finally checked “First Well-Baby Appointment” and “Circumcision” off the list. What I hadn’t anticipated was the raging case of pink eye that Nicholas developed in his left eye—and I kicked myself for having been right there at the clinic on Friday morning without asking about the yellow goop that was gathering, with great regularity, in the corner of one eye.
By Friday night, the poor kid was looking just like a newborn baby barn kitty. His little eye was just that crusty.
I spent a half an hour lamenting my stupidity—Why didn’t I ask the pediatrician to look at it this morning? Now we have to find a clinic that’s open on Saturday!—when, to my husband’s horror, I decided to go all Dr. Google on him.
I did a search for “Home Remedies Pink Eye.”
Wouldn’t you know, my research led me to a website that recommended—strongly—an ingredient that I had on hand in ample doses: Breast Milk! The author claimed that “a drop or two of breast milk expressed into a cup and then applied with a clean eyedropper to the infected eye will rapidly and magically eliminate the infection. Reapplication may be necessary every hour for a few hours, but in most every case, the infection will be gone well before you could have even gotten an appointment to see the doctor.”
And wouldn’t you know? The author was right.
End of story.
Goodbye, gloop.
No more baby barn cat.
That is awesome!!! Question is will you do the same if the other kids get it? 😉
If they'd let me, I would! Unfortunately once they hit the age of reason, they get a little bucky.
Yep breast milk is good for about almost anything that ailes yah! Remember the windex in My Big Fat Greek Wedding? That's how I think of Breast Milk! Lol! I have even used it for my daughter's eczema outbreak! She laughs whenever I tell her I did that!!
My doula was the one to tell us about this remedy although we've not had to use it yet. She even uses it for her older children when they get pink eye. She said that it has to be fresh, not frozen. For some reason, the frozen/thawed stuff burns. Just FYI.
I wondered if that works! We're all out of breast milk here, though, so we'll just have to hope we don't get pink eye. 🙂
the miraculous nature of mama's milk – it works wonders for many aliments.
Wow! We had 5 cases of pink eye here in November. Guessing only baby would have appreciated that treatment. Maybe even my 4 year old after he an an allergic reaction to the first antibiotic.
Great going google Doc!
We've all got goopy gross eyes at my house right now. Too bad I'm out of breast milk. Instead we have to put antibiotic ointment in there. Oh my, trying to put ointment into a stubborn 4 year old's eyes? I'm not sure if it'll get me out of purgatory faster or keep me in there longer.
tip for the 4 yr old we learned from the doc…lie back, head tilted back, CLOSE eyes. Put drop in the corner near the nose…when he opens it will go in.
Good luck.
So good to know! He is just precious, Margaret.
And I know you are busy, but maybe wander over to my blog today? You'll know why when you get there. 😛
Psh, no dropper necessary, just squirt that sucker right in the eye! It'll also clear up nasal congestion (although a dropper really is necessary for that…) and is supposed to work wonders for ear infections and skin ailments as well. Miraculous, I tell you!
Your story was good and the comments are even better!
My friend puts breast milk on her kids skin irritations – she swears it works. Since we got no breastmilk here anymore, a warm teabag helps with eye sores too 🙂
Breast milk is great we've used it for earaches many a time as I am hard pressed to ever go to a doctor. Congratulations by the way, I should bring you a meal seeing as we are so close to one another.
Meagan (Lazywife)
Oh, it's the best! So glad he's better!
I thought two pictures ago it was just lighting…but that looks to be a lucky red-headed baby to me!
This is a great post! I am laughing at the thought of giving a squirt to others. Also,he is so cute and getting cutier each day!
As a retired La Leche League leader I had to chuckle at your pink eye remedy. I passed out that advice 25 years ago. Of course, it still works! Mother Nature is so willing to help out. Praise God! LLL is such a wonderful organization. Call them if you ever have a question.
Just sent you a non-personal/AHG email and had to jump over here and see what's new. Sorry I haven't called or written or anything since the birth (other than the super short "Congrats") but it YOUR fault — for having a baby at Christmas! ; )
What a fun post — and glad to hear it had a happy, easy, doctor-visit-free ending. See you soon, hopefully,
LOL! Love this! And he is small enough not to say, "Mom! Ewww!"
Poor baby getting pink eye. Glad to hear he is all better.
Hi Margaret,
I am a new reader to your blog. I began a new blog, as well, and enjoy reading your lovely example, that I have heard so much about from the home school moms at HFHE. An "invisible member" of HFHE, I rarely get to Holy Family as I live out west, near Susan Robinson and Mary Hagen. I should get to know the wonderful moms at HFHE better, but it's a long drive and I haven't learned to balance home educating and raising a family with social life. That season in my life will come. Until then, I began socializing, like you do, through the internet.
We have six blessings too, and I'd rather write, or read children's literature, than sew, cook or scrapbook. Perhaps you are blessed with all of those gifts, but my husband would be the first to say that I AM NOT. So, here I am introducing myself to someone I believe may have a lot in common with me. I know that you just had a wonderful new little one, fresh from God, so I won't make you busier. However, if you have a moment to check my blog out – catholicteacherdaydreams.blogspot.com,, I'd love a minute of advice. Your writing is lively and fun! When I figure out how to add your blog to my reader list, I will! I've met many fascinating Catholic bloggers this last month.
By the way, I read a few of your posts in a Catholic Heritage Curricula book. CHC is my curricula provider. What does your family learn with? Again, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW ADDITION! My prayers are sent your way. Blessings.
Wow. I need to remember this come April. How did I not know this either? I need to go back to LLL. Or Google. 😉