Hey, Google Readers! Did you catch the update on the ultrasound yesterday? I thought there might be more of a reaction, but that would be my own comment gluttony and I should be ashamed of myself.
It’s an addiction kind of thing.
Comments and coffee, that’s me.
I have to tease my mother-in-law a bit. When I sent her the profile shot with the word “BOY!” on the bottom, she responded, “I just don’t see how you tell from that photo.”
I told her, “Oh, that’s not the picture that shows the ‘proof’. I’m not going to post that one.”
And I’m still not going to post the “proof of gender” photo, because my two oldest sons would die of embarrassment.
I do think it’s pretty darn cute, though.
When the ultrasound technician labeled that image, she typed in “Boy!!!?” at the bottom. Being an ultra-anal former English major, that question mark really bugged me. Why call the obvious into doubt? Common sense and good manners prevailed, however, and I did not ask her to change it.
Later, when I mentioned this to my husband, he said that they probably have to put that question mark in there—as a disclaimer in case they’re wrong.
He’s so smart.
And far less anal about grammar than I am.
Speaking of people and reactions and such, my very oldest bookend boy was shocked—shocked!—that his mother opted to find out the gender. “You said you weren’t going to find out!” he blustered. “You never find out!”
He’s right, of course—I never used to—and it was a very hard decision. Everyone has an opinion, don’t they? And when it comes to finding out beforehand, there are definitely two camps!
Here’s the thing. (Here’s one of the things.) I really thought that George was a girl—wanted a girl, I have to admit, because she’d be close to her big sisters—and consequently felt a twinge of disappointment when he was born.
And then I felt guilty about feeling disappointed!
Second, and this was basically an executive decision made by this older-than-average mom, I wanted to be able to spend several extra months with “my little boy” or “my little girl.” I wanted to rub my tummy and think, “He’s sure being active!”
And now I get to.
(Again, this is such a personal thing!)
Finally, and this comes from someone who prides herself on being a “traditionalist”, I think it is always good for me to try something new. (Remember my 3-part epidural post?) Because there are always two sides to every story—there are always different points of view—and if I can make the choice to change my perspective…
Well, it puts a wee dent in all those judgments I make.
God willing, that plank in my eye grows smaller.
I always like for my friends to learn the sex early if for no other reason than I can start planning fabric squares. 😉
I can be much more creative with a little warning.
And that was part of the decision too! You see how greedy your friend is?
Greedy or considerate, you decide. 😉
Definitely considerate. I always assume the best.
I think it's wonderful and you have every right to change your mind. It's particularly fitting that George have a little brother relatively close in age.
I'm with you, no need to post the "proof" picture. Some day that son would be embarrassed too!
I somehow missed your announcement. I subscribe via a feed. I'm not sure how it didn't show up.
I had to check your site to see him. So cute! Congratulations on another sweet boy!
I once had an ultrasound tech tell me that she never says "100% certain". She always says "99%" because even though she is very good at her job, she's not God. It was her little disclaimer, but she was right!
And I know that twinge of guilt you feel when you find out your baby isn't the gender you thought she or she was. I had that with Shortcake and it haunted me for weeks. I worried sometimes that when I looked at her, I still thought she was a boy. I worried that her baptismal gown was too boyish and ran out to buy her another one. I worried that I would always feel so distant from her because she wasn't who I thought she was. It lasted a good month (might have been due to post-partum stuff too). I grieved for the brother that my oldest son had lost (in my mind). Now, when I see how close my girls are, I have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that God knew better. But, I remember it clearly enough to say that every baby I have will get peeked at. No more gender surprises here. There are still a lot of surprises to look forward too anyway.
So… do you want a Cowboy Quiltie or do you want to be surprised? : )
Congratulations! What an exciting time for your family.
God bless. Ann
So happy for George ! And the rest of you too!
I think about your happy surprise every day!
We must hear from you more often though. I miss your posts. :0)
I didn't see your post in my blog feed either, so perhaps it didn't show up for most people? Well, in either case, congrats! We found out with my daughter even though my husband didn't want to, so I think the next one we'll leave a surprise 🙂
You are so right about this being such a personal thing. I'm 43 and just had my 6th baby (after 3 miscarriages and a stillbirth) I HAD to know. Needed to know. We named him and prayed for him by name asap! I was bummed to find some people thought we "cheated" by finding out his gender ahead of time. I defended comments with "this baby IS here!" (What did they mean "wait until he's here to find out?) and, my best defense?
Mary knew her baby was a boy before he was born and HE had a name to boot!!!?
Congratulations! It's been fun to follow your blog!
LOVE LOVE LOVE that comment about Mary knowing beforehand. Such a good selling point to a husband who doesn't care to find out 🙂
I absolutely agree about it being a personal decision. We didn't find out for the first 2 kids. But, we have since. Practically speaking, it helps to know which bin of clothing needs to come out. 🙂 But, I'm also of the natural birth camp and this last time I needed pitocin (high blood pressure=induction) so I was scared and opted for an epidural. They couldn't do it – I nearly passed out and such so, for me, I'm so glad that God saw fit to let me have yet another natural birth. 🙂 Love your posts!
i'm split with finding out the baby's gender before hand. i enjoy calling my babies by name as soon as possible. the siblings have enjoyed it, too. nonetheless, it always seems like a surprise at the last moment when dad get's to announce what he sees. having said that, i'm still not sure what i'll opt for this time around.
may you continue to enjoy this blessed time of growing life.
Yay for a BOY!!! We didn't find out the first two babies (both boys) and then did find out the next two babies (boy then girl) because I did not want that disappointed feeling if I had another boy, and then the guilt that would come with that. Now that we have at least one of each (4 boys and one girl so far) I don't think that we will find out again…but it is so tempting!!!
I found out #2,3,4,6,and 9. 1,5,8 and 10 were surprises. It is fun both ways. Hard not finding out with #10 as I had weekly u/s the last month.
Regarding the Anonymous comment above, I never thought about that with Mary knowing the sex of her baby. What a great point to bring up to those who are judgmental about finding out before hand!
I never found out for my kids but am always tempted to for practical reasons. I have three girls and my last one is a boy. I truly was in disbelief when he was born. I just could not believe that I had a boy – with hair. All three girls were bald, he just did not look like he could be my kid. I sure love him though.
Oh and how perfect for George to have a little brother!
Congrats! It will be fun for George to have a little boy to play with!
congratulations! God sure blessed your children with playmates! 2-3-2 no one will be without 🙂
Congratulations! What a great end of July surprise! When is his expected birthday? You and your family are in my prayers.
When I was pregnant with Joe-I wanted to know and John did NOT- so- I found out he was a boy and kept it totally to myself until he was born-(Yes- John knew that I knew!)
Blessings to your entire family!!
Anonymous worked!
I knew it was you by the Joe and the John! You have incredible restraint, Maria–although I'm sure it helped that your husband didn't want to know. MY husband would have tortured me (or even worse, taken away my blogging rights) if I found out and wouldn't tell him.
Yay! Baby Boy!!! Congrats!
Congratulations! We found out we were pregnant with number six (and unfortunately miscarried), and we were going to find out too after five times of not. Just like you, I was excited to finally find out what that was like. You have a beautiful family- I'm excited to see what life will be like for you when this next baby arrives. 🙂
Angie, I'm so sorry! I will include in my rosary for moms & families who have lost a little one…and meanwhile, keep looking up! ♥
What seems so silly, and so many focus on it, is the belief that just by knowing one aspect (and yes it is a big one) of a person means that you know the whole self. You don't and you never will. You don't know anything about your future son, other than that he is he. And that is good. Congratulations!