Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Growing Up, Minnesota Me, My Girls, Wordless Wednesday 19 Comments
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
They are beautiful girls whether long-haired or not. Anyway, you had to start getting used to it. When I was not much older than them I began cutting my hair myself and dying it pink.
I love the haircuts! They look so summery and cool.
PS. it's [Almost] Thursday!!!!!!!!
SO cute!!!
Sweet, sweet, SWEET!
a pair of cutie pies!
The girls hair looks adorable, I must say….but I'm with you, I love long hair. When my daughter in law mentioned cutting my 3 year old grand-daughter's long, wavy locks I said in horror "Cut??!!" She replied quickly "No! Trim,just TRIM!" You can bet she won't be asking for MY opinion on that subject.
They look adorable. I hope it wasn't too hard on you. 😉
It was, Jan, but I'll survive. 😉
Totally fits their personalities!!!
Love them!
I'm sorry Margaret, but I've gotta say it: Oh.dear.sweetness.
Short or long hair, they are darlings either way.
very cute! You'll get used to it!!
They are beautiful girls . . . the new bobs make them even more so, if not down right adorable!!!
Like you, they are beautiful, long hair or short.
Love you!
Both my girls agree that your daughters' haircuts are very nice…for THEM. My almost 8 year old has set a goal of hair to her feet.
They are so cute! Enjoy those sweet girls, and don't worry, hair will grow back! 🙂
How cute!!!
As a mom with her own kid hair issues (my 8 year old son wants his hair long so right now it a shaggy mop of bushy blond), it's just hair. Long or short it's the kid inside that you love.
I did the same thing to my hair today!! 105 degrees is just way too hot to have long hair!