Hello, my name is Baby Toddler George.
And I am a great big grumpy crank.
My mom wants you to know that she misses her daily chats with you but that–I’m crying as she types this, by the way–she is being held captive by her teething toddler.
I’m yanking on her skirt bottom as we speak.
With love & blessings & wails & oh, how about some gnashing of teeth thrown in for good measure,
— George of Minnesota
I see the gaps in his mouth and all I can think is- uh oh, canine teeth have yet to arrive! Those were the worst with Mary! *prayers*
Awww, poor George!!! (And poor Mom!)
Give that boy a frozen bagel. And some ice cream. Poor Georgie.
sending sympathy via the net, popscicles was the best cure for the cranks when my babies were teething!!
Theresa in Alberta
My sympathy and my prayers. Poor, poor little unhappy boy! Our last bout of teething was epic… and ended with no teeth having actually erupted after more than a month of screaming. I am so not looking forward to the next round. hoping those teeth break through very soon.
Oh, the poor little dude! Yeah, icecream or icy-poles sound good and plenty of childrens paracetamol. I hope it doesn't go on for too long.
Oh, poor George. I hope you are back to your normal, chipper little self real soon.
very few people can pull of cute and crank in one shot. kudos to george. and i agree with barb…give that boy some icecream!
poor baby.
and poor mama too…
Oh, poor mama!!!
Perfect picture of his teeth!!
(poor baby)