…because the truth is, I just can’t do it.
(Oh come on, stop rolling your eyes. I made it four days! I’m doing well!)
Besides, I am breaking my blog fast for good reason. The rest of my family (minus the baby) has just pulled out of the driveway without me.
*Sniff. *
They are going camping, you see, but because I have a “New Parents” orientation at Joe’s school tomorrow morning, I am Little Miss Left Behind.
(Sad that they should just leave me like that, isn’t it?)
Well, I can’t not blog when I’m home alone, not when I have Internet access anyway.
And certainly not when I’m so lonely.*
*Ed. Note: I have pulled this post and republished this post three times now. The din in my brain is deafening—so many voices, so much insecurity.
[insert sigh of resolution here]
Fine. I am going to leave it up and try to make peace with my equivocation. (But you said you wouldn’t be back until September! You said that, two posts down!)
Rule for Discernment #5: In times of desolation, do not make a change…
…and that includes announcing blog breaks.
Please, dear reader, forgive me my quirks. As a blogger, I have many.
Kristina says
Sorry you were left behind and now feel lonely 🙁 But aren't these the moments we mommies think we want. Just a day or 2 to get a few things done without any interuptions! (yeah, I can only make it a couple of hours before I start pacing the floor wondering what to do with myself when they are all gone!) Your blogs are always a welcome read… even if done just to keep lonliness and boredom at bay 🙂
Theresa says
Forgive your quirks? But Margaret it is precisely your quirkiness that makes us love you so!
scmom (Barbara) says
Just chuckling out loud. Love you.
Sarah - Kala says
I love your quirks!
I do the same dern thing, tho'. This time I said I wasn't going to post, but I'd still be commenting and such. The two posts that followed were not posted in the right order, but whatever.
Enjoy the down time with the little Anthony-man.
Jennifer says
I find that the second I declare a blog break I have so much I want to say. I understand.
J.C. says
Well, we missed you! 🙂 Margaret, I wondered if you felt like writing about what factors contributed to your family's decision to send your son to school. Nosy, I know…but so many homeschoolers consider this option at one time or another. It would be enlightening to hear about your experience with the decision process.
Ellen says
Your posts make me laugh!
meredith says
I am glad your posting. I must confess that even though you announced you're taking a break, I still check daily hoping you couldn't do it. I like your quirkiness; makes me feel normal.
Sarah says
I knew it!! I knew you'd be back sooner rather than later…who am I kidding??!! I WANTED YOU TO BE BACK!! I love your quirks and honestly, I miss them when I don't get my dose of them regularly!! 🙂
Enjoy your time with Anthony!
Ruthie says
Will it make you a better wife and mother to keep a completely arbitrary blogging ban in place?
I can't imagine how it would…but, if it does…beat yourself with a wet noodle.
Elizabeth M says
I'm glad you're back too! I don't have as large a family as you do, but I understand the feeling. I have these grand ideas of what I'd get done with alone time — but it doesn't happen!
I hope you spend some quiet time for yourself with Anthony. That's valuable to recharge. If nothing else, the little daily things you do will "stay done" until the rest of the family returns!