So did you get a nice gift for Mother’s Day?
I did, and it wasn’t chocolates or coffee or breakfast in bed.
Instead, my husband, (you know, that man to whom I am physically and emotionally indebted until, oh, 2032), took our children camping so that I could have the weekend off.
Pardon me?
Yes, you heard correctly. He took all FIVE of our children camping.
(He did leave me the dog, however. For company.)
(The dog felt discombobulated.)
(Where is the master? Where is the noise? And what’s up with this lady who takes me for the slowest, most boring walks EVER?)
Having been planning this weekend for over a month, I was so excited. A whole weekend right before the baby gets here to do all of the things that I love and find relaxing!
Or not.
On Thursday evening we lost all Internet access.* And yet, according to our computer and to our Internet provider, we were connected. What’s the problem?
Trust me, though. We were not.
On Friday afternoon my husband still couldn’t figure things out. Together we got the kids ready for their big outing, together we loaded them into the van, and together (duh) we embraced one last time.
And once again, (knowing me), John apologized for leaving me high & dry without the computer for THREE WHOLE DAYS. “It’s a sign,” he said. “You’re meant to rest.”
He don’t know me very well.
I phoned our Internet provider, who told me to do everything my husband had already done. I called my friend Tracy whose husband is Very Computer Savvy and who could, I felt certain, get me back online in record time. Sure enough, he listened patiently as I explained the problem and then he gave me his advice.
Which was: “There’s this thing…called a book…”
And which included: “And there’s this other thing…called a chair…”
Such the smart butt. I love him but I don’t, you know?
At this point the uncomfortable truth became known to me. I was not to play on the computer as part of my weekend off. Fine. Let’s just move on.
On Saturday morning, I planned to run a few necessary-but-fun errands. Shopping is second-best to the computer, don’t you think? Except as I searched the house in vain for my wallet, I realized that I’d left it…
…in the van with my husband and children.
“It’s a sign,” my husband repeated when I called him on his cell phone. “This is a retreat for you and you are meant…to…rest.”
With no Internet and no shopping for this chica, what else was I to do but listen? I stayed home and I rested.
I sat there like a bump but I rested.
(I also pet the dog, ate Cool Ranch Doritos, and watched back-to-back episodes of 24. Forget what I said about not watching TV. I’ve become hooked—line and sinker—on the series 24.)
And do you know what?
It was lovely.
Now tell me. Did you have a happy Mother’s Day, too? What’d you do? What’d you get? We’ve got so much to catch up on!
All for the greater glory of God,
*Ed. Note: If you have emailed me since Thursday evening, be please patient as I’ve only just gotten back online. (What? You’re surprised that writing a blog post takes precedent?) Or perhaps you hadn’t even realized that I’d gone missing, in which case I feel like Teri Garr in that scene from Tootsie where she gets locked in the closet and no one notices.
Or something like that.
I noticed.
So glad to have you back and well-rested. What an awesome guy you have there. Love you!
I didn’t notice… but that’s because I was gone, too. (which you wouldn’t have noticed…. what a vicious circle!)
Glad you got some well-needed rest.
John told us of our plight. I prayed for you to relax ;-).
I did not, for the record, camp. I went up and back TWICE.
I got several lovely Mother’s Day presents, including new (and much needed) furniture for my family room. My son, ever the bagain hunter, found a Murano glass bowl at a garage sale and snatched it up for me. I also got flowers, cards, kisses, hugs AND a lovely note from your sweet, eldest daughter, left for me in the car when I departed camp Saturday night.
You have beautiful children (not just physically beautiful), Margaret. Your little one is so blessed to come to your family.
Love, love and more love your way!
(I really did miss you),
A little rolling with the punches, I guess ~ but it does still sound like a lovely weekend. We’ve done the same thing on some Mothers’ Days ~ my husband has fixed it so I could have the weekend — or just the day– alone… Which my sis thinks is a strange way to celebrate MOTHERS’ day. Eh. I think maybe it’s luxury that only a mother of many children can truly appreciate.
Cathie, your famous pudgie pies were the talk of the living room when the kids got back!
Personally I can’t believe you made it out there. You have way more energy than I do and I love YOU for it.
I was at the Nat’l Divine Mercy Shrine in MA all weekend. Came home late afternoon yesterday. But, I noticed you hadn’t been online when I checked last night.
Definitely noticed!! Wow, both the computer AND the wallet out of commission…I am glad you had a restful weekend. Something you can be thanking God for when perhaps, pretty soon, you won’t be quite as rested :), but of course, for the BEST possible reason!
For Mother’s Day I got some sweet things handmade by my three kids (with the help of their Sunday School and preschool teachers!), and a handmade Afghan shirt that my husband, who is serving with the US Navy in Afghanistan, bought for me. It is very beautiful. I spent a lovely Spring day with my Mom and my kiddos exploring a nearby Botanic Garden and then watching the kids play in a fountain while I sipped some Starbucks. Very nice.
Of course I noticed!
I’m glad you had the quiet and the relax time and we did the 24 series a while ago through Netflix, not a very relaxing show, but good!
I got homemade cards and presents picked out by them wrapped in homemade wrapping paper, lotion, chocolate, a new car (matchbox joke), and a new camera! My hubby grilled pork chops, my favorite and it was just a perfect day!
Happy Mother’s day to one of my favorite moms!
Happy Mother’s Day to you too! If I was not nursing my baby, that would be something my hubby would have done too! Well, except not the camping deal- he’d send ME OFF to a hotel or something! I totally know about needing “me time” and before baby comes time” so I am SOOO SOOOO happy for you to have that time.
MOnday’s are rough..after a weekend like that, right? So, sending prayers your way…
God bless you!
Oh, you might enjoy my blog post about My Mother’s day! It is just sooooo….very….extroverted and SANGUINE! I know you know what I mean!!! heee heee
Mary @ cheerios
Did miss ya. Glad the Lord took you by the hand (or maybe blind-folded you and kidnapped you) and forced rest upon you. It’s a good thing.
So I take it my husband's computer advice did not work? He's an ace at fixing computer problems so your weekend of R&R MUST have been planned by providence. His ways, not ours. Time and time again!
I noticed also!!!!
I had breakfast in bed and CHOCOLATE…COFFEE…and Mass…time with my kiddos and my mom then friends over. It was BE-UUUTiful in MN yesterday.
I hope you had a good time RESTING. 🙂
I spent the first couple of hours on Mother’s Day in the hospital with contractions 9-10 min apart! After some fluids, they stalled out… and I was sent home. I fell asleep around 2 AM.
I was so disappointed! My first “false alarm” happened on my fourth baby. Thought I knew better!
After sleeping it off, it was a lovely day. 🙂 My husband and babies pampered me.
I did notice!! I was starting to think maybe baby had arrived! I laughed aloud at your post today….and what you were “meant to do”…..too funny. I know, we lost our internet for less than a day last weekend and it was like….what to do? 🙂
My mother’s day was nice…I got the night off of cooking (hubby grilled) BUT I still had to bathe the girls and detangle seriously-tangled-from-swimming hair….oh well. It actually wasn’t so bad. 🙂
glad you had a wonderful weekend–and that you’re back online!!
I noticed, too. I just figured you were enjoying your Mother’s Day.
Had a lovely day. I’m a church organist so I played for 3 masses (in 2 different churches), came home and put my feet up to watch old programs while dozing somewhere in the middle. LOL. Then my husband ordered pizza for us. I did not want to go to a restaurant. Too crazy especially when you have little ones. I wanted just to relax and not have to cook, clean or chase for the day. LOL.
Now back to the real world. (big cheesy grin)
I noticed. I was wondering if that baby was ready? Guess not.
My dh had to fly out on business in Canada, but I had a great day with the kiddos after he left. Can’t wait to see him again tomorrow.