When Anthony and I came home from the hospital, it was to a super clean house and a weirded-out dog. “What is that thing?” Ellie seemed to be wondering. She’d let out a snort and paw the floor uncomfortably.
I relaxed in a chair and took it all in. Once again, we were a family. I loved my husband for what he’d done for me, which was having the kids tidy up every area of the house. Coming home is wonderful in itself, but coming home to a clean house? Easily ten times better.
One of the things that the kids had done was tape a couple holy cards above the changing table—Saints Gerard and Thérèse, two of our favorites. Many of you may know our family stories—the answered novena to St. Thérèse and the special devotion that we had to St. Gerard throughout this pregnancy.
Anthony, too, seems to know about this devotion. He can’t take his eyes off St. Gerard.
And then there’s what Tony did last weekend. (I’ve taken to calling Anthony “Tony” sometimes. He’s little & cute and so is “Tony.”) I brought him along on my holy hour, which is from 4:00 to 5:00 a.m. on Sunday and is my special time alone with Our Lord. We had just gotten settled, the baby and I, with me seated a couple rows back and Anthony laying on my lap on his back. Immediately Tony turned his head and looked directly at the monstrance. For a full two minutes he stared like that!
(And then he grew fussy and needed walking.)
I would love to know what all he’s seeing.
One day, I pray, I will.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
My husband and I wonder if babies don't see angels or some such when they stare off and/or smile into the distance like that.
I can't believe how big he is already! Congratulations again.
Dawn, you took the words right out of my mouth. They are so close to heaven, I bet they do.
I've had the blessing of HEARING angels before, but not seeing.
Cool stuff, lady.
I always think newborns can see the angels, the way they smile at what seems like nothing…I think its angels!
I love the Bessie Pease Gutmann print you have hanging there with the holy cards, she is a favorite!
Your kids are awesome. Really. I hope they all got big, sloppy kisses (not from Ellie or Tony).
How precious!
And goodness me, good for you for getting yourself along to Holy Hour at 4 am with a newborn!
I love that picture of St. Gerard, and my kids love it too. 🙂
My sister's little one (our newest godson) LOVES looking at Padre Pio. He looks around for it when he is not home!
A great habit to acquire, I must say…
Have you ever been holding a baby and praying the rosary? I've seen some amazing looks come fromt he babes while doing this!!
I KNOW they see so much more than us!