So. Given the spirited discussion that took place after my Puppies by Paula post way back in August, I thought that there might be a slightly acerbic remark or two regarding the fact that we’d gone and got a puppy.
As there wasn’t even a single reference to that gorgeous, furry, freshly adopted face in the middle of Sunday’s post, I am led to think that
A. You trust my judgement;
B. You’re keeping your opinion to yourself this time; or
C. You’re now thinking, “Dog? What dog?” and are going back to read my post more carefully. (Shame on you for the drive-by.)
Here it is again, then: we got a dog.
She’s cute. She’s soft. She pees a lot.
This is nothing you didn’t say to me in your comments. In fact, I was so thoroughly swayed, dismayed, and put off by your admonitions that I said “No, sir. I just can’t do it.”
And then I had to sit there and be this big ogre of a momma while five little innocent faces (and one slightly larger and more whiskery one) blinked back at me oh-so-sadly.
“Fine,” I said, “We’ll pray a novena. Thérèse had a dog and knows what work they are. If she sends us…” and here I thought to pick as arbitrary and unlikely a color as possible, “yellow roses, we’ll know that she thinks that we can handle it.”
So we prayed the novena and the surprising thing is—‘cause you already know we got our answer—was that by the middle of it, my heart had softened. I wanted a dog as much as my family did! I started reading Dogs for Dummies with gusto and even stopped by PetSmart with the kids to look at rubber balls, rawhide bones, and poop scoops.
On the ninth day of the novena, I had a meeting for my homeschool co-op and couldn’t be there for the prayers. Daddy said them with the kids, though, and they all went to bed anxious. Would they wake up with a yellow rose beneath each of their pillows? Would the FTD man start pounding on our door at midnight? They just didn’t know.
They certainly didn’t know that on my way out of the meeting, which was held in the basement of our church, I stopped in the chapel to say a prayer or two. As is my habit, I made my way to the pew right in front of Mary. I sat down. I saw the roses.
Yes, Virginia, they were yellow.
As Ogre of the Hour, I was given naming rights. I chose something French—surprise surprise—in honor our celestial intercessor, yes, but also because I liked the sound of it. “Elle a dit ‘Oui” is our puppy’s name, which is French for “She said yes.”
I call her Elody while the kids like Ellie.
When I find out what the dog prefers, I’ll let you know.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
I didn’t say anything on your last post, because I had a feeling you had another post waiting! I think Elody makes a fine addition to your family, but I may be a tad biased!
Good for you letting Therese make the decision 🙂
Love the story! Love the name!
Celestial French ancestor?
Oh my, your family doesn’t at all look like they like the puppy—are you sure you did the right thing? 😉
When I saw your title, I thought this was going to be a post about our Blessed Mother’s fiat. After 33 days, Mary on the brain, I guess. There are worse things I could have on my brain. And often do.
Anyway, this was a great post. Like scmom, I love the story, love the name, and I really LOVE the photo of that beautiful family…just one sweet face missing.
Elody’s name is perfect, very clever. I hope that we can soon be just as clever. Except of course, ours will have to be “Il a dit.” 🙂
eta: “Il a dit oui.”
Bien sur.
What a lovely story. Your family is beautiful (and that includes the puppy!).
Lots of love to you.
I was going to comment on that cute little (big) puppy, but I was all caught up in the fact that you were back to blogging. I love the story and I hope the newest family member brings you all lots of fun and happiness!
I also wanted to add that your littlest daughter has the most beautiful golden hair. I have a few blondes of my own so I am partial 😉
I love the name Elody… she is very cute 🙂
I also have to add that I really like the Matchbox 20 song too 😉
Well, you said she pees a lot. So, at least the Oui (wee) part fits!
Just kidding! Elody is a lovely name for a lovely pup!Enjoy!
welcome back. our family has a parakeet, 2 guinea pigs, one hamster and one cat. I hope to add more critters. Oh ya and 4 children.
Of course you got a dog. You were always going to get a dog. Because we are impulsive people, and even if we know it’s going to be a lot of work we don’t want, we still want a dog. And that is that.
Have fun with your new puppy, even though she leaves you oh-so-many gifts. 🙂
Congratulations! What a lovely addition she is. St. Therese knows her stuff! You inspire me, good mother! So glad you are back!
Add me to the list: love the story, love the name, love the picture, and I’m afraid to admit, I’d love the puppy. 🙂
Welcome back—your posts are so encouraging and inspiring (and funny too!)…i must say, I missed reading your updates!
What a wonderful way to teach your children about discerning about an important matter.
Thanks for a great post–
I was hoping that by presents on your birthday you meant a lot of puppy kisses. She looks like a sweetie. We just completed the annual Novena to the Little Flower at her church here in Indy and I included you and your family in my prayer requests to her. So glad you are back to blogging. Lois
I was wondering where the name came from. I think a special Annunciation name is fitting. We’ll place her under the patronage of Our Lady and St. Francis (and St. Gabriel for good measure) and all will be well.
I don’t think I can pronounce your dogs name but congratulations!!! I don’t find my way to the computer as much as before since moving…the computer is in an office now, not in the living room as before, so I am trying to catch up little by little, so sorry so late reading this!