Having been just reminded that our tongues should be a blessing and not a curse, my 4-year-old wiped her mouth and muttered,
“Vinegar tastes like it hates us.”
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Minnesota Me, My Girls, Parenting 8 Comments
Having been just reminded that our tongues should be a blessing and not a curse, my 4-year-old wiped her mouth and muttered,
“Vinegar tastes like it hates us.”
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
Well now that certainly is one way to describe the taste of vinegar. How funny is that?
How true. It smells like it hates us too.
Love it!
Oh! LOL!
*giggles* cute.
(i like that idea, btw. far less obnoxious and, in some cases, dangerous than ivory soap.)
Hmmmm….how does she know that?
My son when having speech lessons, played a game called either where they had to pick one of two things, sometimes both things being yucky, his were "either soap or dirt" or something like that, anyway, was I embarrassed when he said no way to soap, because he knew what it tasted like…
Ahhhh those 4 year olds will soon be 5 right? it does get better then right? Maybe not with these particular 4 year olds? I've been saying that since she was 9 months old!!
gotta love them for their unique personalities…notice my new header picture, of course my 4 year old would not pose on the same rock as the others, she is behind…full of personality!!!
Hmmm — the vinegar cure totally failed in my house. Here, my kids raised on vinaigrette, pronounced 'yummy dressing' when made to swallow a spoonful of vinegar!
A spoonful of vinegar can make a child choke terribly. A dab will make him remember not to say that naughty word again. We don't want any chokin yun uns here now do we?