(Though in my case I should amend that to “I waddle by faith.”)
Today marks the 36th week of my pregnancy. I must say…I never would have thought it.
- It’s been many long months since I tearfully drove to the first ultrasound, and then joyfully posted the results.
- It’s been many long months of fear and trembling and anxiety and hope. I’ve walked by faith, yes, but most of the time I’ve done so blindly. Do we need to “feel” that we are living our live faithfully? Probably not.
Do we need to be a sign of hope, though, in a world that desperately needs it?
Certainly we do.
Since the announcement of this pregnancy—the fifth pregnancy since the birth of my “baby” Angela—I have fretted over many silly things.
- My weight gain. (Don’t even ask.)
- My messy dresser drawers. (I know there’s a clean bra in there somewhere!)
- My not taking the kids to the Children’s Museum every other Tuesday.
I have slogged and blogged my way through this pregnancy because that’s what we do, us mothers. We talk (and talk) our way through our problems; we ask advice; we listen. If we are women of faith, however, we add prayer to that list and also gratitude. We ask for the intercession of our favorite saints, and we invoke the power of the Holy Trinity daily.
(As for those ever-increasing numbers on the doctor’s scale? Bah. What, me worry?)
With love & thanks & praise to the Father,
God is so good, isn’t he? Continuing to pray for you!
Know what the doc said to me when I fretted over the number on that scale during my last appt? “I’m not concerned over your weight so why are you worried about it?” He’s a very wise man.
I have been following you through your pregnancy (through reading your blog) and am filled with joy for you that you are now at 36 weeks! It won’t be long before you are holding your precious child in your arms and at that time, none of your worries (weight gain, messy drawers, etc…) will make a difference. You will be rejoicing in the miracle of life that God has given you and your family!
you are doing so well, Margaret! Keep it up! (I suppose you have no choice though!)
Your honesty is the best! I have a prayer request I hope you don’t mind me emailing.
Keep waddling, love, for your faith is being lived out before all of us and we are all so happy for you!! Stay the course! God bless you.
I am so excited for you and grateful to God for bringing you to this upcoming miracle moment, when you give birth.
Give birth.
How powerful is that?!
May you feel His nearness.
Oh Margaret! You continue to make me smile…even in your waddeling state!
You are in my prayers….and only 4
weeks to go!!
I am so happy you are “waddling in faith” ! You have been in our prayers a long time Margaret. Now, back to that waddling. There is a teacher in the school I work in who is just 3 months pregnant. She already waddles. I was chuckling to myself the other day when I saw her. I remember my “waddling days” very well. I have a cousin who still “waddles” even though her youngest is now 22. I’m being silly now, aren’t I !! : P
Congratulations Margaret – you’re almost there! I am so happy for you, and keeping you in my prayers… (with all the prayers in this pregnancy I wouldn’t be surprised if your birth experience is unbelievably easy). 🙂 What a blessing you have been given! I can’t wait to see all the baby pictures you’ll be sharing with us in just a few more weeks…
Peace be with you my friend,