One of my favorite actors has fallen and can’t get up.
The thing is, I can’t tell if Joaquin is messing with us or if he’s just…messed up.
ht: My Husband
Still a fan, though a confused one,
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Current Affairs, Keeping It Real, Minnesota Me 17 Comments
One of my favorite actors has fallen and can’t get up.
The thing is, I can’t tell if Joaquin is messing with us or if he’s just…messed up.
ht: My Husband
Still a fan, though a confused one,
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
I like the line, “We owe an apology to Farah Fawset.” Hilarious! IF it was staged it makes it even funnier, ‘cos it was well done. However, if not, I feel sorriest for Dave – it’s not easy interviewing “static”.
Gosh. Don’t know what to think… I was cringing through the whole thing, though. I’d hate this “persona” to be his swan song.
Yeah, Sarah, but if you make David Letterman look like a buffoon, I’m in your camp.
I don’t know, Margaret. He’s always been one of my faves, too, and I’m sad. I think he’s really trippin’, man (and I mean that in a 60s kinda way, not a rappin’ kinda way).
Just pray for him. That’s all we can do. And I think he’s one of the most talented actors out there-he was brilliant as Johnny Cash.
How sad, if he’s faking then I’d say there’s something wrong with him, and if he’s not then there’s something VERY wrong with him. He’s one of my favorite actors and I loved him in Signs, which our family just viewed again last week. I hope this “thing” he’s suffering from passes soon.
The easy answer is drugs, people get neurotic but usually some goofiness appears too. I thought he was having a social anxiety attack: nervous ticks, bouncy legs, working the gum over. My husband, however, believes this is a giant ruse. The actor is now taking his craft off the screen and into real life to see what he can get away with. (I found a rumor that Casey Affleck is taping a Borat-like mockumentary of Joaquin, starting with his rap debut in Vegas. Who’s to say?)
Anyhow, I thought Letterman was brilliant in making something out of nothing. I don’t know many others who can make dry pauses humorous.
I feel exactly the same way!! I think he is messed up though, but I pray he isn’t! Until he does straighten up, I own “walk the line” and “the village” because of him!!!
The 1st thing that came to mind when I saw this (since I don’t really follow celebrities and didn’t know he’d changed his persona) was that it must me hard to lose a sibling the way he did.
I myself was a huge River Pheonix fan and that was years ago that he died. I don’t know how old Joaquin must have been, but now that his fame is catching up with him maybe he’s feeling the same pressure his brother did.
Praying for him.
We talked about the same thing at the dinner table last night–two brothers, two great actors, and how hard it was to lose the one at such a young age.
I read on Fox news that Phoenix was accompanied by Casey Affleck and his film crew. Not sure if this to film his career switch, or if the whole thing is a mocumentary, as I’ve read both. The guy looked and sounded like he was completely high. I felt sad and embarrassed watching, and thought Letterman acted like a real jerk about it by mocking him repeatedly. Just made me feel ashamed for watching. If this is a joke, it’s not funny.
Apparently he’s messing with us. The rumor is that he and best friend Casey Affleck (who is filming the whole thing)are making a documentary mocking celebrity trainwrecks and the media coverage that ensues from the drama. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Some people see more evidence of his artistic brilliance in this (and I am a huge fan of Joaquin the actor) but something about this strikes me as obnoxious. It was certainly disrespectful to Letterman (unless he was in on it, I suppose).
DH is convinced that it was all a set up. And the local paper here applauded it as hearkening back to Andy Kaufman-esque humor.
I read the transcript, never watched it… I hate that kind of awkward humor.
Maybe I’m heartless…but that’s what I call great TV!
I think if Letterman thought it was for real, he’d have been kinder…just a tad.
It was all scripted….and well done at that!
No one could act THAT well. It is really sad. I think it was the gum under the desk that did me in. It was so darn funny. If we can’t laugh, well then…Oh, and I loved it when Paul spontaneously bursted out laughing too. From one Minnesota Mom to another…Thanks for the good post.
I did snort from laughing when Dave said he was sorrying Joaquin couldn’t be here tonight…*snicker*
Maybe he’s also taking up comedy?
I don’t know, it makes me sad too, if it’s for real. It seemed pretty real, David had those awkward pauses, and he hates it when the actor does not know the scene of the movie they are promoting.
I agree with Jen- when Letterman said, “I’m sorry you couldn’t be here tonight” I almost spit.