I have a love/hate relationship with the newspaper.
On the one hand, I am fond of the comics and the movie reviews. On the other, I greatly dislike getting distracted by the gunk. Every day there is some new version of the mortal sins being committed: this man broke into a college dorm and did unprintable things; this woman had a nervous breakdown and killed her husband; that abortion mill is reporting a “record high” season.
It’s so discouraging.
I push the paper aside with a sigh and a prayer. How I thank God for His protection; how I thank Him for my family! Certainly we must intercede for the world and its most vulnerable members—a list which includes the poor sinner who has no one to pray for him or her. Still, when it’s refreshment of the soul I’m seeking, I turn to a source other than the newspaper.
For example, I read blogs.
I feel very blessed to be a part of an Internet community where the men and women share a common goal: we are striving to raise saints for the kingdom and hope, ourselves, to be one. We freely share our ideas and dreams, and we feel comfortable enough to open the doors of our homes to each other for daily visits.
That is, until just recently.
Our beloved Kristen of Small Treasures has had to close the door on her beautiful blog for reasons outside her control. She asked me to apologize on her behalf and she has done so herself in one final, poignant post. I will miss sweet Kristen dearly.
Jamie, too, has suffered a horrible breach of conduct on her blog, Lord, Make Me A Saint. I love Jamie’s blog! She is as funny, warm and sincere a woman as ever I’ve met online and in real life…but again, she’s had to pull back and may not blog again.
She was attacked, you see, by the hatred outside her windows.
You know them by name, and it’s “Anonymous.”
(Also known as “Cowardice.”)
I have been blessed in that, for the most part, the visitors to my blog are courteous. Indeed, I consider many of you to be my online friends of the heart! We take a risk, though, in opening our doors as we do, and sometimes the darkness slips inside.
It’s ugly and it’s unfortunate but we must trust and pray. We are fighting a spiritual battle.
“How many are my foes, O Lord!
How many are rising up against me!
How many are saying about me:
‘There is no help for him in God.“But you, Lord, are a shield about me,
My glory, who lift my head.” (Psalm 3)
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Thank you for writing this. I have been so disheartened lately by the state of the world, worrying about what will happen next month with the election…I saw what happened with Jamie’s blog and it saddens me-she had so much to share!
We must pray.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think the attacks are timely.
There is a hatred of family values.
I am saddened to see evil win, and it does (yes, just temporarily) when “goodness” must retreat.
May Our Lady protect us under her mantle as we present a united front of faith.
Oh, Margaret you are so sweet. It has been hard these past few days. I want to hold on, yet don’t want those bad lurkers out there reading. I know it’s just a blog, but I feel a huge part of my identity was taken away. Who wants to go to a blog and look at a flower?
When I post, I am writing to other Catholic mothers and to my friends. I do not write for the bad lurkers. I wish there was a way for Catholic Mothers Online to be private, that only members could view eachothers blogs and people who register with it.
Pray, pray, pray. It’s our weapon.
I’ve prayed all weekend for the man who started it all, offered my Mass.
I am mostly saddened by the fact that there are child haters out there. It was just never a thought. Just people who hate children period. These same people are walking around in stores, they could live on our street. We must protect our children and continue to love them and cherish them.
So sorry this comment is so long. See how I miss my blog?
It makes me so sad to hear about this. I felt horrible about it Small Treasures and I feel the same way for Jamie. Sigh. It’s been a tough battle all around lately.
JMJ – I'm with you! I think it's a bit of a conspriacy. It's just too timely. Especially when Jamie's post is considered . . . It was an excellent post & I think it was flagged & attacked so as to get timely/pertinent information removed from view.
And Margaret, I completely agree with your stance on anonymity (cowardice). I often wonder if there is only one person who is sending all the negativity! I'm sure there is a way to track the source, but how many of us have time to do that.
I'm drawn to starting a blog, but instances like this cause me to pause & wait. So, for now, I'm a reader who very much enjoys your blog and will miss Jamie's.
Do you remember the scene in The Passion of Christ when Satan walks through the crowd — just like any other person? That scene haunts me because I believe it is true. Just as God walks among us, so does Satan. I give him no power by saying that. I believe it’s true.
So many people in our world do not believe in Satan, nor his power. Do not fool yourselves; he is real. Never let down your guard — always be ready for him.
And in contrast, never turn your back on God, and on those who have but a glimmer of Him inside. If we, as Catholic mothers, teachers, wives, can show the God that is inside of ourselves, then we should. There is risk, yes. There is always risk in love, even for God.
I believe in being cautious, but not afraid.
At once (Jesus) spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Mt 14:27
I grew up in my family’s weekly newspaper business. Letters written without signature went straight into the garbage — do not pass go. If you’re not brave enough to admit your name, I feel bad for you, but keep your thoughts to yourself.
Please pass on my “so long” to Kristen. I have enjoyed reading about her life in So Cal and her beautiful daughters. It is so sad that some have spoiled it for the many.
On a happy note, congrats on your pregnancy. I am so happy for you and pray that this baby will stay safely tucked inside and safe until it is time to grace your blog with his/her appearance. God Bless.
I am an “anonymous” reader. I choose to read anonymously because I am kind of new to reading blogs. I am not real comfortable posting on the internet yet and actually, I don’t necessarily agree with everything you post so I feel kind of like an outsider. However, I really appreciate your thoughtful and prayerful perspective on the topics you post about. I also love seeing the love you have for your family and the creative ideas you have in parenting. Thank you for not password protecting your blog or I may have never come across it! I read it most days and look forward to it.
I shut down my blog not so long ago. I was nervous about my family and I was afraid. Fear sometimes is a good thing to protect our family. I had put too much info out there and I also read the papers and have read way too many horror stories involving children.
I go here and to other blog friends because I do feel like I have found someone like me. Souls who are praying and have a great love for their Lord and families.
I have talked about blogging quite a bit with my friend Jamie and sometimes I like to just be in a bubble. I know Satan can be walking just on the other side of the street and I do not want him to harm my family. We should pray and pray but also becareful and protect. It is a scary world out there right now. I place all my trust in the Lord.
Great post Margaret!
I’ve been thinking much about this, too, this week, having read about both Kristen’s and Jamie’s stories. It’s sad, and I’m not sure what I’d do if it were me. I get so much out of blogging and from reading other bloggers that I’d hate to give it up. Maybe start a new, private blog with a final invitational post on the old one for readers old and new to follow? I don’t know, but I do agree with Barbara in that we can’t let the darkness win. There’s enough darkness in this world, and I, for one, would hate to see all the lovely stars in this blogosphere snuffed out one by one.
Thank you for posting this Margaret, I’ll be offering up a Rosary at some point today for the “protection” of our little blogosphere – we have the right to encourage each other without harassment. There are plenty of discouraging things happening in our world right now we need to stick together and offer all the encouragement we can.
Peace be with you,
I am new to blogging, having only have enough time to read blogs like yours, Margaret, I am sad to hear that two great blogs have been effected by the evils of our time. I do believe we are in times where the those that seek our distruction are on the attack. Prayer is needed.
Lets pray for our families, for guidance, but let’s pray for those lost in the deception they get fed by the world.
I am filled w/ peace when I reflect on the promises of Christ. And believe me I have been on the edge w/ the elections and w/ all the junk that is out there. But I BELIEVE and I PRAY.
God bless you and all who take the courage to blog and voice what many of us feel. You are not alone!
Wow, Kristen too? I’ve been in touch with Jamie, and knew what happened with her. What is it with people? The devil is out in full swing. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, pray for us.
Fr. D. has been saying, “The whole world has gone crazy.”
I was so shocked by the things Sarah Palin and her family were subjected to, immediately after she was announced. I thought, if they are insulting her (and worse!), they could just as well say the same about me and my family. What is shocking is that a lot of people now find it acceptable and even think it is good to openly degrade others with blatant falsehoods. And then call the truth “lies”. Is there no common decency? I have heard of a number of good Catholic mom-blogs closing down now.
I have grown children, but also some little ones still at home. We homeschooled way back when it wasn’t a well-known thing to do, and I think we used to keep to ourselves a whole lot more. Then a certain priest inspired us to reach out and not hide our light under a bushel anymore… I think that is still right – we need the support of one another, and we have a duty to share the Faith – but maybe we have to hunker down and be more savvy about protecting our families again.
I have been an “anon.” (don’t have a google or blogger acct.) only because I’m not that good on the computer. I need my big kids to help me figure things out. Must be an impairment- my elderly parents do better than I do, w/o teenage assistance.
Kate J.
I never have understood the ugliness and hatred that goes on in the comment boxes sometimes. So sad.
I think you’d have to be a relatively new blogger to not understand or to not have experienced in some way a perceived threat or perhaps just a feeling of unease. I went through this a couple months ago and promptly gave my children pseudonyms…
Is it enough?
I’m constantly evaluating just how wide open the door should be. I run my blog like I run my home. The door is open…c’mon in, there’s always room for one more…
There are days that I worry that my attitude is too cavalier. Then sweet, generous and kind blogging friends like Kristen and Jamie take a hard hit, one that is frightening, hurtful and unfair.
Ladies…let’s keep one another in prayer. Something as simple as a “Hail Mary” before logging in…prayer is always the best wall of defense!