Practically all of the snow from Monday’s storm has melted, and this is good. We had temperatures in the mid-50’s yesterday and the kids were outside all afternoon—coatless and begging to go barefoot. I see they were not alone in their request.
On a bad note, I still feel rotten. Technically this is a good thing, I know, but I do regret that my only strategy in coping with all this nausea is to eat nonstop. I am not one of those people who throw up during the first trimester; on the contrary, my body hangs on to every last calorie and my 5-foot frame responds accordingly.
In short, I pack it on.
My friend Tanya reassures me that it will all come off in the end and it’s true that a “little” weight gain is the least of my problems at present. I have two weeks to go until my first OB appointment and I am NERVOUS, because we found out we’d lost our baby Francis at that first visit. (The doctor couldn’t find a heartbeat and I went in for a heart wrenching ultrasound the next day.)
That was then, however! Must we cling to history? Sufficient this day is the nausea thereof.
On one final very serious note, I have to say that I was dismayed and disappointed by the number of you readers who disagreed with my use of beet puree in that shepherd’s pie. Beets are delicious, did you not know? Out of season, I eat them straight from the can; in season, I boil up a great big pot and serve them with a little butter and balsamic vinegar. There’s nothing better, I tell you! (I may be the only member of my family who agrees, but of course that just means that there’s more for me.)
My mom & dad are fond of telling a story about my beloved Auntie Lil (may she rest in peace). She had served up a plate of beets for dinner and my Uncle Bill wouldn’t touch ‘em.
“But these are Harvard Beets!” Lila sputtered.
“I don’t care if they went to Yale,” her husband responded. “I’m not eating them!”
So there’s a little bit of corniness—I mean, beetiness—for your Friday. Happy First Friday, everyone!
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
My kids were the same way yesterday. We were actually outside for almost 3 hours!! Just short by 10 minutes. Not sure I can get the mud out of their clothes, but that’s ok!
Beets? My mom used to serve them out of the can all the time!! Yuck!! She was like you and she’d say “oh, these are SO goooooood!!” smacking her lips! 🙂 I will not do that to my kids….well, not with beets!
I will be praying for that appt. Trust. Sick is good!! I pack on those pounds too, still have them! They are war wounds, right?
Oh, I love the new Spring header picture!!
I love love love beets. My husband reluctantly eats them when I make them to be a “good” example for the 3 youngsters at the table, but I get an evil look when they aren’t watching. Hah! ;o)
And about that whole nervousness thing. I, too, had a Horrible 1st appointment (with my 1st child), so subsequently waited longer and longer to go to that appointment with future pregnancies. I was ALWAYS terrified. I will be praying and praying that you have a fabulous report this time around.
And your right, Sick is Good. Who cares about the weight right now? Deal with it later…much later.
Blessings to you, Margaret.
My body likes to pack on the pounds in the first trimester too – you’re in good company! Last time through, I told my doctor that I cannot believe that anyone gains ONLY 25 pounds in pregnancy – they must be in denial. 🙂 He thought that comment was funny for some reason. Hey – but the good news about going in for that first OB appointment as late in the first tri as possible is that those initial pounds don’t count on the doctor’s official tally and heavy scale! (Hmm, now who’s in denial?)
I’m happy to imagine you heading to my favorite doctor in the world! I could just hug her – in fact I do, every time we see her.
Since we moved, it’s usually at the homeschool conferences now. What a dear.
I am a beet lover too! I remember my mom putting on rubber gloves to peel them and prepare them so they wouldn’t stain her hands. Do you have any suggestions for that? I am leery about doing it myself for that reason – I stick with the jar! And, I make sure the kids are wearing dark shirts to dinner that night!
Maybe it’s the fact that they’re half Polish/Lithuanian, but my kids all LOVE beets–PICKLED and chilled! Not me; I prefer my beets hot.
With my prayers for you & Baby!
Hope all goes well…I needed to eat to alleviate the nausea..I think sickness is a good sign..
Pickled beets and green beans: The whole family loves them…
Our kids were out in the mud puddles yesterday and looking forward to highs in the 60’s today and tomorrow!
Pass the beets, babe, I’m with you!
beets :-p
Minnesota isn’t exactly known for it’s great cuisine though is it? Hot dish? 😉
As for the nausea, try taking a B6 supplement to curb it. 25 mg a couple times a day can do the trick. Follow your cravings and think protein instead of simple carbs.
If you need more remedies I am chock full of them but some are pretty ‘big gun’ as this:
is my world and hitting queasiness with the stuff I use is like swatting a mosquito with a shot gun.
Praying that this little one sticks and we have many more blog posts where we can give you unsolicited advice 😀
I LOVE the look of the Chiogga Beets, have you tried them? Aren’t they lovely?
Are beets a northern thing? My mama was raised in ND and loves them. I was, however, raised in the south and can’t stand them. Just wondering…
Beets???? ewwwwwww.
I’ve got bad childhood memories of having to choke down pickled beets from a can. [shudder]
Beets, spam, egg sandwiches, and chicken caccitore. Four things I won’t be serving anytime soon…
Seriously, though, I will be praying for your first doctor’s visit… and your second… and your ultrasounds… and, well, your whole pregnancy!
God bless!
Bless you, Margaret, and may you soon experience an end to your morning sickness.
I remain unconvinced, however, that there is any possible way to make a beet…which tastes of the earth…palatable.
How can something such a pretty color taste so very awful?!
I’ll take the beets and butter – skip the rest. They are best fresh from the garden, right after they’ve been boiled & skinned. (Just don’t wear a favorite shirt – beet juice is not easy to remove!) My kids like beets, too. They even like pickled beets, which I will NOT touch.
The weather here is in the 50’s, too. It actually feels like Spring this afternoon.
Actually, I thought that using beets was inspired.
Ok, this beet talk is going to make me throw up!!
My kids wanted to go in the sprinkler yesterday! LOL…
This is my first time to stop by your blog and I just wanted to say hello and that I have enjoyed it! I was looking at your “about me” page and saw that you have a little Felicity! I do too! My Felicity is almost 4 and I haven’t met anyone else with her name. Too fun. 🙂
Margaret, I LOVE beets…sprinkled with Italian dressing and boiled egg slices on the side – YUM!!
Hope your morning sickness subsides by the time you see that precious new babe on ultrasound. 🙂
We belong to a farm co-op and our farmer is insulted if we try to mess with his perfect beets with fancy recipees! However beets carrots and turnip in julienne strips stir fried with a little olive oil and ginger and a splash of wine… yum! For my girls I serve them with rice so they get pink rice.
Our farmer also grows one that is gold inside— very pretty.
Dear Margaret-
I only just checked my email today and looked in my SPAM folder. What a blessing to have an email from you. It made my heart smile on a somewhat difficult day.
Praying for you and your little one!
What is “as For me and my blog, we will serve the Lord” ??????
(((HUGS))) as you go through the touch nausea phase. It is worth it … we all know it.
I like your new banner. There is some green to it like mine … SPRING color, eh?
I LOVE beets! My new favorite is roasted — on their own or in a salad. Beets done well are so sweet (in a good way)!
I loved the idea in your backward dinner too!
I think a lot of childhood beet horrors were from overcooked versions. I like them much more as an adult
I’m another one hoping for a happy, healthy pregnancy and as little sickness as possible.
I agree.
Beets suck.
Who knew the humble beet could cause such a ruckus?! Beets, done well, are delightful. So, Margaret, are you going to tally the votes for the great beet debate? 🙂
Beets are gr-r-r-reat!! Prayers for you and Baby. lois