…is now free.
As are Frindle the frog and his tank mate, Rosa.
We did a mass amphibian release last evening at the park where we originally found these creatures. Our kids were wistful but resigned. I’m pretty sure they realized it was time.
Ultimately there were two straws that broke this momma’s back. The first was my sister’s remark that the pet stores don’t even sell turtles anymore because of the risk of salmonella.
Ack! I’m thinking. And that dumb thing was in my teapot??
The second “straw” was even more eventful, if not only for the reason that it involved my toddler. I was sitting at the kitchen table going over the summer’s calendar with my babysitter (first mistake) when I heard a persistent tap-tap-tap and a barely audible “Mommy!”
It was Camille.
In the garage.
Locked out.
And so I opened the door and there she stood, holding her beloved Snappy upside down by his tail. Life became pretty blurry at that point. I think, perhaps, that there were one too many factors for my stressed-out brain to work through.
My two-year-old lets herself out without my knowledge.
She’s got a snapping turtle swinging between her fingers.
Really and truly, it was time. We’re talking nothing but stuffed animals from here on out.
Ed. note: watch this space, ’cause you just know I’ll crack on that resolution.
OK true confession – I actually did think about salmonella at one point when “Snappy” was crawling across the dining room table (I even got a great picture of it! 😉 but I thought “oh she knows all that I’m sure”.
As for the two year old knocking at the door – I had the same thing just today, only it was the front door. . .and he didn’t have any pants on!
Oh, the salmonella thing isn’t so bad. I had a turtle once. I got salmanella poisoning from it, too. But that was only because I was late for a flight, the turtle had pneumonia and needed a shot, the turtle didn’t like getting shots, the turtle fought like the dickens and scratched me, but because I was running late for a flight, I didn’t have time to clean the scratch. So I spent my visit with salmonella poisoning, which wasn’t very fun, but my point is that you have to apply yourself to get it. And not all turtles are infected, but there’s no way to tell which ones are.
I assume you eat burgers? Ground beef? According the book “Fast Food Nation”, 78% of ground beef is contaminated with salmonella. I think the turtle is the least of your concerns!
Mental note: Don’t eat hamburgers anymore, and no turtles for pets. Just kidding. Maraget, it’s always a joy to read your post. Have you ever thought about writing a book about your adventures in raising kids? It would be awesome and hilarious. I would purchase a copy for myself and all my friends.
Ohhh, if only you lived closer — in a few weeks I’ll have a baby gerbil for you!
Stick to your guns Mom!! I know we’ve had more than enough pets here. Not to mention the earthworms for Science Fair.
We just let one go after my neighbor, a Vet., told me about salmonella. My kids played with it for hours, and my goodness, did they even wash their hands? I don’t even remember : )
2 of them were in tears, before releasing it. I can relate.
Love the picture!! I love that Camille is the only one barefoot and Maria’s look is priceless, true girly girl there! Thanks for the laugh today! We found a small turtle (the size of my 1 year old’s hand) the other day, and I thought of you and did NOT keep it!:) Well…mostly because of trying to sell the house, we don’t need any loose turtles right before a showing!!!
We let our turtles go, too, for the same reason.
The only thing that could top reading your blog would be a chat, cuppa in hand, at the kitchen table.
Poor Snappy. Maligned, hanging by tail. I’m certain he’s happily sunning his salmonelly self as I type.
Too, too funny.