Because it’s the first of May and I LOVE May, I am hoping to do a post/day every day, with special emphasis on the action of God’s grace in our lives. For the record and in full disclosure, I will be highlighting some previously published entries from this blog….although there’s no telling where the wind will take me! As in, I plan to add brand new content too.
I can tell that it’s First Communion time because lots of people are coming to my blog via an Internet search for:
- First Communion Novenas;
- A Letter to My Daughter on her First Communion Day; and
- Common Loons in Minnesota
(Okay, so that last one is an anomaly, I’m sure.)
To that end, i.e. the end in making your internet searches easier, I am sharing the letters that I wrote to Maria (aka Cate) , Avila (aka Felicity) and Camille (aka Angela) with you. Even if your son/daughter has already made his/her First Communion, you can still give them a letter. God’s grace and love are new every morning!
♥ A Letter to my Daughter on Her First Communion Day
♥ A Letter to my 2nd Daughter on Her First Communion Day
♥A Letter to my 3rd Daughter on Her First Communion Day
in her typically chipper little way, “Well, it broke my heart!”
I am also more than happy to share the First Communion novena that we used to do at our church. It’s a bit more geared toward little girls, being flowery and all, but you can certainly focus on the daily virtues with your son(s) and have them dutifully crank out the drawings.
Here’s the link to the First Communion novena: “A Garden fit for My King”
God’s Grace in Avila’s Life!
It includes two separate title pages (one with a boy, one with a girl) so you can choose accordingly.
May God bless your Mary Month of May!
Woo-hoo! This is good news!
Wow, I see your mom in this sweet picture of Avila!! ❤️