A Mishmash Post of What it Means to be Free
I’m thinking in shades of red, white and blue today, wondering what kind of craft I can cobble up for the kids and what kind of salad I can make for the picnic. The house is still–completely quiet–save for the hum of the computer, the clack of the keys and the occasional car zooming past on the street.
I’m thinking of how the summer is going. It’s going too fast is how it’s going! I feel great pressure to drain its dregs.
I’m thinking, too, about a recent trip to North Dakota–just a quick weekend jaunt for Felicity, Cate and me–whereupon the girls spent endless hours on the farm with their cousin and (bonus points) learned to drive a golf cart without crashing.
For my part, I attended my 30th (!) high school class reunion and spent a precious three days with my mom, dad and family.
Omgoodness, it was so much fun.
I also fit in a good confession (remember my saying I needed to go?) and to my great surprise and consternation, learned that drinking to get a buzz is wrong.
Sorry, friends, but it’s what the priest told me.
I’d always figured that as long as I stopped before, I don’t know, falling down, that drinking to blur the sharp lines was okay. And yet, when I think long and hard about how and why I drink…well, I can see that this humble priest is probably right.
Certainly I’ll need to change some habits.
Finally, going back to the idea of freedom, I heard Immaculée speak at a local event and her story gave me some real perspective.
She survived the Rwandan genocide and yet, this beautiful woman is all about love. She forgave the men that murdered her family because, as she puts it, she’s been forgiven her sins.
Plus she knows that real freedom comes from an unfettered heart.
Happy almost Independence Day! Enjoy your family, enjoy your friend, enjoy the great gift of being free.
Amen, sister. We (most of us, IMO) really have no idea how free we are and how much we take it for granted. But, that, in and of itself, is a good, good thing. Time to thank God!
You got to hear her speak?! Aren,t you lucky! {{hugs}} and Happy 4th. Blessings and peace to you margaret
Happy 4th of July, friend! You inspire me to think red, white and blue, too!
You almost always blog what I feel. I share your struggles. And I am also named Margaret. Thank you for blogging.