I had a lighthearted little post on deck for today and I may still publish it tomorrow or Thursday, but after seeing a headline in the Pioneer Press this morning…and gathering Cate into my arms & starting to cry…
I need to write about Truth and persecution.
There is a part of me that can’t handle reading the paper anymore.
It’s not that I want to keep my head in the sand. It’s that lately, it seems, my heart can’t take it.
Today, for the the third time in as many weeks, there is a write-up in the paper about a priest that I know. Three local priests; one a much-revered scholar; and one especially beloved for his long-ago baptism of my son. Three local priests, all being charged with extremely unpriestly behavior.
Does it matter that, in the case of this morning’s story, the allegations are as yet unproved? The damage is done. The Church, gravely wounded.
The persecution, it seems, is beginning in earnest.
Why, do you think, the focus is on the Catholic Church? Are there no Protestant pastors who fall in a similar fashion? How about policeman and firefighters, dads and grandpas? Of course there are, and yet…“If you are hated, it is because I was hated first.”
Like I said, I had a lighthearted little post on deck.
Friends, the stakes are too high for us to be lukewarm. Pray for these priests; pray for the Church; get to Mass and avail yourself of every last sacramental. Personally, I take great comfort in my vocation as stay-at-home mom. It’s hard work but oh, my heart finds peace in these children.
Their innocence sustains me when the world “out there” does not.
Oh – how sad. And awful. My prayers today will be for those 3 priests.. and for our Church.
Seeing the pics of your precious kiddos warms my heart, though, and reminds me that there is MUCH good in our world and in our Church.
And let's pray too, for everyone coming forward with a terrible story to tell, and for those contemplating coming forward. The truth shall set us free.
Yes, the truth will set us free, though we won't know the whole story until the final judgement.
Prayers for the victims, and the priests. So sad. My bubble has burst a little….I must get back in and mend it….Pray pray pray…….
You are so right Margaret and I'm glad you've reminded me to pray for our Priests. Pray for truth and prayer of protection for our Catholic faith that is so under attack. Pray, pray, pray!
Just last week we learned the same about a priest whom I deeply admire, and have for many years, as well. The announcement was placed in our Catholic newspaper — because of some agreement the victims have made with the Church. The priest who has been charged, allegedly committed this crime in the 1970s. He recently had a stroke and can now barely speak. He did deny the charges, but the Church reported them as being "credible allegations." This priest was just recently publicly honored with a stained glass window at his last parish for his many years of service. Coincidental? I don't think so. I don't think he will live long enough to know he has been exonerated, if he ever is…except, of course, in heaven. It breaks my heart. And yes, it is the Catholic Church — charges against Protestant pastors, rabbis, coaches, teachers, etc. happen, but they never make the news, and they are, for that reason likely more authentic (they are not created just for the purpose of publicly bashing the Church). After the above-mentioned article in the Catholic Times, the television stations all picked it up and reported it (not that I was watching, but Doug was). You never hear any charges against pastors, and rarely against teachers and coaches, in the electronic media. But check the stats — it happens all the time. Sadly.
Wow – I don't see this issue as a Protestant vs Catholic blame game! There are good Catholics and not so good Catholics, just as there are good Protestants and not so good Protestants and good atheists and not so good atheists! I see enough of these types of charges to make me sad and it does not matter to me a whit what religion the person who was charged was…. I do wish people would not judge until the person was found guilty, but I also wish we could judge the act of abusing power and trust instead of the person's religion.
No blame game intended. I love my Protestant brethren! My point is that the Catholic Church seems to have been singled out, at least locally in our newspapers, with front page/top of the fold stories several days in a row.
I do agree that sins of abuse need to be dealt with swiftly, no matter the religion. We are suffering on many levels in our Archdiocese and it breaks my heart.
My heart breaks for all victims of abuse. I am getting married in a few weeks to an incredible man who is not Catholic. He has agreed to raise our children Catholic and he attends mass with me every week. However, he has asked that our children never be left alone with a Priest outside the confessional. I've gone searching for data to provide a counter argument (todays paper includes allegations against a local music teacher, but it isn't a headline like the priest you mention), but in the end all I can do is pray. Pray, pray, pray for the abused, for the abusers, for those accused, and those who didn't take action when they knew of abuse.
Honestly, I'm not sure why anyone would leave their child alone with a priest anyway! What possible scenario could there be for that to occur, if the priest in question is not a member of your immediate family?
I know, it saddened me that he felt the need to call a priest out specifically and didn't mention a boy scout leader, soccer coach, music teacher, etc. My counter argument is that the risk is everywhere and as a parent I would hope our vigilance wouldn't be relaxed or made more stringent by any particular title.
Yes, there is risk everywhere. What a world! It is as you say: pray, pray, pray for the abused and the abusers and those who didn't say anything when there was legitimate proof. It's not just Catholic priests, of course, but the Church has been wounded and your future husband is (I think) being reasonably cautious.
On a happier note, congratulations on your upcoming marriage! May God bless you on your special day and always!♥
Awww, thanks! We are in our late 30s, prayers that we are blessed with children would be appreciated, you and your beautiful family give me hope!
It's absolutely no consolation, if you ask me, because children had to suffer, but a local protestant pastor from Brandenburg, KY did indeed make national news for his crimes. It was a year or two ago, and the name of the church escapes me just now. I know they call their daycare center King's Kids. Sad all around, no matter who is responsible.
I'm so sorry, Margaret. How we must pray for our priests!
Thank you for this post. I am wordless, other than showing my support for your post and sharing my similar heavy heart on the entire matter.
Dearest MN Mom.
I no longer voluntarily watch the news, it just breaks my heart. Abuse is abuse and should NOT be tolerated anywhere, but there is such a double standard when it involves a Catholic priest. Myself and several other ladies who are catholic and also empty nesters gather every week to pray for our priests as Satan works twice as hard on them .
My heart is breaking too, Margaret. Sending hugs and joining you in prayer…
Praying, thinking, writing. Joining you in appreciation of the innocence of our children.
What sad, sad news. A jolting reminder to pray for our Priest. And to pray for the victims. I was once behind a car that had a bumper sticker that said, " Abstinence makes the Church grow Fondlers." I was so disgusted by the bumper sticker, but then I started praying for the person in the car because I thought if they were that angry at the Church to put that bumper sticker on their car they must be a victim or a family member of a victim.
I almost left the Church after the scandal of the Marciel and the Legionaries of Christ. I was a member of Regnum Christi, and was very hurt by the lies and deceit told to us about Marciel. I am still sickened that his victims have yet to be apologized to or compensated. I stay in the Church because of the Holy Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. Mother Mary, Pray for us!