So I asked you to stop by Sarah’s blog, Amongst Lovely Things, and read a post entitled “Shutter Speak 2.” Some of you were thinking, “Why in the world would she have us do this? I am not a photographer.” And then you saw her darling photos…and got to the part about that book’s dedication to the author’s wife…
And you responded, “Oh, I get it. Thank you!”
You are very welcome. : )
(Editor’s Note #1: You could have said that I sent you over for the photography tips, and I would have accepted that answer also! I was a photo major in college but that was long ago…and I am always looking to learn new tricks.)
(Editor’s Note #2: Also, I gave you a bunch of hints in my giveaway post’s labels, found at the bottom of the post by the comment section. Did you see them? Did you take the hint?)
One of them was “Marriage” which, for the record, is one of my favorite labels. I assume that we are all looking for ways to improve our marriage, especially since it can be hard, hard work. I love my husband—truly, madly and deeply—but he is very different from me, and to live with someone for all these years…to sleep with him, to parent with him, to give myself to him as totally as possible…
Well. Without grace and a few tips along the way, I seriously doubt that I would have made it this far.
Which brings me to the giveaway! And you are thinking, “Finally!”
About a month and a half ago, I was aching to read Hallie Lord’s awesome book. Not having the extra money to purchase it, I asked my Facebook friends if they had a copy I could borrow. Guess what? Not only did sweet, sweet Joan offer to buy me a copy, she also sent me two more to give away! So very generous.
Today’s winner then, as determined by Random.Org, is….
Congratulations, Sweetie! Please send me your address and I will send you your new book.
To everyone else, do not despair. Rather, come back on Monday for another chance to win! I’ll be talking—ahem—about the second item in Hallie’s book’s title, because…after all…what is a good marriage without great sex? ; )
See you then.
Oh, I'm so excited. I've been wishing to read that book. Thanks so much 🙂
: )
Thanks again, Joan! You rock.
Looking forward to the next post!
Ohmigoodness! I've been out of town for the last few days and didn't bring the internet with me, so I just logged in to see all this and all those comments on the other post for the first time.
You totally made my day. And I was sort of having a maybe-I-shouldn't-blog-I-can-barely-even-keep-up-with-my-laundry-so-why-add-to-my-list-of-things-to-do moments.So you just REALLY REALLY made my day. 🙂
And seriously- wasn't that ackowledgement section unbelievable?!
I loved Hallie's book. Awesome, awesome, awesome.