The “I can tell it’s the first week of school” Edition
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Joe, Minnesota Me, The New School, Wordless Wednesday 14 Comments
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
Hello Margaret
What a priceless picture!
Speaking of fridge magnets – I have one that says:
I'm on a gin & tonic diet – so far I have lost 2 days!
My 30-day Throw Down is going well – day 4 and no cheating so far.
Cheers – Joolz
What a great picture! I love how he's not letting his tiredness interfere with his bonding with his brother.
BTW, I found a picture of Joe and my Matthew yesterday when they were 7. They were playing baseball in our backyard when you took the picture. I was struck by how much they have changed, and grown up.
So cute!
Oh, and I have another magnet which reads:
Fridge pickers wear bigger knickers!
– Joolz
margaret, that is adorable!
What a wonderful photo! I always love your stories (and pictures) that show how your children interact with one another. I know it's not always sweet and delightful, but the love between them is evident!
Incredibly sweet picture. Oooh and that chunky little baby. I could just squeeze him! (We want Tony pictures…We want Tony pictures…)
Precious photo!
Nothing like a warm, cozy baby to help someone relax and fall asleep! Love it!
How could anyone compete with that?
This is one of the most heart-warming pics I've seen in a while! Love the oldest & youngest together in nap-ville!!
Ahhh, that is just precious!!! I bet he misses his baby brother and all the others of course!!
This is so precious.
I pray that one day my children love on eachother like this:)
I LOVE this picture.