It’s Laetare Sunday and you know that means. You had darn well better leave me a hello in the com-box!
(Goodness, but I’m demanding.)
I don’t think we’ll be seeing pink—or rather, rose-colored—vestments today, though, and more’s the pity. According to the Catholic Culture website,
This Sunday is called “Laetare Sunday” in the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite since its mood and theme is one of hope and rejoicing that Easter is near. In the Ordinary Form this Sunday is not different from the other Sundays of Lent even though the entrance antiphon for the day still begins with the Latin word “laetare” (which means “Rejoice”).
I just love those rose-colored vestments. They give me hope.
You know, it’s funny—in a not-so-funny-at-the-time kind of way—how one’s emotions can ride such a roller coaster throughout Lent. As Catholics, we are taught that suffering and the cross are good things; as Americans, we are told to avoid them at all costs.
In any case, today I am feeling the joy that we are supposed to have throughout the season. Thank you, Lord, for sending this melancholic mom the gift of sensible consolation! I didn’t want to get up for my holy hour this morning but I knew I should and so I did.
I’m glad I did.
The quiet chapel calmed my racing thoughts, and these readings from my prayer book were just what I needed after a particularly trying week:
“Joy is essentially a Christian characteristic, and in this liturgical season the Church does not fail to remind us that it should be present at every moment of our lives.
As Holy Week and Easter draw near, so do forgiveness, mercy, divine compassion, and a superabundance of grace. A little while longer and the mystery of our salvation will be consummated.”
Words to live by.
Words to love by.
I’m going to close, appropriately, on a happy note…and it is this. I have a new favorite song! It’s “Walking After Midnight” by Megan Joy Corkrey, who is a cutie pie contestant on American Idol with an incredibly rich, incredibly quirky voice.
(You can give this song a listen on YouTube here.)
Yes, we’re still watching American Idol as a family. Are you scandalized? We turn the commercials off and talk talk talk our way through the program. We are called to be a light in this world, which means knowing how to face a bit of darkness from time to time. These are skills best learned in a family.
End of lecture.
And I’m sorry, but I laughed out loud—guffawed, really—when the first words out of Simon’s mouth after Adam Lambert’s version of “Ring of Fire” was “What the h*ll was that?”
Again, I’m sorry. I’m very sorry. It’s just that it was classic Simon and if you can’t find joy in his kvetchy, crotchety persona…what can you do?
(Incidentally, Lambert’s sitar-laden take on “Ring of Fire” has grown on me. As odd as that boy is, I am just smitten with his voice.)
Happy Sunday, everyone. : )
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Hi! I was wondering if you were going to mention that Alexis was sent home. Happy Laetare Sunday – only 3 weeks until Easter!
I love this Sunday too! Have a great day!
How could I not comment after that scolding. 😀
Have a great day!
A joyful Laetare Sunday to you too Margaret!! I too, really needed this pink shot in the arm today. The best medicine. Halfway home!…….blessings to you! Love M
That’s all you asked for, so that’s all you’re getting.
Except I have to say that “Walking After Midnight” should never be sung by anyone except Patsy Cline — ever.
–I have to say that “Walking After Midnight” should never be sung by anyone except Patsy Cline — ever.
And only Johnny Cash should be singing “Ring of Fire”, right?
Come on, Barbara. We have to give these young upstarts a chance. 😉
We didn’t have rose vestments either, but they did explain Laetare before Mass and Father referred to it in his homily. After all, if you can’t rejoice with today’s Gospel, what do we have to rejoice about!
I’m glad you opened comments Margaret. It’s just something else to share with each other today.
On a smaller note, I’m also rejoicing that ds and dh returned from the first Boy Scout troop camping without frostbite (although the tent froze)! We’re in NJ but it hit below 20 overnight (that’s cold in a tent)! But he wasn’t going to miss the first camp out since he crossed from Cubs. Oh, and he’s thrilled to have earned his Totem (ax, knife and saw)! This mom is still getting used to Boy Scouts…
Happy Laetare Sunday! (The capcha doesn’t think so though; the word is “gloomic”.) We are just about to leave for Mass, and I have never been here for a pink Sunday, so I don’t know what color vestments we will have. I am guessing purple though. Also, I wanted to say that I really liked your “scrapbooking” post with the three bad pictures and the post with the wii picture with your daughter.
I had never even heard of Laetare Sunday until a couple weeks ago. Father wore pink vestments, and I was really surprised, because I know I’ve never seen this during Lent before! (maybe they were new vestments. I don’t think he even wore rose for Gaudete Sunday!)Anyway, this has been a particularly tough lent for the kids, and Daddy left for a business trip early this morning besides … so we were glad for an excuse to rejoice! 🙂
I woke up particularly cheerful today myself.
Saw the rose colored vestments at Mass and felt good about that too.
Simon cracks me up.
I bet he is a very nice guy.
Love Idol.
Happy Sunday.
Just stopping in to say “hi”! Hope you have a wonderful day. God Bless.
Bad Catholic here. When I saw the title to this post on my feed my first thought was “OH! Margaret is having a girl!!!”
then as I went to click on it I remembered it is Laetare Sunday and you being a good Catholic were probably posting about that.
I have been having a lack luster Lent. God noticed. Dd (2) has rotovirus.
Don’t care who sings “Ring of Fire.” 😛
Hello! God’s blessings be upon you and your family!
We had pink vestments…quite nice. I think they are the same ones that father and the deacons wear for Gaudete Sunday during advent. Our flower arrangements were beautiful too!
Hi Margaret! We had rose colored vestments today and I was very happy with that. 🙂 It’s beautiful here, too–a very hopeful day!
Oh, and NOW I have “Ring of Fire” in my head, which is OK, because I really like that song. But it makes me want to put on “Walk The Line.”
Hello Margaret! It is “rose” “not pink”…..”there is no pink in The Church,” as deceased Msgr. Fossier used to tell us. 🙂 There was much rose at our Mass today…rose vestments and beautiful boquets of rose colored roses.
I’m loving your dishwasher post – 27 little words…I bet there was much dancing in your kitchen!! 🙂 Hugs to you, Margaret!
Happy Sunday!
Last night at the vigil Mass our pastor insisted that his vestements were ROSE, not PINK. But he wore them. It’s really impressive when your almost 7-foot, broad-as-a-barn pastor does that. He was a MOUNTAIN of pin…er, rose.
Our St Patrick’s Parade Committe Bishop’s Mass (long title for 1 Mass) had rose vestments with poorly matched purple stoles for the concelebrants. oh Well they tried!
Hi Mags! (I love that –I call my dd Mags too) 🙂 We had “rose” vestments at both the Ordinary and Extraordinary forms today –though the vestments at the EO have much more of an orange hue –definitely not pink. Hope you are having a JOYFUL Laetare Sunday!!
Hey Margaret,
Hello from Down South. I had never heard of Laetare Sunday before you mentioned it and we had purple vestments at our church. I hope you have a great day!
Hi Margaret. We did get rose colored vestments this weekend. Fr. likes to emphasise they are “rose” and certainly not pink. 🙂 Funny. Hope that the remiander of your lent is blessing filled.
Well, Hello! This isn’t my first time here but my first time to comment. Relatively new to your blog but this is the first chance to say a formal “howdi”! Blessings to you on this Laetare Sunday!
no pink vestments in our parish. I really would love to see them.
I changed my blog colour to pink though.
We had rose vestments, which reminds me of the fabric you picked for your next quilt. I really like it…except perhaps for the white. White would NOT stay white in my house.
I know white is risky, Stephanie, but I really needed something to punch up the quilt. The white makes the red and tan pop out!
In other news, we did not have rose-colored vestments today. [Sad face] Forgot to ask our priest why not.
We had rose colored vestments today. Our poor priest kept saying Gaudete Sunday. We love him though.
Our priest and the altar were both dressed in rose. I thought of you and prayed for your family. Thanks for your comforting words today.
We had Rose colored vestments and Father spoke about “rejoicing Sunday”! It made my day. Why did I ever not notice this before this year?????
Goodmorning!!!! Soon it will be light enough here to go walking at midnight 🙂 I have that song on my ipod, but sung by Patsy Cline! have a very nice day
Theresa In Alberta
Shouldn’t these comments be turned off today? 🙂
Rose colored vestments here!
I have to agree with Barbara…and disagree with Barbara. No one should sing Patsy but Patsy…or Johnny but Johnny…or Randy but Randy (sorry, Carrie). There are certain classic country crooners whose songs should not be touched.
Except maybe for karaoke. (You should hear my Walkin’ after Midnight. It rivals the Chiquita song.)
Love you!
So nice to get a chance to post a comment! 🙂
We also had rose colored vestments this weekend at Mass. That always makes my littlest one so happy!
Hi Margaret,
I didn’t have time for internet usage yesterday, so I am glad I can still comment. We had rose vestments at Mass and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Woo-hoo! Then my husband and I spent the afternoon transplanting the little tomato seedlings into bigger containers (his first time growing them from seeds). If they all survive, we’ll have 72 tomato plants. Yikes!
Have a blessed rest of Lent!
Oh, I forgot to say, that we thought Simon’s comment was funny, too. Though I also have to say I am not much of a Lambert fan.
We had rose-colored vestments yesterday at the Tridentine Rite I attend; t’was beautiful! Our choir sings a High Mass each Sunday; yesterday we sang a Lent/Advent Gregorian Chant Mass, and for the Offertory and Communion we sang some splendid polyphonic motets. Quite lovely!
OK I’m leaving a comment – because you told me too! Enjoy the rest of your Lent!
Since this is still on today…just wanted to leave my prayers for those in harms way. I too have family in the wake of these rising waters.
May God hold them all in the safety of his arms.