Margaret in Minnesota.
I am a wife, a mother, and a would-be writer…and today is the second anniversary of this blog.
(I wrote about why I started it here.)
In honor of all the good that has come from starting this online journal—the friendships of the heart, the creative inspiration, the desire to be a better homemaker and home educator—I am sponsoring a small give-away.
(My very first! How exciting! Hee.)
I am offering a brand new copy of one of my much-loved cookbooks—Grandma’s Favorites by Taste of Home—to one of you, my much-loved readers. It was the first book that I reviewed, by the way, which makes it the perfect choice for my first give-away.
(Or not.)
Anyway. All you need to do is introduce yourself:
Hello, my name is ___________.
I am a—what? A wife? A mother? A part-time firefighter?
My interests include…
I read your blog because…..
(My goal, you see, is to plan ahead. It’s August, the perennial month of planning for people like me who must plan everything, and those plans include what to blog and how often to blog.)
And that’s it! You have all week to introduce yourself, as my birthday boy will be picking the winner on Friday morning.
I look forward to meeting you…online, off-line, and most especially, for coffee.
With much love and many blessings,
PS. And if that cookbook isn’t enough of a draw, (Guys? Are you out there?), please know that I will be saying a Hail Mary for each and every one of you.
Now get clacking! : )
Oh dear, I seem to be the first.
*takes deep breath*
Hello, my name is Megan. I’m a student–sophomore, Franciscan University of Steubenville, journalism/theology major.
Interests…oh my. I can get interested in just about everything, given the right circumstances. Mainly books, and Catholicism, and babies. (I just put books before my religion…sadly, probably an accurate reflection of my priorities. :p) If you want to learn more about me, I have two blogs, though one is private for various reasons. So how about we just pretend I have one blog? Anyway, the link is in my profile.
I read your blog because you’re funny and sweet and I want to be like you when I grow up.
If I’m a little inclined to babble this morning it’s because I was up until midnight talking to the Best Boyfriend in the World. I’m not even a night owl, which shows how awesome he is that I’ll stay up until midnight for him.
Hello Margaret. My name is Ellen and I am a Catholic wife, mom, daughter and sometime accountant. My interests include the Catholic faith, cooking, volunteering, playing tennis, bike riding and cheering my son as he rows. I don’t remember how I found your blog, but I enjoy reading about your adventures home schooling and raising five children – I was only blessed with one. The story of your conversion has be and interesting read as I too had my issues growing up and came to the realization that I needed to improve my live and be closer to God. Take heart my blogging friend – we are many. Plus your blog, like many others, has sparked some great on-line and in-person friendships.
Congratulations on your second anniversary. Here’s to many more years of blogging and “growing older” together on the web.
Another quick post – I don’t know what was going on in my mind, except for the fact that it usually runs faster than my fingers on the keyboard, but please excuse my spelling errors – ugh, I guess I need some coffee!
Hello, my name is Jennifer. I’m a wife, a mother to four children ages seven and under, and a home school teacher.
Interests are running, music, movies, and a good, rich spiritual book.
I read your blog because I feel I know you, and felt that way from the very beginning. Cheesy, huh? I cherish your advice, your wisdom, and your awesome sense of humor.
As my kids would say, you rock!
Hello, my name is Jamie and I never win anything, but here goes…It doesn’t matter, it’s just fun to do!!
I am a Catholic Wife, mother, homeschooler. And I love it!
I love to exercise (when I have time) read, pray, go to Mass, talk, play, do art with my kids and I love summer!!
I started reading your blog because you were from Minnesota,(as am I) I found you through Danielle Bean’s site, you had left a comment so I clicked on your name about 2 years ago (it was in the fall). I’ve been hooked ever since. I love your sense of humor and that we have lots in common, Catholic, wife, mother, homeschooling, MN, but are so different. I think you are a very interesting person and it has been fun to get to know you through your blog and even more fun in person. You are real and you keep it real. I just love you Margaret!
I’m glad you blog and congratulations on your 2 year anniversary!!!
My name is Christine. I am an Art Teacher, wife, mother of 4, and blogger because of Margaret….oh and because I turned 40 this year.
I found out about you through Jamie who told me to look at your blog because she was on it. I quickly said, “uh…what’s a blog?”
When I started reading I was hooked. And I am hooked on Jamie’s and many others now out there in blog world.
I read your blog because it is just a fun read. You can write very well. I admire your courage to write about your conversion story.
OH Yah…about me…my interests include first my faith, then my family, reading, tennis, canoeing, biking, camping, photography, and the list goes on……I suppose I should include blogging.
If I should win I will give my prize to Jamie….cause she doesn’t win anything!! And she deserves it cause she is the best!
Hi Margaret-
I'm Kaylea, 22 years old, and fresh out of college with a degree in broadcast journalism. I work in Media Relations in Columbus, Ohio.
I'm interested in new media, the news, most recently the Olympics, shopping, scrapbooking, being with my friends and family and my brand new puppy Cooper. (Pictures of him here-
I read your blog because your intelligent, interesting and funny. My boyfriend grew up in Elk River, MN and his family still lives there. We visit often and will probably move to MN one day.
Oh & I could use the cookbook, my track record in the kitchen is not so good!! 😉
Good morning,
My name is Donna and I am a Domestic Engineer, wife to a wonderful man, and Homeschooling Mommy to four little darlings.
I have only been reading your blog for a bit over a year, and have enjoyed the laughter and tears therein.
I love to grow flowers and veggies, reading, and munching on good chocolate while enjoying a cup of energy—AKA coffee.
I need to be much holier than I am now, and want my children growing up to know the beauty and depth of our Catholic faith. I read you because it helps me to try to reach that goal!
God bless you and your family!
My name is Elaine. I’m a Catholic wife, mom to 2 beautiful kids, and homeschooler.
My interests focus mainly on Catholicism, food, and homeschooling.
I read your blog because you are funny and so easy to identify with. I found you through Danielle Bean’s blog…she had posted a photo of you holding Daniel. Killer photo! I laughed and had to find out who you were. I’ve been a faithful reader ever since.
Congratulations Margaret on your second anniversary! God bless you!
LOL – my worst fear is to hold a drawing and have no one enter – so here I am!
My name is Jennifer.
I am a Catholic wife and mama. I homeschool my two babies.
My interests include gardening, running, cooking, sewing, knitting and my family.
I read here because you are funny, witty, charming and real. I like your honesty. But really, of all the clicks and all the tiny virtual interactions that occur, I felt an immediate connection with you – I remember your very first comment on my blog. I just like you, that’s all!
Hullo, I’m Sarah and I’m on an interesting journey called “doing the best I can with a lot of help from Jesus, Our Lady, and all the Saints, not to mention a few wonderful folks, like you, for instance,” through wifeyness, motherhood, home schooling, domestic trials and errors, and trivial pursuits. It is beside the point that I believe I was born on the wrong continent, but after 38.8 years of life, I am coming to grips with it. 🙂
I am interested in learning new things, new ways of doing things, cooking, crafting, reading, writing, growing, praying, family, Faith, volunteering, and growing in humility. My life is pretty much about tasting my feet every so often. 🙂
I read your blog because you are darling, real, friendly, and all about growing in your relationships – I like how you examine yourself and with such great humour and insight! You are just easy to love! Not to forget to mention: you take really nice pictures!
Congrats on your bloggin’ anniversary! May God bless you and may you continue to bless us with your wit and wisdom!
Hi Margaret (although now I think of you as Maggie),
Happy blogging annivesary!
My name is Wendy, and I am a Catholic homeschooling momma of 5 — a 14yo dd, an 11yo ds, an 8yo ds, a little soul in heaven, and an almost-3yo dd. I have been married to the love of my life for 19 years.
My interests include books, food (esp. chocolate and coffee), babies, movies, music, my family, and my faith, although not in that order. Things I am interested in learning how to do: knit, draw, bake bread, play piano. Things I need to do more of: exercise – you know, because of all that chocolate and coffee. :o)
I read your blog because: 1) you usually make me laugh; 2) sometimes you make me cry; 3) you write honestly; 4) I like to think we’d be good friends IRL. :o)
Hi, my name is Diana Banana and I am a ghost writer and actress. My interests are bungee jumping, differential equations, and reruns of Bananas in Pajamas and the Monkees. I read your blog because it helps me to remember that I am not as bad as I could be.
And because I love you. 🙂
Hello, my name is Liz…
I am a sahm Catholic homeschooler.
My interests include, but are not limited to, loving my kids, reading, sewing, vegetable gardening and blowing raspberries on my baby’s tummy (lots of fun!)
You’re on my google reader list because I think you are hilarious and I appreciate your respect for the Catholic Church. My all time favorite post of yours was the story about shoe shopping when the lady bought shoes for your kids. I laughed and I cried, and I definitely saw myself in that post!
Thanks for giving us all encouragement!
Hello, my name is stephanie.
I am a Catholic stay-at-home wife and mother who is wasting her engineering degree by pursuing a vocation rather than a career.
My interests are extremely varied…anything to keep my mind active…in general reading, enjoying the great outdoors and puzzling should cover it.
I read your blog because, well, I like you. I pared down my blogs recently and kept yours in my top 5 because you write with a combination of humor and seriousness about things that are real. So, even though my oldest is only 6, we live in the country, we don’t “homeschool” and I don’t like coffee – there is more than a “desire to be a better homemaker and home educator” in your writing. It is the desire to be a better *wife* and *mother* that comes through, and those are things to which I can relate.
Hello, my name is…wait. Don’t you know me already? 🙂
Okay, fine. My name is Jennie. I’m a Catholic woman, a homeschooling mama, and a soldier’s wife, and I think that says just about everything about what I am and what I believe in.
I’m interested in almost everything, which is good, because I never get bored, but bad, too, because I never have enough time to learn about/do all the things I am interested in.
I read your blog because you are you and I love you. I don’t read any blogs of any people I don’t love. 🙂
Don’t put me in the cookbook drawing, though; I’m just in it for the prayer. 🙂
Howdy Margaret!
I’m Ann. I’m the mother of 4 here on earth and 3 in heaven. I’m addicted to helping out, at school or at the parish.
My interests are: reading (especially history), camping, learning more about my faith and how to be a true woman of Christ.
I read your blog because I am too lazy to pick up the phone and call you like I should, so I can keep tabs on what’s up with you by reading this. Also because you bring a special perspective to many topics near and dear to my heart.
Looking forward to Fall Festivaling with you next month!
Hi Margaret,
My name is Marie. I live in the way west metro (way out yonder…but close enough to work in Golden Valley). My interests are all things Catholic, especially the saints, cooking, outdoors stuff – (loved the Itasca post – I have been there 3 times!), reading, hanging out with family, etc. I read your blog because I love being Catholic and so do you, you are local, I love your sense of humor, I desire to grow in holiness as you do, and my husband and I are praying for the blessing of children and I feel like I live vicariously through your tales right now. I married such a sweet blessing from heaven earlier this year and I am trying to live out this vocation to the fullest.
Unfortunately, I found out I have another thing in common…we found out we miscarried last week. It was an early miscarriage, but nonetheless, it has been hard, we were so excited about being pregnant. However, in midst of it all, another one of my friends forwarded me some links to earlier postings that you had written about miscarriage and it was really good to read that. Thanks!
Thanks for your prayers and God Bless!
St. Clare, pray for us!
Hello my name is Joan, I like Jello and I come from Jail!! Not really!!!I was just in a playful mood like Margaret is most of the time.
So, here goes. Hello my name is Joan, I’m a wife, mother to 5 ages 26 down to 15, Kindergarten teacher in a Catholic School, and recent graduate of a Masters Program in School Administration.
My interests include reading Margaret and Danielle Bean’s blogs, yoga, walking, dieting (at the moment),trying to figure out what God wants me to do next and figuring out how I can be a better me.
I read your blog because you are funny, witty, sarcastic like me, and you can’t function without a cup of coffee. (Also like me!) They say that birds of a feather flock together. Well, you remind me so much of myself, that I just have to read your blog every day! I do so love your stories about your little ones and the fact that you really care about bringing your children up Catholic. Oh, I also like to write, and maybe one day in the future sometime, I will start my own blog, or publish my work in a magazine. (Or even publish a book or two! You never know!!)
Hello, my name is Sue. I’m a wife, mother to six precious souls (12 years down to 1 year) and a fellow Midwesterner.
A few of my favorite things: (in no particular order): running, playing classical music on my baby grand, a glass of merlot with my husband at sunset on Saturday nights, clean laundry fresh out of the dryer, and Perpetual Adoration.
I read your blog daily because: it’s refreshingly honest, it’s orthodox, and it’s funny. Thank you Margaret in Minnesota for sharing your life with all of us!
My name is Celeste, and I’m a mom to two toddlers with another little one on the way. When I’m not busy taking care of my littles, I enjoy running (well, not at 16 weeks pregnant!), sewing, reading, doing crossword puzzles, and napping. 🙂 I’m a convert to the Faith thanks to my husband, and we love the Traditional Latin Mass.
You have a fun, thoughtful blog and I’m happy to congratulate you on two years of writing! Thanks for keeping it up–we all enjoy it, I’m sure.
Happy blogiversary!!
May I introduce myself? My name is Kimberly. I’m a Catholic mother of nine lovely children, homeschooler of 12 years and convert to the Faith. Married for 27 years to a saintly man (who has a great sense of humor…he married me, didn’t he?!) A would-be writer/blogger, lover of all fiber and fabric, sometimes artist and God’s most spoiled child.
Your blog is a daily read. Your honesty, sincerity and charm come through in the day to day events that you so lovingly share with your readers.
May God continue to bless you in all your endeavors…
Hello, my name is Barb (AKA SFO Mom).
I am a wife, mom, homemaker and Secular Franciscan.
My interests include cooking, baking, reading, reading about cooking and baking, simple pleasures like a child’s hug, brownies fresh from the oven, and line-dried clothing; and the pursuit of a great cup of coffee.
I read your blog because it is a wonderful mix of encouragement, faith, humor, love of family, and “tell it like it is” fabulous writing.
Hello, my name is KC.
I am a mother of 4 wife to soldier hubby, sometimes therapist to my autistic son, a lovey to my 3 year old, chauffeur to all 4, and a student of all things Catholic.
My interests are knitting, Catholicism, babies (can’t get enough), and books. There are more but it’s hard when the spotlight is on. 😉
I read your blog because you inspire, are funny, and so real.
Happy Anniversary!!
Hi Margaret,
I’m a Catholic wife and mom to two boys and two girls.
I, too, found you through Danielle Bean’s website. I was drawn to your site by being Minnesota Mom. I feel God lead me to you at that time as my sister was also suffering from multiple miscarriages. I passed your site to her, if anything, to not feel alone in that sorrowful time. It helped me relate to her better too. Then one of your posts was about visiting the city where we live and I was bummed I couldn’t have played host to your family as the women were in the hotel while the men hunted! I wasn’t leaving comments at that time, just starting do that lately. Your honesty and keeping it real just hits home with so many people. Your site is so encouraging for me to read.
I love sharing our faith with those around us. I volunteer at church and school. I crave my Holy Hour. And lastly, I love Taste of Home, so I would love the cookbook! I love reading. That’s why right now reading blogs are nice for me – I can read and finish it at one time. I’m one of those people that once I start a book, I can’t put it down – not good at this phase in my life.
Happy Anniversary! Please know even if comments aren’t being left, you are touching so many people and helping them everyday!
A friend,
Hello, my name is Gail. I’m a Catholic wife to a Jewish husband, trying to raise our three children Catholic to the best of my ability, and will start homeschooling our oldest in a couple weeks. Which is why I read your blog and blogs of other Catholic homeschooling moms. I need the inspiration and encouragement. Yours is one of my favorites. 🙂 I think I found you from Cottage Blessings last December, around the time of one of your unfortunate miscarriages, and your story touched me so deeply I had to keep coming back for more. Besides reading blogs, trying to grow in the faith, and investigating homeschooling, lately I’m trying to take up sewing. I don’t really have time for many other interests right now.
God bless you and thanks for your blog.
ps. Does anyone know of any blogs by Catholic mothers who are in interfaith marriages?
Hello, my name is Meredith. I’m a Catholic wife and mother of four. I love to home educate!
Interests are so many, a few include: reading, writing, blogging, baking, cooking with my dh, sewing, knitting, vacationing…
I read your blog, well, because, I couldn’t go a day without some Margaret from Minnesota 😉
Happiest anniversaries to you sweetie xxoo
Hi Margaret!
I’m Lynn in KY, used to live in MN in a previous lifetime 🙂
I’m a Catholic wife and homeschooling mom to 2 boys, 2 babies in heaven and another one due anytime. (Also about to turn 40!) I love books and coffee. When I can fit it in I enjoy crafting, gardening, cooking and quiet time alone. And Taste of Home 🙂
I read your blog because you make me laugh and you lift me up in my vocation. You’re so real. God bless you and happy anniversary!
Hello,my name is Caroline.
I am a Catholic wife, a mother to twin angels in heaven, a teacher’s assistant and master’s student in elem education.
My interests include…catholicism, reading, cooking, gardening, homemaking, having fun, sewing, drinking English breakfast tea.
I read your blog because you show the real side of the life of a catholic mom. I read this blog to find advice for when I raise my future children in a Catholic home. And also, i read your blog, because it has provided me with wisdom and resources after I suffered the loss of my twins. But, that coffee addiction thing…hmmm sounds a little too familiar.
My name is Jess and I am a Catholic home educating mama to 5 and wife to a wonderful soldier.
My interests are Catholicism, knitting, reading, sewing, and babies (hoping for more!)
I read your blog because you are so funny and real and I can just see you chatting away with your cup of coffee. Some of the things you write about hit home.
Happy Blogiversary!
I dare say that I am the reader least like your others. My name is Gloria. I am a MN writer and educator, a single newly adoptive parent of a first grader, and an ultra-liberal cradle catholic. My interests are mystical spiritual traditions: particularly christian and buddhist, old b&w movies, theater, hiking, kayaking, books and creative and spiritual parenting. I read your blog because you are a very engaging writer and a humble, wise, thoughtful and introspective parent. Also, admittedly, because I am curious about people with political/religious beliefs different than my own. I have sometimes wondered if you mind being read by such people. Probably not, I'm guessing?
I'm just exciting that you'll be praying a Hail Mary for me. Thank You!
1. My name is Elizabeth from California..thus you know we can use any and all extra prayers over here…hee hee hee
2. I am blessed enough to say I am a Catholic mother and wife to a wonderful group of wacky characters..they keep me on my toes..I am also a homeschooler, and & a on call counselor to girls…yep I am busy!
3. My interests include cooking, camping, reading, Catholic history (our Faith), hanging out w/ my kids and quite a few of the cousins, basically what ever the Holy Spirit calls on me for the day
4. I read your blog because on soo many different levels I relate to each of your stories. Your honesty, humbleness, and flare for the hilarious makes me love God and our Church more. So THANKS and I'll pray the rosary for you and your family too. Gotta do something since you'll have about a gazillon people to pray for.
whoops, Gloria here again. I meant to say I MAY be the reader least like your others. Who knows for sure, right?
Hello, Margaret!
Happy, Happy Anniversary! I’m a Catholic Mom from Connecticut and have enjoyed reading your Blog for over a year! I have so enjoyed your humorous yet inspiring missives of your family life which have touched me deeply, especially your conversion story. God bless you and your family. No need to include me in the drawing for the Cookbook, but our family could always use your Hail Mary, also!
Happy Anniversary, Margaret! Smiling and Waving: Hi, my name is Lisa ~ and I have the obligation to start out with “mom of 10 living kids” but I’m also a daughter, sister, friend, wife, domestic engineer, hometeacher ~ 15 years and counting, teenage child counselor in the trenches, toddler chaser, booboo kisser, scone maker, coffee drinker, blogger trying to kick the habit…
Interests ~ Have a million, but no time to pursue any of them to their length and breadth. I’m a jack of all trades (like reading, writing, poetry, art, crafting, baking, field tripping…) and a master of none. Which is OK, I’ve recently figured out after 42 years, because motherhood incorporates them all and uses them for the best durn projects God has for anyone.
I read your blog because you’re real, Margaret. You just put it out there like it is, with no pretense about who you are. And who you are is likeable, funny, faithful and genuine.
Hi, Elizabeth M here from NJ. I am a Catholic wife of 18 years and a mom of 2 children. I work at home and do not home school. For lots of reasons, it wouldn’t work for our kids — although we do LOTS of home schooling in our faith and “enrichment” at home outside of school hours!
I teach religious education at our parish and run the First Eucharist and First Penance programs. I’m also a Cub Scout leader (for a little longer, until he’s a Boy Scout next Spring).
I love to read (lots of mysteries) and love to cook (and collect cookbooks)!
I love to read your blog for lots of reasons. Even though I was not blessed with many children and do not homeschool, I’ve felt so inspired as a Catholic wife and mother in reading your blog — sharing your prayers and your insights. You write so well and I so wish I had a friend like you IRL. One of the reasons I read the few Catholic Mom blogs I do (especially yours) is that I just don’t have many close women friends around and the few I do are mostly not Catholic. So I feel much more deliberate about my vocation as wife and mother when I get ideas and inspiration from others!
Oh, and you have a great name. My dd Margaret Anne is 7.
God bless you Margaret and thank you for sharing your blog with us!
[I predict 8000 responses to your post, btw!]
Hello my name is Alice. I am a homeschooling mother of seven.
I read your blog because you are hilarious, loveable, earnest, and always make me think. Plus, you are a good influence.
God bless you, and thank you for two great years!
My name is Mary. I am a middle school librarian. I have a son who is 28 (not married yet!) and lost a baby and couldn’t have any more after that. I read your blog because…it is interesting to see what life might have been like had I been able to have the six or so children I longed for. (And the grandchildren I hope someday to have!) I’m Catholic and I blog.
Hi, I’m Courtney. I’m a Catholic mom to 2 children ages 8 and 10 and we homeschool as well. I love to bake, sew and read. I read your blog because you make me laugh and you seem like someone I’d love to have as my next door neighbor! I could also really relate to your conversion story. Happy anniversary!
Hello, my name is… well, online I just go by Ouiz.
I am a SAHM of seven wonderful kids, ages 10 down to 10 months. I homeschool because people already thought I was a little weird…
My interests include reading (usually about the Faith), blogging, crafts (of almost every kind), cooking, and riding around in the car late at night with the stereo cranked as loud as it will go so I can escape the chaos in my house for just a little while.
I read your blog because I was intrigued enough by your tag line in some comments box that I clicked and was hooked. You’ve got such an engaging style, and you write with an honesty that is so refreshing.
Keep up the good work!
It looks like I’m late… 🙂
Hello, my name is Jenny.
I am a SAHM of two little boys with “different-ablities” and many babies in heaven. My husband and I have been married for 12 years.
My interests include an amazing amount of seemingly unrelated things. 🙂 I love my Catholic Faith (my family converted four years ago – we had to give up a lot since my husband was a protestant pastor, but it was worth it). I love to read, write (when I have the time), and I’m very interested in autism, sensory processing disorder, and other issues related to these things since we have them in the family. My blog tells more about my wide range of interests, so no need to bore everyone here. 🙂
I read your blog because I love the way you write. 🙂 I love your sense of humor even when life throws difficulties your way. 🙂 You make me smile, and some days I really need that. Plus, you seem like someone I would love to sit down and share a cup of coffee with in “real life”. 🙂 I can’t remember how I found you, but I’m glad I did!
Hi Margaret
I am Lesley, I live in London, UK, am a Catholic mum of 4, girls of 27 and 26 and boys of 21 and 18. I have two babies in heaven. I also have three granddaughters, the smallest born last Thursday. I converted to the Catholic faith at 21 and now coordinate RCIA in my Parish.
Meet for coffee? Just say when!
Hi Margaret, I’m Barbara (a coffeeholic) from Ohio, homeschooling mother to four, ages 6 to 18. My interests include (besides good coffee) praying and making the rosary, cooking, reading, knitting, and quilting. I really can’t say why I keep coming here — it’s probably a deep-seated psychological need for a laugh — I just keep coming back. Maybe I need help!
Hello, My name is Carrie. I am a Catholic woman and all that goes along with it.
The first post I ever read by you was this:
And what can I say..I’ve been hooked ever since. I read your blog because it is funny, honest and heartbreaking at times but always faithful and those are the kind of people I like to know in real life.
Happy Bloganniversary! Here’s to many many more.
Hi Margaret! My name is Shannon
and I’m a graduate student in speech-language pathology.
My interests include: knitting, reading, being with families/friends, babies, my Catholic faith
I read your blog because I gain such incredible inspiration by reading your posts. I learn from you, laugh with you, and get insights into being a Catholic wife and mother some day.
Blessings to you! –Keeping you in my prayers!
Hi Margaret! My name is Kate and my dh (also a patent atty this side of the ol' Miss.!) & I have 8 kiddos. We homeschooled the first bunch for 5 yrs. (20 yrs ago) and then found a Catholic school we could live with. I always read your blog first because this is where it's happenin'! Great photos, too. Thanks for prayers!
Hello Margaret,
My name is Michelle (Shelly) from HFHE. I am a homeschooling Mom of 7 blessings here on earth ages 7 months to 13 years, and 4 precious babies in heaven.
I like organizing and making very well thought out and aesthetically pleasing schedules on the computer. (Although my younger kids don’t seem to comply so well. Don’t they know scraped knees should occur at 10:30 on M/W and diapers changes every 2 hours on the hour?)
By reading your blog I have been getting better at putting people before things. And I love how real your life is….just like the rest of us!
I found your blog link on Danielle Bean’s and just had to see if I knew who MN Mom was – and I did.
So, for the past year or so I have been feeling blog guilty learning about your life in secret – like spying – but now NO MORE.
P.S. Happy Birthday to your son!
Congratulations on a great two years of blogging, Margaret!
My “name” is J.C. and (like almost all the others!) I am a homeschooling mom to 2 girls, with another on the way in December, and wife to another cute (not-patent-)attorney. My interests include the requisite Catholic theology, the Latin Mass, literature, politics and political philosophy, and thanks to my husband, now, coffee! I love tennis, but I haven’t played in about 12 years! 🙂 Anyway, to reiterate everything everyone else has said, I read your blog because you are so adorably genuine, smart, but not without those traits (freely confessed!) that we all share–little vanities, insecurities about our effectiveness as wives, mothers, educators, and Catholics. And of course, there’s the excellent humorous writing–you’re the online Erma Bombeck of Catholicism and homeschooling! (Sorry, kind of a dated reference there, but I think you get the picture 🙂 I could go on, but I’d better whip something up for dinner–I would love that cookbook! Thanks again for two years of something interesting to laugh at or think about, Miss Margaret in Minnesota.
In Jesus et Maria,
Hello, my name is Annie. Once upon a time I was a labor and delivery nurse.
Now, I am a wife of almost 10 years to my college sweetheart and mother of two boys, both adopted from Guatemala. We are cradle Catholics and grateful that we have such a faith to cling to.
We are looking forward to (read: scared to death about) starting our very first year of homeschooling our oldest son Isaac as he enters kindergarten. We are I guess a second-generation homeschooling family as both DH and I were homeschooled in our younger years.
My interests include reading any I can get my hands on right now pertaining to homeschooling (do I sound frantic yet?) as well as anything to do with traditional diets, raw milk, grass fed meats, etc. Oh, and I also sew a little, scrapbook a little and generally enjoy learning or doing anything that helps make me a better homemaker for my family.
That’s why I read your blog. Simply put, it’s my encouragement in the trenches. I stumbled across your blog one day and realized that there was at least one other mom out there who also struggled with the day-to-day grind…and was brave enough to write about it.
I appreciate especially your posts that you classify as “nitty-gritty”…makes me feel like your my long lost twin or something. I share similar struggles and can relate so much to just trying to shoulder the cross you’ve been handed without dragging it.
I find your wit and humor, your casual, conversational style of writing and your love for the Faith refreshing, warm and inspiring.
Oh…and I also share you love for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and caffeine in the form of coffee.
whoops…sorry that was the length of a novel.
Hi Margaret,
My name is Jennifer and I'm from NJ. I'm a cradle Catholic mom of four children and a wife of 14 years to John.
My interests include: Catholic stuff, clothes & fashion, dog walking, talking about books, politics and movies, meandering around supermarkets and cooking. I also enjoy being home with my family.
I read your blog because you are entertaining and inspiring.
Wow. I saw the line forming here, and figured I'd better get in it!
I'm Eileen. I'm a Catholic wife(married to a volunteer firefighter — does that count for part-time?)and mother to three sweeties 8,5 & 2, and a 10-yr stepmom to two lovely young ladies ages 20 & 17; and a home schooler. Among other things; but that's more than enough!!
I'm interested in winning.
I read your blog because everyone else does. (Hee, hee! They really do!! Shows how smart they are, I say.) 🙂
Truly, you are a very fun, and often thought-provoking read. A guaranteed smile, even in your darkest posts. You got something worth having, and I'm here to try to catch it.
And to win. 'Cause — did I mention? — I'm interested in that.
Hello, My name is Laura
I’m a lyrical gangsta
My interests include:
hangin wit my homies, rappin on the cornuh, shoppin fo new threads, and tea parties.
I read your blog because:
you are from MN so you are worthy.
The End
Hi Margaret,
My name is Amy.
I am a Wife, Mother and NFP teacher. I am about to begin my first year of homeschooling.
I have 3 children 6,4 and 1.
Interests…Catholicism, Homeschooling, cooking, books…
I found your blog when I was looking for info on Catholic Homeschool. I loved it immediately. I was also not that familiar with blogs.
Yours is great! You are down to earth, witty, honest, charming, and hilarious!
You are a great writer. I have passed your blog on to many friends! I try to read it everyday.
You are an inspiration.
J.C.–I know who Erma Bombeck is!
Hello, Margaret! My name is Lisa Stewart. I am a Catholic wife and mother of four.
My interests include reading, writing, gardening, and photography. None of which I have engaged in since becoming a mother in 1999, and most especially since being blessed with twins in 2007. I am one busy Mama 24/7.
I read your blog because you are a fantastic writer, and because you keep me current with–and closer to–my faith. Your gracious and positive attitude toward motherhood and all its challenges has gotten me through many a dark day. I struggle with my mood and disposition (it’s a genetic curse, I’ve discovered) and you always keep me on a straight an positive path!!
God bless you, your family, and your wonderful blog which has affected so many in such a positive way!!!
Hello, my name is Melissa.
I am a Catholic SAHM who homeschools my 3 babies. Wife to Tom, whom I met online over 7 years ago – since I am such a computer geek! I am also a Creative Memories Consultant on the side.
My interests include blogging, arts & crafts, music & singing, dancing, and family time. And of course, much more!
For blog interests, I'd like to see more about conversion and everyday family life. It all helps me either get caught up or confirm I am on track!
I read your blog because it was one of the first I found shortly after starting my own. I continued to read it because you just have such a way with words and you are so straight forward and candid with your subjects – much like myself.
I too am inspired by your conversion story. It helps me realize that I am not the only christian mom with a past she'd sometimes like to forget.
Thanks for posting and congrats on the 2 years. Two years ago I was still trying to figure out what a blog was!
Call me Sooz, and I’m wife to a very loveable geek, mother to 5 with one in heaven. I homeschool and ponder, a lot. I’ve gotten addicted to these mom blogs because I think anyone with any type of contemplative time ponders (even if it is during your commute or while you are scrubbing toilets), and I like to “hear” what other moms are thinking. My interests include our Holy Faith, politics, homeschooling and food (the eating and preparation of), especially coffee and chocolate, my favorite vegetables (they come from BEANS, dontcha know). I read your blog because you write in exactly the same manner that I think. I’m here for the prayers and possibly the cookbook, though I’d settle for some Caribou Coffee beans, because they don’t sell them in my part of the country!
P.S. I made the Wild Rice salad, and ate more of it in one sitting than was probably healthy!
Hello, my name is Lucy.
I am a Notre Dame alum, architect, author, and as of this coming Saturday, will be a wife.
My interests include popular piety, cooking, church architecture, and church lady pursuits.
Oh, and I read your blog because we met at the Minnesota Catholic Home Education conference a while back.
Hey, so I guess I’m the only guy who reads your blog, or at least the only one who will admit to it. I read your blog because you tell a good story. If you are willing to take the time to tell your story, then I am willing to take some time to read it. Writers need readers, and readers need good writers. It’s a pretty good system. Congratulations on 2 years of blogging.
Happy anniverary!! You don’t have to enter me in the drawing, because all I want to win is another visit. And, you know I’ll read your blog no matter what you write about.
Jill here. Another former Minnesotan. 😉
Married with four little ones. 5,3,3, and almost 1. Living in Europe temporarily. Eventually we’ll be back in the US, but probably not in Minnesota. 🙁
I got hooked on Margaret’s blog with her ‘Thin Red Line’ post. Beautiful sentiments aside, it was so funny to find another pregnancy test addict!!
Oh, and I wouldn’t expect you to ship a prize to Europe, so mine can go to Jamie if I win.
Hi, I guess it is better late than never – which seems to be my life of late. My name is Beth and I am a Catholic wife and mother of four – boy, girl, boy, girl – quite symmetric which would go along with my accounting degree from college. The said degree hasn’t been used in a number of years since I stay home with the children.
I stumbled onto your blog when we were living overseas two years ago. I was in need of fellowship and something to fill the time zone difference, so the blogs became my support system. I do enjoy your writing and appreciate your humor, so congrats on your blogisversary and thank you for being so open with your adventures and trials.
May God continue to bless you in your vocation and ministry!
Hello, my name is Helene. I am a stay at home wife and mother. My interests include reading, piano, religion, and my family. And also entering online contests. I admit I enter too many of them. But unlike most of blogs where I enter, I actually read your blog daily. I read your blog because it is so real. You aren’t afraid to mention your shortcomings, but you are mostly very positive and show the beauty of your family and family life.
Hi Margaret,
I’m Jane (patjrsmom to my online friends)!
Fellow Catholic Mom, beginning a homeschooling journey this year with a few of my seven kids. Sometime freelance writer and lover of all things good and pure…which makes your blog a perfect read!
God Bless You on your second blogoversary!
Hi Margaret,
Congratulations on your second blogging anniversary!
I am a part-time stay-at-home Catholic mom. Ha. Yeah, I work a part-time job, but I’m still a full time mom… We have six kids, one still-homeschooling-high-schooler among them. In reading the other responses, I feel like the “old person” here.
Like Karen, you don’t need to put my name in the drawing, but I just wanted to say hello!
My interests are reading and writing, and anything that catches my eye, or interests those around me.
And I read your blog because your name is Margaret. Ha. No, because you combine so well being both spiritual and down-to-earth, and you know how to convey your friendliness in print. Hope to meet you some day, somewhere, over coffee.
God bless.
Margaret Mary
P.S. Sorry this is so long. I should blog at my own blog! 🙂
Hello Margaret,
My name is Rebecca. I am a working Catholic Mom to two high school age daughters, married to a wonderful man for 27 years now (yeesh, I have been married longer than I wasn’t! That feels odd….) I have many interests, mostly revolving around faith and family. I love to cook and try new recipes, as well as most sewing crafts. I probably push the envelope in taking on too many projects. I have been teased that I am a human “doing” instead of a human “being”…
I am pretty shy, I have been reading your blog as well as Danielle, Testosterhome, and others for quite a while and this is my first comment! I love to check in with all of you, it really helps to know I am not alone on this journey, and we can all support each other, at least through prayer.
Thanks for all the humor, candor, and inspiration–Happy Anniversary!
My name is Elena and I am a Catholic, wife, mother, blogger, medical transcriptionist among other things.
My interests are homeschooling, music, fitness and blogging
I read your blog off and on but I as a mother of a stillborn my heart really went out to you during your miscarriage. I don’t really want to win anything, I just wanted to wish you a happy blogoversary!
Hello, I am Barbara. I’ve been married for 22 years (!) and have 6 children, ages 3.75-17.9 (off to college!). I homeschool (up through 6th or 7th grade) and have been at it for 14 years.
I’m interested in becoming better, cooking, baking, reading, knitting, and walking the dog. I know more now about being Catholic (and love the faith more) than I did growing up. My husband and I teach NFP.
I know Elizabeth Foss, so hers was the first blog I ever read, and for a while the only one. I think I found your blog through hers or Danielle’s, and you are still my top three “must reads”. I’ve committed to having a certain amount of prayer time before blog reading/writing, so I’m not online as much as before. (The idea was to increase my prayer time, not decrease online time! Oh, well…)
I like your writing and your perspective, and every now and then I feel a flash of “me too!” that makes me wish we could meet and be friends IRL. A few: you work for CCL, our youngest daughters are almost the same age (and so have a lot in common, if not temperaments), we got puppies at about the same time, and we made and posted about cornstarch goo the same week! I rarely comment, so I “know” you of course much better than you know me.
My one year blogiversary will be in October. It’s been good for me to put thoughts and pictures online, as I was never able to stick with keeping a journal. Congratulations on your 2 years. I look forward to reading your work.
Thanks for your prayers. I dedicated several rosaries to you during your latest miscarriage.
Hi, my name is Jen.
I am a wife, mother, editor, Catholic and procrastinator.
My interests include scrapbooking, reading, sleeping, blogging, reading blogs, bragging about my children and complaining about my children.
I read your blog because it is sweet, funny, honest, inspirational and not preachy.
Hello, my name is Michelle. I’ve never had a nickname.
My interests include French history (particularly the rise and fall of the monarchy), the application of emminent domain in the United States and current legal battles surrounding it, and effective techniques to alleviate plantar fasciitis and long-term consequences for running with foot injuries.
I read your blog to escape the doldrums of a life focused on the French monarchy, property rights and aching appendages.
Hello, my name is Abigail. I'm a wife and mother of a 5, 3 & 1 year old. I'm a convert to the Catholic faith.
Interests? Did I mention that my one year is still not sleeping through the night? Did I mention that I'm starting to home-school in two weeks? However, when I am not spending my free time taking naps or reading about kindergarten math standards, I love to read, write, pray and go to the movies.
I read your blog because it's a lovely road map of how to live as an authentic and lively Catholic mother. Thanks for blogging!
Hello, my name is snowshoe. I am a sleep-deprived mother of a six-week old. I am also enduring another summer day of kids playing at the top of their lungs. I am looking forward to homeschooling again this year as soon as I get the energy to organize their new books- maybe by Friday I’ll be ready. Oh, there are 8 children (the oldest just turned 11, so they are very close in age) who light up my days (and my nights.)
I love the winter, love to snowshoe and hike and weightlift. My interests include the saints and the liturgical year, feeding hordes of hungry children, and listening to my husband discuss mechanical issues(ok, I pretend that last one interests me).My husband and kids and I all like to go birding together (looking for and watching birds.)
I read the blog because I have too much free time on my hands and need something to fill my empty days. Just kidding!
I read because I love your perspective on prayer, the saints, and your search for holiness. Your humor and personality come through so well in your writing.
But mainly I’ve been reading for almost 2 years in the hopes of someday winning a cookbook so I can expand my repetoire in cooking for hordes of hungry hooligans.
Hello, my name is Trena.
I am a wife to the most amazing husband. I am the soon to be mother of some amazing child that God has blessed me with. I am Catholic and proud of it.
My interests include reading, writing and running, but not at the same time. And I guess my new interest includes looking at baby stuff at any store I come in contact with.
I read your blog because you are a true Catholic. I find your writing and faith encouraging. And also, because the way you mother your children is the way I hope to mother mine someday. With unconditional love but more so, with God’s law in the front.
Happy Blogiversary Margaret…a little late, but very sincere! Thanks for sharing your life with us. God grant you many years!