The other day I realized that my 3-month anniversary as a blogging mom has come and gone.
How could I have missed it??
I’m kidding, of course. This is hardly the most auspicious of dates. But it has given me pause for reflection because (will it surprise you to read this?) this blog has become a fairly large part of my existence.
So will you humor me this reflection?
I am not going to say that the time since I started this blog has flown by because it hasn’t. The past three months have been…well, they’ve been a little bit painful as I come to terms with all of this online activity. My life has changed since I’ve started blogging—not in its essence but in terms of my habits? My life has really changed.
How many days does it take to establish a habit again? Well, when it comes to reading other people’s blogs and writing for my own, I’m there.
It wasn’t always like this.
In fact, a year ago I read only one blog daily and that was it. I saw the web address at the bottom of one of her columns for Faith and Family and so curiously I went over to the computer and typed it in. Instantly I was smitten! I love Danielle Bean’s writing and her website gave me access to it on an (almost) daily basis. Not only was it entertaining but I also felt that I had made a friend “out there”—a friend who understood what I was going through as a mother and a homeschooler and (bonus points for Danielle) who could show me the humor and the joy in my vocation.
I always felt uplifted after going to her blog.
But this blog business! What was that all about? I hadn’t a clue what a blog was, not even after many many months of reading one. Finally I looked it up on Google. Oh, well, there you go: web log. Now I get it.
When it comes to cultural trends and the world of technology, I am often several feet outside the loop.
Still, once in awhile I would click on the links on Danielle’s sidebar. I felt very shy and uncertain, like a new person at a party where the guests had all been friends for years. The warm and welcome writing of Karen E. begin to put me at ease. I ventured so far as to leave a comment once in awhile and soon I began to wonder: am I called to start a blog as well?
Because I have always been a writer. In fact, I can honestly say that I love it. But would my thoughts and words be relevant enough to share?
It happened very quickly late one night. It’s Blogger’s fault: they make it very easy to begin one. And when my husband came down the next morning and I told him, you could hear his response echo throughout the neighborhood: “Nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo!”
Because he knew. My husband is a very wise man; he understands me and my obsessive-compulsive tendencies because (wink wink) he has a few himself. And he has spent enough time around the computer to know its addictive potential. He worried, I think, that this blog might distract me from my primary vocation which is that of wife, mother and teacher.
I will be honest. It often does.
And every day it is a battle for me to step away from the screen and say, do the dishes or clean the bathroom. Every day I must struggle to keep my priorities in order: God first, then my husband, then my family, then the computer.
And every day, in many little ways, I fail.
But I am learning! Ironically, I’m learning from my time on-line and from you (as well as from my time off-line, from prayer, and from my family, of course).
I guess what I am most trying to say with all of this long-winded, self-centered narrative is that I am loving this blog and the connections to you that it affords me. If you are reading this, I thank you. If you are a fellow blogging mom, I thank you. And if you are a shy, uncertain person who feels completely overwhelmed when she looks at the enormous list of other blogging moms out there, I understand you!
Because I’ve been there.
And if ever I’ve been the one who has made you feel uncertain, from the bottom of my heart, I say “I’m sorry.”
To my family: for all the times I’ve said, “Hang on a minute!” while I clacked out a few last thoughts, I’m sorry.
And finally, to my friends: if I have posted things without your permission, I’m sorry.
There you go then. Enough said!
Or is it? I just have to say one last “word” on this subject. I am so not fond of the word “blog!” Why couldn’t they have come up with something cuter? In any case, my husband (there’s that man again) knows just how to pull me away from the computer. He’ll merely pass by behind me and murmur, “Blogger.” And that’s my cue (whether he knows it or not) to return to his world and to my family.
Have a blessed day!
They are addictive, aren’t they? I check way too often myself to see if any of my beloved friends have had anything to share and if anyone cared about what I shared. Still, being a homeschooling family can be isolating…most people wonder what the heck is wrong with me…and it’s nice to have friends, even if I can’t see you!
That was funny. It is addictive! But it has made me such a better mom in so many other way. And also staying at home with the kids can be lonely sometimes and I just don’t feel that as much anymore. Because I have friends in Minnestoa who are just so sweet and funny! I don’t like the word blog either. It sounds so silly! Thanks Margaret! Happy Anniversary!
I love coming here. I feel like I have definatley made a friend in you. I need to call you! As you can see, I’m much better with the computer than the phone. And yes, blogging is addictive. I can relate to your post in so many ways because I feel like such a newbie and going through what you went through.
I love coming here, though. It’s like going to a friend’s house.
Happy Anniversary!
It is so addictive, whether you are the blogger or the blog reader! I, too, feel like I have new friends and look forward to seeing them each day! Blog is a dumb word, post is better. With so much bad on the computer, “Posts” like yours are God’s way of making good out of something that can be bad, and I suppose it is the devil who is making it “addictive” but we all pray for and support eachother, so God wins again. Did any of that make sense? I am SO thankful for you Margaret and your wonderful site. God Bless and Happy Anniversary! Love Jamie
PS I am just going to say it, no more feelings of guilt of not having my own blog, I am never going to have my own blog, I am content with reading other wonderful blogs! Thank you Margaret!
This blog has been such a nice addition to the blogosphere! I am so glad you started a blog. Happy 3month blogoversary!! Blessings to you and your dear ones, kristina
“Blogger” I like that. My dh would say, “Are you OBing?” That means obsessing over something. I don’t feel bad about it because he does it as much as I do, but with different things. I’ve been tracking my time this week and it’s been a wacky week and I’ve been on the computer a lot. Or maybe that’s a normal week?
Happy Anniversary to you, and to us! We are so blessed to have this blog each day.
If it weren’t for blogs, I would not have a beautiful friend in Minnesota!
I’m glad you’re here. I love your blog.
For your very special blogiversary, I got you…
Some quotes from a talk by Fr. Hardon on the value of writing! (He gave this talk at TAC a number of years ago but after I graduated. I wrote these notes down from the newsletter).
“To be convinced of the value of writing, if only a few words every day, is to have made a giant stride on the road to sanctity…
Writing disciplines the mind. Left to ourselves our thoughts are nothing less than a jungle filled with wild animals. Our most important duty in life is to master our minds, to control our thoughts…
Every thought leads to a desire. Every desire leads to a habit. Every habit shapes our character. And our character determines our destiny. It all begins in the mind…
Writing is a proved way of lowering oneself in one’s own estimation. There is no way known for more surely and effectively growing in humility than by writing…
We cannot write without thinking…
We should write for the practice of charity in sharing our souls…
What God in His wisdom and love has shared with us, keep a record of that. Share that wisdom and love with others by writing it down.”
L2L Mom, that was just great!
Minn Mom, I’m so glad to be getting to know you! Thanks for starting your blog….
I agree that it is addicting and I spend WAY too much time online. Not so much writing my own blog, but reading what all you other clever women (and a few men) have to say. But I get so much out of it. At least, that’s my cover story and I’m sticking to it!
Love your blog, btw. Happy blog-o-versary.
Your comments are so appreciated, Ladies: one, because they are helping the melancholic in me get over her insecurity, and two, you UNDERSTAND what I am going through! Too cool.
So gratitude and love to all of you, from the bottom of my heart. (See? We melancholics can get mushy!)
Jamie: good for you! I am so happy that you admit that keeping a blog is just not for you. You’re like me and sewing! In any case, you are an awesome, faithful friend and your comments are always so welcome and sincere.
Alicia: wow! I LOVE those quotes! Go, Fr. Hardon! How I love him.
Here’s one more item that is in keeping with today’s theme. My dearest darling better half send me a link to an article from The headline: “Today’s Nun has a Veil–and a Blog.”
Which makes me ponder: who among our favorite saints would have kept a blog, were that an option? What do you think?
How about Saint Gianna Molla? What about Bishop Fulton J Sheen? (isn’t he Blessed right now?) I love his writings and I think he would definitely reach out to blog readers with his writing, like you!
I think St. Maximilian Kolbe would have had a blog. He was really into taking advantage of modern technology to promote the faith.
Happy anniversary..happy anniversary, happy, happy…happy, happy…happy anniversary! Sung to the tune of..uh, I dunno, Happy Anniversary??
You are so terrific. We love you.
I love dh making his “BLOGGER” comment…very funny and I can just PICTURE the whole scene (gee…I wonder why??). I am so glad you’re blogging! I love your blog and your writing…it’s wonderful, very funny, pithy, inspiring, and REAL! Also, love your experience describing the feeling of Danielle Bean being able to write about how we all feel, or our days, etc. I can’t find other like-minded women in real-life (unfortunately), so blogging is it! Congratulations on your anniversary!
I am so thankful that you are addicted to blogging (for selfish reasons, of course). I absolutely love your blog! Happy Anniversary.
P.S. I’m addicted too. ;D
I know that I have commented before, but I will say it again … love your blog.
I believe I was bit by the “blog” bug this summer. It is a great way to look within ourselves. I know that I feel smarter. It has taken me from reading blogs to reading “Real” books. I plan to homeschool next year and I just love all the great ideas that you and so many other Moms have shared … thanks!
Happy Anniversary! Your blog is such a joy.
I’m beyond honored to be among “the roots” of your blogging, and that you so sweetly mentioned me! I totally understand the insecure melancholic, as well as the addict … I was afraid you were going to say you were giving up your addiction.
Selfishly, I’m quite pleased that’s not the case. 🙂
My husband thinks St. Thomas Aquinas would have had a smokin’ political blog because he loved a good debate. Maybe some really creative people could come up with fitting names for the blogs of the saints.
I truly love your blog for all the reasons others have mentioned and probaly some more. It is very important especially to the homeschooling moms that we know we are not alone. Maybe someday there will be enough of us that we won’t have to look further than next door to find others like us. In the meantime, I love having “hi-tech” penpals.
I agree with Jamie! I am not a Blogger, but I am a born Commenter. My mother says I have been voicing my opinions since I was born. Thank you for being a Blogger and tell your husband thanks, too!
P.S. Happy Nameday tomorrow!
I for one am very happy that you decided to start blogging. Happy belated 3 month anniversary!
Margaret, I am so very late to this party, but please know how blessed I am to have “met” you. I am so thankful for your blog. And I completely agree with ALL that you said, LOL! I’m driven to distraction sometimes with this blogging thing. (Oh, my poor house. Where did those FlyLady days go, my husband wonders.) I need a better balance, I think. But there is such comfort in knowing I am not alone!
Happy anniversary and here’s to many more months of blogging together!
Happy, Happy Anniversary, Margaret! Blogging is such a great way to express oneself, share and learn and make friends. Keep it up:-)
It was so funny to read this post! My journey into the world of blogs began exactly the way yours did. I stumbled upon Danielle’s blog, and through her into this cyber-world of lovely ladies to visit with. I have just begun to “visit” with you here, and have so enjoyed your warmth and humour. Happy anniversary!
I just recently stumbled across your blog and was instantly excited to “meet” another MN mom. I often feel isolated living among the rural cornfields of MN and you are now counting as a friend!