I know. I had my first one at noon today.
It was a routine exam–nothing serious–but man.
I got squished and squashed and pushed on hard. Even better, I got to make small talk as it happened.
“Oof,” I thought. “This is not fun.”
I was dismissed by the technician whose eyes told me nothing. “If everything’s okay,” she said, “You’ll get a letter in about a week. Otherwise, you’ll be receiving a call from your doctor.
“Now go in peace to love and serve the Lord.”
(She didn’t really say that last part. I made that up to console myself.)
I know there are probably dozens of you who have gone through this already. All I can say—this time, in the words of the inimitable Tom Petty—the waiting is the hardest part.
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
*Updated to Add: The results came back normal! Deo gratias!
I’m sending up prayers for you. It was only a few months ago for me – but I didn’t have to wait. It was seen immediately.
Praying for peace while you wait for the letter. I should really make an appointment myself.
Whenever I hear “go in peace to love and serve the Lord” I feel happy. It is my favorite part of the end of Mass.
I am scheduled for my yearly mammogram on Wednesday, when it will be my turn to be “squished”. I must be older than you, I have been going for the past 10 years at least. I think I started going around the age of 35. Thanks for reminding me to take my Extra Strength Tylenol at least hour before I go LOL.
I’m trying to think up a “Free Falling” joke, but nothing’s coming to mind. You are always in our prayers Margaret.
It’s funny — because I was expecting the worst last year when I had my first mammogram, it wasn’t really bad at all. I was really surprised. (My Mom says that she thinks the facility was using digital mammograms though, and those are better than the old way, apparently.) The only part that I thought was uncomfortable was because I had to get in a very funny position for them to get the area in my underarm where I had found a lump (which is why I had my first mammogram at 30).
I’m sure your results will be just fine! 🙂 Good luck!
I had my first in 20 years this Spring. I had a lump removed when I was 19, so had some then too.
I handled most of the squishing, but it was the squishing of the muscle up under my armpit and the stretching of skin that was unpleasant.
Next year I’ll have to remember to take my Extra Strength Tylenol! I wish I’d thought of that this year.
But I won’t skip it, my grandmother died of breast cancer. She was not my biological grandmother, so no genes in common, but still a hard loss and a lasting reminder to be screened.
Oh, I forgot to add. I was pleased to get my “all clear” letter in less than a week. So that’s good.
BUT, and this is important to remember, if you do get a call to come back in — DO NOT PANIC! I work on a radiology journal and “recalls” are a normal part of mammography. It could be something as simple as one part of the image wasn’t as clear as they’d want, or there’s something tiny that they want to check. There can be minor calcifications or scar tissue or other things that they have to look at more closely.
So, as hard as it would be (I can tell you that a lump at 19 was hard!), do not assume the worst if you get a call in a couple days to come back in. Just try not to, anyway.
I have been called in many times after my mammogram. It always turned out fine. I have to admit it is a little disconcerting at times. I fully expect it again this time. I lost 50 pounds since my last mammogram. There is less of me to squish, but my insides must look a bit different!
I actually don’t find them too bad. Not like the internet joke that was circulating a few years ago that gave women ideas for how to prepare for a mammogram – two of my favorites were 1) lie down on cold garage floor and put your naked breast under the car tire. Have husband back car over breast. Repeat. 2) Open freezer door. Insert bare breast and slam door shut. Repeat.
That made me laugh. I’ve had around 3-4 mammograms so far – I think he got a baseline one at age 35 or 36, and then over 40 when I wasn’t pregnant or nursing. Making small talk is the only way to pass the time during the procedure, like nothing UNUSUAL is going on :). Sorta like during a yearly pap/pelvic. Not sure which I dislike most.
Oh Teresa, that’s hilarious. Except I don’t think those are jokes. 😉
I was feeling bad about writing this big fat complaint of a post and am glad you all are sharing some tales. I’m pro-mammogram, really! It’s just that since it was my first one and all, I thought I’d exercise my grousing rights.
Hi Margaret,
Welcome back, friend!:)
I had a mammogram and a left breast biopsy when I was 27…although the doc did find some pre-cancerous tissue, he was able to remove it…thank GOD.
I hate mammograms. They hurt, and plus I always feel like I’m riding a bus when I get one done,because you have to hold onto that bar with your hand.
You are in my prayers!Try not to worry!
ps thanks for your comments on my blog!
I’ve never had one, since I’ve either been pregnant or nursing for 10 solid years.
Can you get one while you’re still nursing? (I hate to flaunt my ignorance on that one, but there it is… I would assume the answer would be NO.)
That said, I guess I should go as soon as my baby is weaned… although all of these stories are making me feel like I’ll enjoy this as much as a colonoscopy (that was NOT fun… although Dave Barry wrote about his experience and it was hysterical)
Welcome to the “sisterhood of the big squeeze.” And while it is a bit unpleasant, I remind myself that it only lasts a few minutes and this 15 minutes of discomfort (okay, sometimes pain) could save my life.
My husband has been trying to get me to do this for years, but I’ve been stoutheartedly resisting, precisely because it seems like such an awful procedure.
This weekend, I found out that my sister has breast cancer.
I’m devastated.
And suddenly a lot more reasonable.
Eileen, I’m so sorry. We will pray for your sister.
You are right to be reasonable about going in for a mammogram. It is one thing to be uncomfortable, but it is another thing entirely to not know.
I agree with Margaret. Mammograms aren’t fun and they are unpleasant, but they don’t last too long and it’s not PAIN (more uncomfortable).
I’ll keep your sister in my prayers too. But please get yourself a mammogram just to be safe! 15 minutes once a year is bearable — you can always pray through it! Early detection is the critical factor.
I love how you put “go in peace … “.
I was told to go for my first one this year. I’m not really sure how they will have enough to test. This summer … or so I keep reminding myself.