Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Lent, Minnesohta, Minnesota Me 13 Comments
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
Oh, that’s beautiful. Even if it does mean spring is a little ways off. I remember one year in Colorado, we had a late snow – April! – but when it all melted a few days later, the grass was rich and green. Here’s hoping that new life is stirring under all that winter!
When I looked out our window this morning I grab our camera and captured the beauty. We are a patient bunch here in MN – spring will come along with slush and mush!
Oh you poor things! And here I was lamenting the impending sleet haeding our way tomorrow …
Keep warm and drink lots of cocoa! 🙂
Poor baby. 🙁 Spring will come soon enough!
I know you are so ready for spring but for this central Texas gal that view is breathtaking! Thanks for sharing that beautiful picture!
Oh my goodness! It’s never going to end, is it?
I’m starting to feel a little guilty for complaining. It is pretty, isn’t it? And the kids have had so much fun.
I just can’t help looking ahead to Sunday. Pretty pink Easter dresses…with big clompy snowboots underneath!! 🙂
How’s Felicity doing now (3:30PM) it’s all melted?
Please tell me you don’t live 3 hours east to the cities, because then I would have to cry! My fam and I are headed to my mom’s side of the family for Easter/family reunion and I just cannot take another scary drive in the snow this year. Please….Please….Please!
Duh, I meant west of the cities! Ok, you see what this winter has done to my mind? It has branded me a dork! ;o)
We headed outside and made a big ol’ snowman this morning – it was perfect packing snow!! Hey, counts for Phy-Ed too, right?
I’m hoping with you that we’ll see those tulips soon. I know they’re just dying to poke their little heads up!
Pretty neighborhood.
So beautiful! My husband would be so jealous : )