So how does a mother who’s suffering from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Speech Disorder) celebrate St. Valentine’s Day?
Well, she doesn’t get too creative, I’ll tell you that much. Heart-shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were pretty much the extent of it. (“You mean we don’t have to eat the crusts?!” They were ecstatic.)
Even better, though, was the fact that one of my scandalously organized homeschooling friends had arranged for a little get-together/Valentines Exchange at a local ice-skating arena. Talk about letting this mom off the hook!
It was nothing too fancy, mind you.
Here they are outside the warming house.
I regret that I don’t have any photos of us out on the ice. I would rather that my skull (and theirs) remain intact, thank you very much.
I know, I know. My priorities are way screwed up.
I did snap a couple of shots after the valentines exchange, however. Do these not bring back a ton of memories? When I was a girl, they made us wait all day to open our valentines. All day! I think they expected us to put in a good eight hour’s worth of work or something.
(I smile now to think of their optimism.)
Well, the beauty of homeschooling in the great state of Minnesota is that when you are blessed with 20-degree winter weather (and on Valentine’s Day, to boot) you take it!
(By the way, the predicted high tomorrow is one degree—a measly one degree. And that’s just nonsense.)
So we got the kids out for some fresh air, some fun, and lots & lots of sugar.
Party first; schoolwork later.
“We” are doing our homework as I type. ; )
Happy St. Valentine’s Day, everyone!
With love from,
Now that sounds like a total blast of a good time! Valentines, ice skating, no cracked skulls sounds like success to me!
Gee we are having a heat wave, 38 here!
Sounds like a fun day! WHen you live in such a cold area of the country – 20 degrees is heavenly. I know, because our temps (here in SD) are similar. To quote one of my dad’s favorite sayings “the kids need to get out and get ‘the stink’ blown off of them”… and that just doesn’t happen with windchills below zero. Stay warm – and Happy Valentine’s Day!
I had to sniff a bit reading this. My kids were supposed to go to their homeschool Valentine’s Day party today, and can’t because Maia is running a fever. Sounds like you all had a great time. Stay warm!
Your simple valentine’s day turned into a wonderful day for your children!
I started a blog, nothing like yours, just for fun, but I thought it might be easier posting here, you could answer now?
We’ll see!
Looks like a fun day … cold, but wonderful.
Our skating rink is rather beat up and a little scary if you know what I mean.