Let’s talk about being grumpy.
And then let us talk about joy.
Yesterday was Monday and I was a big grumpy thing. None of the kids were sick, and neither was I. No auditors or social workers showed up at the door. There was chocolate in the house.
Nonetheless, I still felt grumpy.
The boys had been invited to a Cub Scouts get-together in the early evening. They were working on stop-action filmmaking for a merit badge and I knew that they should go and that they would have a wonderful time if they did.
But all I could think about was me me me, and how very grumpy I felt inside.
I was grumpy that my daily post got zero comments. I was grumpy that the weather had taken a turn for the frigid worse and I would have to dig out enough winter coats, caps, scarves, and mittens to keep five little bodies snug and dry.
Above all, I was grumpy because I did not want to drive across town through rush hour traffic. Because most of our social activities are centered around our church and the friends we’ve made there, and because we are one of those hyper-loyal Catholic families that drives a half an hour to get to their beloved parish, we are getting used to packing up the covered wagon, as it were, with food & water & books on tape before we venture across the asphalt prairie.
I knew objectively that once I got there, I’d be happy. The host couple are two of my favorite people—always happy, always laughing, always one to offer you some really good German beer. What can you do, though, when you’re a grump? You can think about yourself, is what.
Let’s talk about being grumpy.
And now let us talk about having cause for joy.
On the way out the door I got an email. A sweetheart of a friend in a different state was dealing with sick children and a husband who was out of the country. I assured her that we’d pray for them, and we said a decade straightaway.
Then, while flying down the highway and futzing with a French cd, (because we just have to maximize that drive time, don’t we?) I heard that awful sound of high-speed impact. I looked out my driver’s side window and saw a small sedan spinning once, twice, perhaps three full revolutions into the lane right next to us. I called 9-1-1 (all lines were busy) and we said a fervent prayer for them.
Finally, when we got to our friends’ house the boys went to the basement to film, the girls went off to a bedroom to play, and the hostess offered me a German beer. (I told you!) And then we talked about her battle with breast cancer.
We talked about what it is like to find that lump when one is breastfeeding.
We talked about what it is like to have to stop breastfeeding cold turkey, and to then cry for a week (alongside your infant) while you try in vain to give him a bottle.
And we talked about what it is like to worry that you won’t be there in a year for all your children.
Well, God is good. My friend is doing very well and is not taking life for granted. We laughed to think that before the cancer all she worried about was a messy house or a naughty child! She shook her head to consider such nonsense, and she pulled her toddler close to plant a kiss on his little head.
It totally puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? Like a meek little pup with its tail between its legs, my grumpy mood has gone away…
…and in its place is the will to be joyful.
Ed. Note: My friend is out of the woods, more or less, in terms of her cancer. Thanks be to God for that! She said that the discomfort and pain of the treatment—in her case, a couple of surgeries; radiation but no chemo—was a cakewalk compared to all the emotional duress. It’s still very hard for her to deal with. Will you please say a prayer for her today when you have a moment? Her tender mother’s heart needs healing.
Margaret, here I am to add a little joy to your Tuesday by posting a comment. There is nothing worse than the “0 comments” icon when I log onto my blog! lol Oh how we fuss over frivolous things… 🙂 Praising God for the health of your friend. What blessed news. Have a joyful day!
I too just thought that I would say hi – no need to have a grumpy Tuesday!
Why does it take something huge, like cancer, for us mothers to put the little things in perspective?
We will pray for your friend… and for you, that you have a joyful week. It is true that we (homeschooling moms) have so much to be joyful for – and yet we are only human so those nagging frustrations get to us at times and make us grumpy. We can be joyful that we have a family that loves us so much – despite our grumpy times.
I hope posting a comment brings a smile to your face. You are my long lost twin, I tell ya, because it has surely been all about me, me, me lately and I’ve been a grumpy bug for sure. I can’t thank you enough for posting this today. It puts things in perspective, for sure, and your friends experience brought tears to my eyes. I offered an immediate Hail Mary for her, and will continue to pray for her throughout the day. And, will so for you also.
Thank you. I needed this, as it has been all about me lately.
At 8:15 this morning I found out that my mom is waiting to hear if she has breast cancer.
You definitely put it in perspective for me.
It is sad that we need to be put in perspective, isn’t it? Why can’t we just be grateful every day, for every thing? We are human. We must work at it. We must pray without ceasing. But, sometimes we’re just grumpy and we should offer it up.
Hope your day is great!
Thank you, Margaret. I needed this reminder! I will pray for your friend.
I’ll offer prayers for your friend right now. She is blessed, indeed! I do hope you have a lovely week, Margaret.
your so cute. i am so glad you shared that story. i will pray for your friend. i feel more normal now, since you shared that…..
Must have been something in the air. I was overwhelmed by grumpiness yesterday too but your post today will help me combat the few grumps that are still lurking here at home.
Well, hello, grumpy twin…I really liked this post because sadly, I could relate to the grumps!
Glad to hear the good news about your friend.
Prayers from here.
Wow. Talk about putting things into perspective. God is so wise because it seems that whenever I am indulging in grumpiness He will send a gentle reminder telling me what is really important. Hope you have a better day; I will say a prayer for your friend. God bless.
I know you know that grace is what helps us keep that perspective when we want to desperately to be grumpy!
A prayer will be said for you and your friend today!
You are a wonderful writer! A friend forwarded me the link to your blog today. She was surely guided by the Holy Spirit, because I needed some quick perspective on motherhood and life. Your post has inspired me to try and turn my day in a different direction. I prayed to our Blessed Mother for your friend.
I just love how honest you are. That’s probably why I love your blog. And you would never have a zero comment day if I didn’t have a little newborn in my lap when I check blogs. 🙂 I never miss a post- just the opportunity to post a comment!
Commenter Jen- I don’t know where your blog has gone, but I hope all is well with you.
Hi Margaret,
Identifying with you today…. especially about being the hyper-loyal Catholic family who drives a half hour to church LOL. That’s us!
Take care and I’ll be praying for your friend!
Thank you…that was a beautiful and honest post…one you should post every so often to keep us all in perspective…how quickly we all forget our blessings when we are feeling grumpy
Praying for your friend. My mom just had a second biopsy, which thankfully turned out negative (Praise God!), but I know how we felt while we waited for the results. Hope your Tuesday was better than Monday!
I just love reading your blog. Thank you for a great post.
I will pray for your friend. How hard it must be.
What a blessing to have your mood turned around … life is GOOD!
I will say a prayer for your Mommy friend.
I was too grumpy to leave a comment yesterday!! I told my kids to just say “Mommy-you are crabby!” I did turn the day around and the kids did not have to say that to me. Hopefully we can have a happy Wednesday!
Prayers for your friend.
Will certainly pray…what a brave lady…
Offered a Hail Mary for you friend.
A grumpy day for the rest of us is a day when you don’t post!
Hope you’re having a good day, Margaret!