…from 4:00 to 5:00 a.m., she will need to brew a cup of coffee before she leaves.
While she’s waiting for her coffee she will need to check her e-mail. Naturally.
While she’s sipping her coffee and checking her e-mail, she may or may not get distracted. She may or may not have to hunt high and low for her shoes. She will totally try to ignore the puppy that is barking to be let out…to no avail.
If you give a Minnesota mom a Holy Hour from 4:00 to 5:00 a.m., she will discover that the car windows are thoroughly frosted. She will need to sit in the car an additional five minutes with the wipers going and the defroster blasting, thinking the whole time that she really needs that time.
Once in transit, she will definitely not be happy to see the big orange DETOUR sign along her usual route.
Nor will she will be happy to see that the only other car on the side street she’s been forced to take is…. a police car. She is, however, happy that she noticed him.
If you give a mom a Holy Hour from 4:00 to 5:00 a.m. she will probably be fifteen minutes late. However, since the woman who replaces her at 5:00 a.m. is also late—coincidentally by fifteen minutes—it all works out in the end.
Thanks be to God.
Have a blessedly less harried Sunday, everyone!
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Great post. I love the way things work out. Have a blessed day.
We so love those If You…books. We have a collection. Your post made me chuckle. If You Give a Moose a Muffin….and we’re off. You should give that to the kids as a writing assingment.
Who can blame you for being late, really? 4am!! Good for you.
Great story!