Eternal rest grant unto him, Oh Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
For more details, please visit the family’s website here.
Lots of Coffee, lots of kids. It's a peaceful life.
by Minnesota Mom Filed Under: Minnesota Me, Prayer 3 Comments
Eternal rest grant unto him, Oh Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
For more details, please visit the family’s website here.
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I’m Margaret in Minnesota, and this is my mom's-eye perspective of a kid-heavy life. I love the Lord; I take lots of photos; and I try to always tell it like it is, from sex to depression and everything in between! I hope you enjoy your time here. ♥
Thank you for posting this. The suffering and struggles this family has gone through is tremendous, they are in my prayers. I read some of the journal this morning. (thanks to your link) If anyone is interested, please read his wife’s post for Dec 11, it really touches the heart. What amazing love.
If you don’t mind I am going to write the prayer his wife wrote in the journal on Oct 10 by Bishop Aquilla, (he prays it daily in front of the Blessed Sacrament). I think it is going to be a new favorite daily prayer.
Father through the Immaculate heart of Mary, we abandon ourselves into your hands; do with us what you will. Whatever you may do, we thank you; we are ready for all, we accept all. Let only your will be done in us, and in all your creatures. We wish no more than this, o Lord. Into your hands we commend our souls; we offer them to you with all the love of our hearts, for we love you, Lord, and so need to surrender ourselves into your hands, without reserve, and with boundless confidence, for you our Father. Amen.
I will be offering my Mass today for his family today and his soul if needed!
Praying along with you, Margaret.
What Alice said….